Source code for girder.utility.server

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  Copyright Kitware Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" );
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import cherrypy
import functools
import mako
import mimetypes
import os
import posixpath
import six

from girder import constants, logprint, __version__, logStdoutStderr
from girder.utility import plugin_utilities, model_importer
from girder.utility import config
from . import webroot

with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'error.mako')) as f:
    _errorTemplate =

def _errorDefault(status, message, *args, **kwargs):
    This is used to render error pages outside of the normal Girder app, such as
    404's. This overrides the default cherrypy error pages.
    return mako.template.Template(_errorTemplate).render(status=status, message=message)

def _configureStaticRoutes(webroot, plugins, event=None):
    Configures static routes for a given webroot.

    This function is also run when the route table setting is modified
    to allow for dynamically changing static routes at runtime.
    # This was triggered by some unrelated setting changing
    if event is not None and['key'] != constants.SettingKey.ROUTE_TABLE:

    routeTable = loadRouteTable()

    # If the static route is a URL, leave it alone
    if '://' in routeTable[constants.GIRDER_STATIC_ROUTE_ID]:
        apiStaticRoot = routeTable[constants.GIRDER_STATIC_ROUTE_ID]
        staticRoot = routeTable[constants.GIRDER_STATIC_ROUTE_ID]
        # Make the staticRoot relative to the api_root, if possible.  The api_root
        # could be relative or absolute, but it needs to be in an absolute form for
        # relpath to behave as expected.  We always expect the api_root to
        # contain at least two components, but the reference from static needs to
        # be from only the first component.
        apiRootBase = posixpath.split(posixpath.join('/',
        apiStaticRoot = posixpath.relpath(routeTable[constants.GIRDER_STATIC_ROUTE_ID],
        staticRoot = posixpath.relpath(routeTable[constants.GIRDER_STATIC_ROUTE_ID],

        'apiRoot': config.getConfig()['server']['api_root'],
        'staticRoot': staticRoot,
        'plugins': plugins

        'apiRoot': config.getConfig()['server']['api_root'],
        'staticRoot': apiStaticRoot

[docs]def configureServer(test=False, plugins=None, curConfig=None): """ Function to setup the cherrypy server. It configures it, but does not actually start it. :param test: Set to True when running in the tests. :type test: bool :param plugins: If you wish to start the server with a custom set of plugins, pass this as a list of plugins to load. Otherwise, will use the PLUGINS_ENABLED setting value from the db. :param curConfig: The configuration dictionary to update. """ if curConfig is None: curConfig = config.getConfig() appconf = { '/': { 'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(), 'request.show_tracebacks': test, 'request.methods_with_bodies': ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'), 'response.headers.server': 'Girder %s' % __version__, 'error_page.default': _errorDefault } } # Add MIME types for serving Fontello files from staticdir; # these may be missing or incorrect in the OS mimetypes.add_type('application/', '.eot') mimetypes.add_type('application/x-font-ttf', '.ttf') mimetypes.add_type('application/font-woff', '.woff') if test: appconf['/src'] = { 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR, 'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/src', } appconf['/test'] = { 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR, 'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/test', } appconf['/clients'] = { 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR, 'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients' } appconf['/plugins'] = { 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR, 'tools.staticdir.dir': 'plugins', } curConfig.update(appconf) if test: # Force some config params in testing mode curConfig.update({'server': { 'mode': 'testing', 'api_root': 'api/v1', 'static_root': 'static', 'api_static_root': '../static', 'cherrypy_server': True }}) mode = curConfig['server']['mode'].lower()'Running in mode: ' + mode) cherrypy.config['engine.autoreload.on'] = mode == 'development' # Don't import this until after the configs have been read; some module # initialization code requires the configuration to be set up. from girder.api import api_main root = webroot.Webroot() api_main.addApiToNode(root) cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', cherrypy.engine.subscribe('stop', if plugins is None: settings = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting') plugins = settings.get(constants.SettingKey.PLUGINS_ENABLED, default=()) plugins = list(plugin_utilities.getToposortedPlugins(plugins, ignoreMissing=True)) _configureStaticRoutes(root, plugins)'', '_updateStaticRoutesIfModified', functools.partial(_configureStaticRoutes, root, plugins)) root, appconf, _ = plugin_utilities.loadPlugins( plugins, root, appconf, root.api.v1, buildDag=False) return root, appconf
[docs]def loadRouteTable(reconcileRoutes=False): """ Retrieves the route table from Girder and reconciles the state of it with the current application state. Reconciliation ensures that every enabled plugin has a route by assigning default routes for plugins that have none, such as newly-enabled plugins. :returns: The non empty routes (as a dict of name -> route) to be mounted by CherryPy during Girder's setup phase. """ pluginWebroots = plugin_utilities.getPluginWebroots() setting = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting') routeTable = setting.get(constants.SettingKey.ROUTE_TABLE) def reconcileRouteTable(routeTable): hasChanged = False for name in pluginWebroots.keys(): if name not in routeTable: routeTable[name] = os.path.join('/', name) hasChanged = True if hasChanged: setting.set(constants.SettingKey.ROUTE_TABLE, routeTable) return routeTable if reconcileRoutes: routeTable = reconcileRouteTable(routeTable) return {name: route for (name, route) in six.viewitems(routeTable) if route}
[docs]def setup(test=False, plugins=None, curConfig=None): """ Configure and mount the Girder server and plugins under the appropriate routes. See ROUTE_TABLE setting. :param test: Whether to start in test mode. :param plugins: List of plugins to enable. :param curConfig: The config object to update. """ logStdoutStderr() pluginWebroots = plugin_utilities.getPluginWebroots() girderWebroot, appconf = configureServer(test, plugins, curConfig) routeTable = loadRouteTable(reconcileRoutes=True) # Mount Girder application = cherrypy.tree.mount(girderWebroot, str(routeTable[constants.GIRDER_ROUTE_ID]), appconf) # Mount static files cherrypy.tree.mount(None, routeTable[constants.GIRDER_STATIC_ROUTE_ID], {'/': {'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.dir': os.path.join(constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR, 'clients/web/static'), 'request.show_tracebacks': appconf['/']['request.show_tracebacks'], 'response.headers.server': 'Girder %s' % __version__, 'error_page.default': _errorDefault}}) # Mount API (special case) # The API is always mounted at /api AND at api relative to the Girder root cherrypy.tree.mount(girderWebroot.api, '/api', appconf) # Mount everything else in the routeTable for (name, route) in six.viewitems(routeTable): if name != constants.GIRDER_ROUTE_ID and name in pluginWebroots: cherrypy.tree.mount(pluginWebroots[name], route, appconf) if test: application.merge({'server': {'mode': 'testing'}}) return application
class _StaticFileRoute(object): exposed = True def __init__(self, path, contentType=None): self.path = os.path.abspath(path) self.contentType = contentType def GET(self): return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(self.path, content_type=self.contentType)
[docs]def staticFile(path, contentType=None): """ Helper function to serve a static file. This should be bound as the route object, i.e. info['serverRoot'].route_name = staticFile('...') :param path: The path of the static file to serve from this route. :type path: str :param contentType: The MIME type of the static file. If set to None, the content type wll be guessed by the file extension of the 'path' argument. """ return _StaticFileRoute(path, contentType)