Source code for girder.models.setting

import json
import os

import pymongo

from .model_base import Model
from girder import logprint
from girder.exceptions import ValidationException
from girder.settings import SettingDefault
from girder.utility import setting_utilities
from girder.utility._cache import cache

[docs]class Setting(Model): """ This model represents server-wide configuration settings as key/value pairs. """
[docs] def initialize(self): = 'setting'
# We had been asking for an index on key, like so: # self.ensureIndices(['key']) # We really want the index to be unique, which could be done: # self.ensureIndices([('key', {'unique': True})]) # We can't do it here, as we have to update and correct older installs, # so this is handled in the reconnect method.
[docs] def reconnect(self): """ Reconnect to the database and rebuild indices if necessary. If a unique index on key does not exist, make one, first discarding any extant index on key and removing duplicate keys if necessary. """ super().reconnect() try: indices = self.collection.index_information() except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: indices = [] hasUniqueKeyIndex = False presentKeyIndices = [] for index in indices: if indices[index]['key'][0][0] == 'key': if indices[index].get('unique'): hasUniqueKeyIndex = True break presentKeyIndices.append(index) if not hasUniqueKeyIndex: for index in presentKeyIndices: self.collection.drop_index(index) duplicates = self.collection.aggregate([{ '$group': {'_id': '$key', 'key': {'$first': '$key'}, 'ids': {'$addToSet': '$_id'}, 'count': {'$sum': 1}}}, { '$match': {'count': {'$gt': 1}}}]) for duplicate in duplicates: logprint.warning( 'Removing duplicate setting with key %s.' % ( duplicate['key'])) # Remove all of the duplicates. Keep the item with the lowest # id in Mongo. for duplicateId in sorted(duplicate['ids'])[1:]: self.collection.delete_one({'_id': duplicateId}) self.collection.create_index('key', unique=True)
[docs] def validate(self, doc): """ This method is in charge of validating that the setting key is a valid key, and that for that key, the provided value is valid. It first allows plugins to validate the setting, but if none of them can, it assumes it is a core setting and does the validation here. """ key = doc['key'] validator = setting_utilities.getValidator(key) if validator: validator(doc) else: raise ValidationException('Invalid setting key "%s".' % key, 'key') return doc
@cache.cache_on_arguments() def _get(self, key): """ This method is so built in caching decorators can be used without specifying custom logic for dealing with the default kwarg of self.get. """ envKey = f'GIRDER_SETTING_{key.replace(".", "_").upper()}' if envKey in os.environ: value = os.environ[envKey] try: value = json.loads(value) except ValueError: pass return { 'key': key, 'value': value, } return self.findOne({'key': key})
[docs] def get(self, key): """ Retrieve a setting by its key. :param key: The key identifying the setting. :type key: str """ setting = self._get(key) if setting is None: return self.getDefault(key) else: return setting['value']
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """ Save a setting. If a setting for this key already exists, this will replace the existing value. :param key: The key identifying the setting. :type key: str :param value: The object to store for this setting. :returns: The document representing the saved Setting. """ setting = self.findOne({'key': key}) if setting is None: setting = { 'key': key, 'value': value } else: setting['value'] = value # Invalidate the cache so that events that listen for a change in the # setting will be get the right value from a get. We don't set it here # as it could fail to validate and save. self._get.invalidate(self, key) setting = self._get.set(setting, self, key) return setting
[docs] def unset(self, key): """ Remove the setting for this key. If no such setting exists, this is a no-op. :param key: The key identifying the setting to be removed. :type key: str """ self._get.invalidate(self, key) for setting in self.find({'key': key}): self.remove(setting)
[docs] def getDefault(self, key): """ Retrieve the system default for a value. :param key: The key identifying the setting. :type key: str :returns: The default value if the key is present in both SettingKey and referenced in SettingDefault; otherwise None. """ if key in SettingDefault.defaults: return SettingDefault.defaults[key] else: fn = setting_utilities.getDefaultFunction(key) if callable(fn): return fn() return None