Source code for

import html
import cherrypy
import collections
import datetime
from functools import wraps
import inspect
import json
import posixpath
import pymongo
import pymongo.command_cursor
import sys
import traceback
import types
import unicodedata
import urllib.parse
import uuid
import fnmatch

from dogpile.cache.util import kwarg_function_key_generator

from . import docs
from girder import auditLogger, events, logger, logprint
from girder.constants import TokenScope, SortDir, ServerMode
from girder.exceptions import AccessException, GirderException, ValidationException, RestException
from girder.models.setting import Setting
from girder.models.token import Token
from girder.models.user import User
from girder.settings import SettingKey
from girder.utility import toBool, config, JsonEncoder, optionalArgumentDecorator
from girder.utility._cache import requestCache
from girder.utility.model_importer import ModelImporter

# Arbitrary buffer length for stream-reading request bodies

_MONGO_CURSOR_TYPES = (pymongo.cursor.Cursor, pymongo.command_cursor.CommandCursor)

[docs]def getUrlParts(url=None): """ Calls `urllib.parse.urlparse`_ on a URL. :param url: A URL, or None to use the current request's URL. :type url: str or None :return: The URL's separate components. :rtype: `urllib.parse.ParseResult`_ .. _urllib.parse.urlparse: urllib.parse.html#urllib.parse.urlparse .. _urllib.parse.ParseResult: urllib.parse.html#urllib.parse.ParseResult """ url = url or cherrypy.url() return urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
[docs]def getApiUrl(url=None, preferReferer=False): """ In a request thread, call this to get the path to the root of the REST API. The returned path does *not* end in a forward slash. :param url: URL from which to extract the base URL. If not specified, uses the server root system setting. If that is not specified, uses `cherrypy.url()` :param preferReferer: if no url is specified, this is true, and this is in a cherrypy request that has a referer header that contains the api string, use that referer as the url. """ apiStr = config.getConfig()['server']['api_root'] if not url: if preferReferer and apiStr in cherrypy.request.headers.get('referer', ''): url = cherrypy.request.headers['referer'] else: root = Setting().get(SettingKey.SERVER_ROOT) if root: return posixpath.join(root, apiStr.lstrip('/')) url = url or cherrypy.url() idx = url.find(apiStr) if idx < 0: raise GirderException('Could not determine API root in %s.' % url) return url[:idx + len(apiStr)]
[docs]def iterBody(length=READ_BUFFER_LEN, strictLength=False): """ This is a generator that will read the request body a chunk at a time and yield each chunk, abstracting details of the underlying HTTP server. This function works regardless of whether the body was sent with a Content-Length or using Transfer-Encoding: chunked, but the behavior is slightly different in each case. If `Content-Length` is provided, the `length` parameter is used to read the body in chunks up to size `length`. This will block until end of stream or the specified number of bytes is ready. If `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` is used, the `length` parameter is ignored by default, and the generator yields each chunk that is sent in the request regardless of its length. However, if `strictLength` is set to True, it will block until `length` bytes have been read or the end of the request. :param length: Max buffer size to read per iteration if the request has a known `Content-Length`. :type length: int :param strictLength: If the request is chunked, set this to True to block until ``length`` bytes have been read or end-of-stream. :type strictLength: bool """ if cherrypy.request.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked': while True: if strictLength: buf = if not buf: break else: cherrypy.request.rfile._fetch() if cherrypy.request.rfile.closed: break buf = cherrypy.request.rfile.buffer cherrypy.request.rfile.buffer = b'' yield buf elif 'Content-Length' in cherrypy.request.headers: while True: buf = if not buf: break yield buf
@requestCache.cache_on_arguments(function_key_generator=kwarg_function_key_generator) def getCurrentToken(allowCookie=None): """ Returns the current valid token object that was passed via the token header or parameter, or None if no valid token was passed. :param allowCookie: Normally, authentication via cookie is disallowed to protect against CSRF attacks. If you want to expose an endpoint that can be authenticated with a token passed in the Cookie, set this to True. This should only be used on read-only operations that will not make any changes to data on the server, and only in cases where the user agent behavior makes passing custom headers infeasible, such as downloading data to disk in the browser. In the event that allowCookie is not explicitly passed, it will default to False unless the access.cookie decorator is used. :type allowCookie: bool """ if allowCookie is None: allowCookie = getattr(cherrypy.request, 'girderAllowCookie', False) tokenStr = None if 'token' in cherrypy.request.params: # Token as a parameter tokenStr = cherrypy.request.params.get('token') elif 'Girder-Token' in cherrypy.request.headers: tokenStr = cherrypy.request.headers['Girder-Token'] elif allowCookie and 'girderToken' in cherrypy.request.cookie: tokenStr = cherrypy.request.cookie['girderToken'].value if not tokenStr: return None return Token().load(tokenStr, force=True, objectId=False)
[docs]def getCurrentUser(returnToken=False): """ Returns the currently authenticated user based on the token header or parameter. :param returnToken: Whether we should return a tuple that also contains the token. :type returnToken: bool :returns: the user document from the database, or None if the user is not logged in or the token is invalid or expired. If returnToken=True, returns a tuple of (user, token). """ if not returnToken and hasattr(cherrypy.request, 'girderUser'): return cherrypy.request.girderUser event = events.trigger('auth.user.get') if event.defaultPrevented and len(event.responses) > 0: return event.responses[0] token = getCurrentToken() def retVal(user, token): setCurrentUser(user) if returnToken: return user, token else: return user if (token is None or token['expires'] < datetime.datetime.utcnow() or 'userId' not in token): return retVal(None, token) else: try: ensureTokenScopes(token, getattr( cherrypy.request, 'requiredScopes', TokenScope.USER_AUTH)) except AccessException: return retVal(None, token) user = User().load(token['userId'], force=True) return retVal(user, token)
[docs]def setCurrentUser(user): """ Explicitly set the user for the current request thread. This can be used to enable specialized auth behavior on a per-request basis. :param user: The user to set as the current user of this request. :type user: dict or None """ cherrypy.request.girderUser = user
[docs]def setContentDisposition(filename, disposition='attachment', setHeader=True): """ Set the content disposition header to either inline or attachment, and specify a filename that is properly escaped. See,,, and for specifications and details. :param filename: the filename to add to the content disposition header. :param disposition: either 'inline' or 'attachment'. None is the same as 'attachment'. Any other value skips setting the content disposition header. :param setHeader: if False, return the value that would be set to the Content-Disposition header, but do not set it. :returns: the content-disposition header value. """ if (not disposition or (disposition not in ('inline', 'attachment') and not disposition.startswith('form-data'))): raise RestException( 'Error: Content-Disposition (%r) is not a recognized value.' % disposition) if not filename: raise RestException('Error: Content-Disposition filename is empty.') if not isinstance(disposition, bytes): disposition = disposition.encode('iso8859-1', 'ignore') if not isinstance(filename, str): filename = filename.decode('utf8', 'ignore') # Decompose the name before trying to encode it. This will de-accent # characters rather than remove them in some instances. safeFilename = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', filename).encode('iso8859-1', 'ignore') utf8Filename = filename.encode('utf8', 'ignore') value = disposition + b'; filename="' + safeFilename.replace( b'\\', b'\\\\').replace(b'"', b'\\"') + b'"' if safeFilename != utf8Filename: quotedFilename = urllib.parse.quote(utf8Filename) if not isinstance(quotedFilename, bytes): quotedFilename = quotedFilename.encode('iso8859-1', 'ignore') value += b"; filename*=UTF-8''" + quotedFilename value = value.decode('utf8') if setHeader: setResponseHeader('Content-Disposition', value) return value
[docs]def requireAdmin(user, message=None): """ Calling this on a user will ensure that they have admin rights. If not, raises an AccessException. :param user: The user to check admin flag on. :type user: dict. :param message: The exception message. :type message: str or None :raises AccessException: If the user is not an administrator. """ if user is None or not user['admin']: raise AccessException(message or 'Administrator access required.')
[docs]def getBodyJson(allowConstants=False): """ For requests that are expected to contain a JSON body, this returns the parsed value, or raises a :class:`` for invalid JSON. It's important to note that this function caches the parsed JSON body; subsequent calls to this within the same request lifecycle will always return the same object as the first call, regardless of the arguments passed in to this function. :param allowConstants: Whether the keywords Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN should be allowed. These keywords are valid JavaScript and will parse to the correct float values, but are not valid in strict JSON. :type allowConstants: bool """ if not hasattr(cherrypy.request, 'girderBodyJson'): if allowConstants: _parseConstants = None else: def _parseConstants(val): raise RestException('Error: "%s" is not valid JSON.' % val) text ='utf8') try: cherrypy.request.girderBodyJson = json.loads(text, parse_constant=_parseConstants) except ValueError: raise RestException('Invalid JSON passed in request body.') return cherrypy.request.girderBodyJson
[docs]def getParamJson(name, params, default=None): """ For parameters that are expected to be specified as JSON, use this to parse them, or raises a RestException if parsing fails. :param name: The param name. :type name: str :param params: The dictionary of parameters. :type params: dict :param default: The default value if no such param was passed. """ if name not in params: return default try: return json.loads(params[name]) except ValueError: raise RestException('The %s parameter must be valid JSON.' % name)
[docs]class loadmodel: # noqa: class name """ This is a decorator that can be used to load a model based on an ID param. For access controlled models, it will check authorization for the current user. The underlying function is called with a modified set of keyword arguments that is transformed by the "map" parameter of this decorator. Any additional kwargs will be passed to the underlying model's `load`. :param map: Map of incoming parameter name to corresponding model arg name. If None is passed, this will map the parameter named "id" to a kwarg named the same as the "model" parameter. :type map: dict or None :param model: The model name, e.g. 'folder' :type model: str :param plugin: Plugin name, if loading a plugin model. :type plugin: str :param level: Access level, if this is an access controlled model. :type level: AccessType :param force: Force loading of the model (skip access check). :type force: bool :param exc: Whether an exception should be raised for a nonexistent resource. :type exc: bool :param requiredFlags: Access flags that are required on the object being loaded. :type requiredFlags: str or list/set/tuple of str or None """ def __init__(self, map=None, model=None, plugin='_core', level=None, force=False, exc=True, requiredFlags=None, **kwargs): if map is None: = {'id': model} else: = map self.level = level self.force = force self.model = model self.plugin = plugin self.exc = exc self.kwargs = kwargs self.requiredFlags = requiredFlags def _getIdValue(self, kwargs, idParam): if idParam in kwargs: return kwargs.pop(idParam) elif idParam in kwargs['params']: return kwargs['params'].pop(idParam) else: raise RestException('No ID parameter passed: ' + idParam) def __call__(self, fun): @wraps(fun) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): model = ModelImporter.model(self.model, self.plugin) for raw, converted in id = self._getIdValue(kwargs, raw) if self.force: kwargs[converted] = model.load( id, force=True, **self.kwargs) elif self.level is not None: kwargs[converted] = model.load( id=id, level=self.level, user=getCurrentUser(), **self.kwargs) else: kwargs[converted] = model.load(id, **self.kwargs) if kwargs[converted] is None and self.exc: raise RestException( 'Invalid %s id (%s).' % (, str(id))) if self.requiredFlags: model.requireAccessFlags( kwargs[converted], user=getCurrentUser(), flags=self.requiredFlags) return fun(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped
class filtermodel: # noqa: class name def __init__(self, model, plugin='_core', addFields=None): """ This creates a decorator that will filter a model or list of models returned by the wrapped function using the specified model's ``filter`` method. Filters the results for the user making the current request (i.e. the value of ``getCurrentUser()``). :param model: The model class, or the model name. :type model: class or str :param plugin: The plugin name if this is a plugin model. Only used if the ``model`` param is a str rather than a class. :type plugin: str :param addFields: Extra fields (key names) that should be included in the returned document(s), in addition to any in the model's normal whitelist. Only affects top level fields. :type addFields: `set, list, tuple, or None` """ self.addFields = addFields self.model = model self.plugin = plugin self._isModelClass = inspect.isclass(model) def __call__(self, fun): @wraps(fun) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): val = fun(*args, **kwargs) if val is None: return None if self._isModelClass: model = self.model() else: model = ModelImporter.model(self.model, self.plugin) user = getCurrentUser() if isinstance(val, _MONGO_CURSOR_TYPES): if callable(getattr(val, 'count_documents', None)): cherrypy.response.headers['Girder-Total-Count'] = val.count_documents() elif callable(getattr(val, 'count', None)): cherrypy.response.headers['Girder-Total-Count'] = val.count() return [model.filter(m, user, self.addFields) for m in val] elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple, types.GeneratorType)): return [model.filter(m, user, self.addFields) for m in val] elif isinstance(val, dict): return model.filter(val, user, self.addFields) else: raise Exception('Cannot call filtermodel on return type: %s.' % type(val)) return wrapped
[docs]def setRawResponse(val=True): """ Normally, non-streaming responses go through a serialization process in accordance with the "Accept" request header. Endpoints that wish to return a raw response without using a streaming response should call this, or use its bound version on the ``Resource`` class, or add the ``rawResponse`` decorator on the REST route handler function. :param val: Whether the return value should be sent raw. :type val: bool """ cherrypy.request.girderRawResponse = val
[docs]def setResponseHeader(header, value): """ Set a response header to the given value. :param header: The header name. :type header: str :param value: The value for the header. :type value: str """ cherrypy.response.headers[header] = value
[docs]def rawResponse(fun): """ This is a decorator that can be placed on REST route handlers, and is equivalent to calling ``setRawResponse()`` in the handler body. """ @wraps(fun) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): setRawResponse() return fun(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped
def _createResponse(val): """ Helper that encodes the response according to the requested "Accepts" header from the client. Currently supports "application/json" and "text/html". If ``setRawResponse(True)`` was called on the current request thread, this will simply return the response raw. """ if getattr(cherrypy.request, 'girderRawResponse', False) is True: if isinstance(val, str): # If we were given a non-encoded text response, we have # to encode it, so we use UTF-8. ctype = cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'].split(';', 1) setResponseHeader('Content-Type', ctype[0] + ';charset=utf-8') return val.encode('utf8') return val accepts = cherrypy.request.headers.elements('Accept') for accept in accepts: if accept.value == 'application/json': break elif accept.value == 'text/html': # Pretty-print and HTML-ify the response for the browser setResponseHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html') resp = html.escape(json.dumps( val, indent=4, sort_keys=True, allow_nan=False, separators=(',', ': '), cls=JsonEncoder)) resp = resp.replace(' ', '&nbsp;').replace('\n', '<br />') resp = '<div style="font-family:monospace;">%s</div>' % resp return resp.encode('utf8') # Default behavior will just be normal JSON output. Keep this # outside of the loop body in case no Accept header is passed. setResponseHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') return json.dumps(val, sort_keys=True, allow_nan=False, cls=JsonEncoder).encode('utf8') def _handleRestException(e): # Handle all user-error exceptions from the REST layer cherrypy.response.status = e.code val = {'message': str(e), 'type': 'rest'} if e.extra is not None: val['extra'] = e.extra return val def _handleAccessException(e): # Permission exceptions should throw a 401 or 403, depending # on whether the user is logged in or not if getCurrentUser() is None: cherrypy.response.status = 401 else: cherrypy.response.status = 403 val = {'message': str(e), 'type': 'access'} if e.extra is not None: val['extra'] = e.extra return val def _handleGirderException(e): # Handle general Girder exceptions logger.exception('500 Error') cherrypy.response.status = 500 val = {'message': str(e), 'type': 'girder'} if e.identifier is not None: val['identifier'] = e.identifier return val def _handleValidationException(e): cherrypy.response.status = 400 val = {'message': str(e), 'type': 'validation'} if e.field is not None: val['field'] = e.field return val
[docs]def disableAuditLog(fun): """ If calls to a REST route should not be logged in the audit log, decorate it with this function. """ @wraps(fun) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): cherrypy.request.girderNoAuditLog = True return fun(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped
def _preventRepeatedParams(params): """ Ensure that route parameters are not repeated. """ # Repeated parameters are passed by CherryPy as a list: # # However, endpoints nearly always expect to receive single values (each as str) for # parameters, so Girder does not support repeated parameters. for paramName, paramValue in params.items(): if isinstance(paramValue, list): raise RestException( f'Parameter "{paramName}" must not be specified multiple times.') def _logRestRequest(resource, path, params): if not hasattr(cherrypy.request, 'girderNoAuditLog'):'rest.request', extra={ 'details': { 'method': cherrypy.request.method.upper(), 'route': (getattr(resource, 'resourceName', resource.__class__.__name__),) + path, 'params': params, 'status': cherrypy.response.status or 200 } }) def _mongoCursorToList(val): """ If the specified value is a Mongo cursor, convert it to a list. Otherwise, just return the passed values. :param val: a value that might be a Mongo cursor. :returns: a list if val was a Mongo cursor, otherwise the original val. """ # This needs to be before the callable check, as mongo cursors can # be callable. if isinstance(val, _MONGO_CURSOR_TYPES): if callable(getattr(val, 'count_documents', None)): cherrypy.response.headers['Girder-Total-Count'] = val.count_documents() elif callable(getattr(val, 'count', None)): cherrypy.response.headers['Girder-Total-Count'] = val.count() val = list(val) return val
[docs]def endpoint(fun): """ REST HTTP method endpoints should use this decorator. It converts the return value of the underlying method to the appropriate output format and sets the relevant response headers. It also handles RestExceptions, which are 400-level exceptions in the REST endpoints, AccessExceptions resulting from access denial, and also handles any unexpected errors using 500 status and including a useful traceback in those cases. If you want a streamed response, simply return a generator function from the inner method. """ @wraps(fun) def endpointDecorator(self, *path, **params): _setCommonCORSHeaders() cherrypy.lib.caching.expires(0) cherrypy.request.girderRequestUid = str(uuid.uuid4()) setResponseHeader('Girder-Request-Uid', cherrypy.request.girderRequestUid) try: _preventRepeatedParams(params) val = fun(self, path, params) # If this is a partial response, we set the status appropriately if 'Content-Range' in cherrypy.response.headers: cherrypy.response.status = 206 val = _mongoCursorToList(val) if callable(val): # If the endpoint returned anything callable (function, # lambda, functools.partial), we assume it's a generator # function for a streaming response. = True _logRestRequest(self, path, params) return val() if isinstance(val, cherrypy.lib.file_generator): # Don't do any post-processing of static files return val if isinstance(val, types.GeneratorType): val = list(val) except RestException as e: val = _handleRestException(e) except AccessException as e: val = _handleAccessException(e) except GirderException as e: val = _handleGirderException(e) except ValidationException as e: val = _handleValidationException(e) except cherrypy.HTTPRedirect: raise except Exception: # These are unexpected failures; send a 500 status logger.exception('500 Error') cherrypy.response.status = 500 val = dict(type='internal', uid=cherrypy.request.girderRequestUid) if config.getServerMode() == ServerMode.PRODUCTION: # Sanitize errors in production mode val['message'] = 'An unexpected error occurred on the server.' else: # Provide error details in non-production modes t, value, tb = sys.exc_info() val['message'] = '%s: %s' % (t.__name__, repr(value)) val['trace'] = traceback.extract_tb(tb) resp = _createResponse(val) _logRestRequest(self, path, params) return resp return endpointDecorator
[docs]def ensureTokenScopes(token, scope): """ Call this to validate a token scope for endpoints that require tokens other than a user authentication token. Raises an AccessException if the required scopes are not allowed by the given token. :param token: The token object used in the request. :type token: dict :param scope: The required scope or set of scopes. :type scope: `str or list of str` """ tokenModel = Token() if tokenModel.hasScope(token, TokenScope.USER_AUTH): return if not tokenModel.hasScope(token, scope): setCurrentUser(None) if isinstance(scope, str): scope = (scope,) raise AccessException( 'Invalid token scope.\n' 'Required: %s.\n' 'Allowed: %s' % ( ' '.join(scope), '' if token is None else ' '.join(tokenModel.getAllowedScopes(token))))
def _setCommonCORSHeaders(): """ Set CORS headers that should be passed back with either a preflight OPTIONS or a simple CORS request. We set these headers anytime there is an Origin header present since browsers will simply ignore them if the request is not cross-origin. """ origin = cherrypy.request.headers.get('origin') if not origin: # If there is no origin header, this is not a cross origin request return allowed = Setting().get(SettingKey.CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN) if allowed: setResponseHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true') setResponseHeader( 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers', Setting().get(SettingKey.CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS) ) allowedList = {o.strip() for o in allowed.split(',')} allowedListWithoutWildcard = allowedList - {'*'} if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(origin, pattern) for pattern in allowedListWithoutWildcard): setResponseHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', origin) elif '*' in allowedList: setResponseHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
[docs]class Resource: """ All REST resources should inherit from this class, which provides utilities for adding resources/routes to the REST API. """ exposed = True def __init__(self): self._routes = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict(list)) def _ensureInit(self): """ Calls ``Resource.__init__`` if the subclass constructor did not already do so. In the past, Resource subclasses were not expected to call their superclass constructor. """ if not hasattr(self, '_routes'): super().__init__() logprint.warning( 'WARNING: Resource subclass "%s" did not call ' '"Resource__init__()" from its constructor.' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def route(self, method, route, handler, nodoc=False, resource=None): """ Define a route for your REST resource. :param method: The HTTP method, e.g. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH' :type method: str :param route: The route, as a list of path params relative to the resource root. Elements of this list starting with ':' are assumed to be wildcards. :type route: tuple[str] :param handler: The method to be called if the route and method are matched by a request. Wildcards in the route will be expanded and passed as kwargs with the same name as the wildcard identifier. :type handler: function :param nodoc: If your route intentionally provides no documentation, set this to True to disable the warning on startup. :type nodoc: bool :param resource: The name of the resource at the root of this route. The resource instance (self) can also be passed. This allows the mount path to be looked up. This allows a resource to be mounted at a prefix. """ self._ensureInit() # Insertion sort to maintain routes in required order. nLengthRoutes = self._routes[method.lower()][len(route)] for i in range(len(nLengthRoutes)): if self._shouldInsertRoute(route, nLengthRoutes[i][0]): nLengthRoutes.insert(i, (route, handler)) break else: nLengthRoutes.append((route, handler)) # Now handle the api doc if the handler has any attached if resource is None and hasattr(self, 'resourceName'): resource = self.resourceName elif resource is None: resource = self if hasattr(handler, 'description'): if handler.description is not None: docs.addRouteDocs( resource=resource, route=route, method=method, info=handler.description.asDict(), handler=handler) elif not nodoc: routePath = '/'.join([resource] + list(route)) logprint.warning( 'WARNING: No description docs present for route %s %s' % ( method, routePath)) # Warn if there is no access decorator on the handler function if not hasattr(handler, 'accessLevel'): routePath = '/'.join([resource] + list(route)) logprint.warning( 'WARNING: No access level specified for route %s %s' % ( method, routePath))
[docs] def removeRoute(self, method, route, resource=None): """ Remove a route from the handler and documentation. :param method: The HTTP method, e.g. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT' :type method: str :param route: The route, as a list of path params relative to the resource root. Elements of this list starting with ':' are assumed to be wildcards. :type route: tuple[str] :param resource: the name of the resource at the root of this route. """ self._ensureInit() nLengthRoutes = self._routes[method.lower()][len(route)] for i, (registeredRoute, registeredHandler) in enumerate(nLengthRoutes): if registeredRoute == route: handler = registeredHandler del nLengthRoutes[i] break else: raise GirderException('No such route: %s %s' % (method, '/'.join(route))) # Remove the api doc if resource is None: resource = getattr(self, 'resourceName', handler.__module__.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]) if getattr(handler, 'description', None) is not None: docs.removeRouteDocs( resource=resource, route=route, method=method, info=handler.description.asDict(), handler=handler)
[docs] def getRouteHandler(self, method, route): """ Get the handler method for a given method and route. :param method: The HTTP method, e.g. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT' :type method: str :param route: The route, as a list of path params relative to the resource root, exactly as it was passed to the ``route`` method. :type route: tuple[str] :returns: The handler method for the route. :rtype: Function :raises: `Exception`, when no route can be found. """ for registeredRoute, registeredHandler in self._routes[method.lower()][len(route)]: if registeredRoute == route: return registeredHandler else: raise Exception('Could not find route "%s %s"' % (method.upper(), '/'.join(route)))
def _shouldInsertRoute(self, a, b): """ Return bool representing whether route a should go before b. Checks by comparing each token in order and making sure routes with literals in forward positions come before routes with wildcards in those positions. """ for i in range(len(a)): if a[i][0] != ':' and b[i][0] == ':': return True return False
[docs] def handleRoute(self, method, path, params): """ Match the requested path to its corresponding route, and calls the handler for that route with the appropriate kwargs. If no route matches the path requested, throws a RestException. This method fires two events for each request if a matching route is found. The names of these events are derived from the route matched by the request. As an example, if the user calls GET /api/v1/item/123, the following two events would be fired: ``rest.get.item/:id.before`` would be fired prior to calling the default API function, and ``rest.get.item/:id.after`` would be fired after the route handler returns. If the request fails, instead of firing the after event, ``rest.get.item/:id.failed`` would be fired. The query params are passed in the info of the before, after, and failed event handlers as['params'], and the matched route tokens are passed in as dict items of, so in the previous example would also contain an 'id' key with the value of 123. For endpoints with empty sub-routes, the trailing slash is omitted from the event name, e.g.: ```` .. note:: You will normally not need to call this method directly, as it is called by the internals of this class during the routing process. :param method: The HTTP method of the current request. :type method: str :param path: The path params of the request. :type path: tuple[str] """ method = method.lower() route, handler, kwargs = self._matchRoute(method, path) cherrypy.request.requiredScopes = getattr( handler, 'requiredScopes', None) or TokenScope.USER_AUTH if getattr(handler, 'cookieAuth', False): cherrypy.request.girderAllowCookie = True kwargs['params'] = params # Add before call for the API method. Listeners can return # their own responses by calling preventDefault() and # adding a response on the event. if hasattr(self, 'resourceName'): resource = self.resourceName else: resource = handler.__module__.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] routeStr = '/'.join((resource, '/'.join(route))).rstrip('/') eventPrefix = '.'.join(('rest', method, routeStr)) event = events.trigger('.'.join((eventPrefix, 'before')), kwargs, pre=self._defaultAccess) if event.defaultPrevented and len(event.responses) > 0: val = event.responses[0] else: self._defaultAccess(handler) # Attempt to handle and trigger failed event if an # exception is raised. try: val = handler(**kwargs) except Exception: events.trigger('.'.join((eventPrefix, 'failed')), kwargs) raise # Fire the after-call event that has a chance to augment the # return value of the API method that was called. You can # reassign the return value completely by adding a response to # the event and calling preventDefault() on it. kwargs['returnVal'] = val event = events.trigger('.'.join((eventPrefix, 'after')), kwargs) if event.defaultPrevented and len(event.responses) > 0: val = event.responses[0] return val
def _matchRoute(self, method, path): """ Helper function that attempts to match the requested ``method`` and ``path`` with a registered route specification. :param method: The requested HTTP method, in lowercase. :type method: str :param path: The requested path. :type path: tuple[str] :returns: A tuple of ``(route, handler, wildcards)``, where ``route`` is the registered `list` of route components, ``handler`` is the route handler `function`, and ``wildcards`` is a `dict` of kwargs that should be passed to the underlying handler, based on the wildcard tokens of the route. :raises: `GirderException`, when no routes are defined on this resource. :raises: `RestException`, when no route can be matched. """ if not self._routes: raise GirderException('No routes defined for resource') for route, handler in self._routes[method][len(path)]: wildcards = {} for routeComponent, pathComponent in zip(route, path): if routeComponent[0] == ':': # Wildcard token wildcards[routeComponent[1:]] = pathComponent elif routeComponent != pathComponent: # Exact match token break else: return route, handler, wildcards raise RestException('No matching route for "%s %s"' % (method.upper(), '/'.join(path)))
[docs] def requireParams(self, required, provided=None): """ This method has two modes. In the first mode, this takes two parameters, the first being a required parameter or list of them, and the second the dictionary of parameters that were passed. If the required parameter does not appear in the passed parameters, a ValidationException is raised. The second mode of operation takes only a single parameter, which is a dict mapping required parameter names to passed in values for those params. If the value is ``None``, a ValidationException is raised. This mode works well in conjunction with the ``autoDescribeRoute`` decorator, where the parameters are not all contained in a single dictionary. :param required: An iterable of required params, or if just one is required, you can simply pass it as a string. :type required: `list, tuple, or str` :param provided: The list of provided parameters. :type provided: dict """ if provided is None and isinstance(required, dict): for name, val in required.items(): if val is None: raise RestException('Parameter "%s" is required.' % name) else: if isinstance(required, str): required = (required,) for param in required: if provided is None or param not in provided: raise RestException('Parameter "%s" is required.' % param)
[docs] def boolParam(self, key, params, default=None): """ Coerce a parameter value from a str to a bool. :param key: The parameter key to test. :type key: str :param params: The request parameters. :type params: dict :param default: The default value if no key is passed. :type default: bool or None """ if key not in params: return default return toBool(params[key])
[docs] def requireAdmin(self, user, message=None): """ Calling this on a user will ensure that they have admin rights. If not, raises an AccessException. :param user: The user to check admin flag on. :type user: dict. :param message: The exception message. :type message: str or None :raises AccessException: If the user is not an administrator. """ return requireAdmin(user, message)
[docs] def setRawResponse(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Bound alias for ````. """ return setRawResponse(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def getPagingParameters(self, params, defaultSortField=None, defaultSortDir=SortDir.ASCENDING): """ Pass the URL parameters into this function if the request is for a list of resources that should be paginated. It will return a tuple of the form (limit, offset, sort) whose values should be passed directly into the model methods that are finding the resources. If the client did not pass the parameters, this always uses the same defaults of limit=50, offset=0, sort='name', sortdir=SortDir.ASCENDING=1. :param params: The URL query parameters. :type params: dict :param defaultSortField: If the client did not pass a 'sort' parameter, set this to choose a default sort field. If None, the results will be returned unsorted. :type defaultSortField: str or None :param defaultSortDir: Sort direction. :type defaultSortDir: girder.constants.SortDir """ try: offset = int(params.get('offset', 0)) limit = int(params.get('limit', 50)) sortdir = int(params.get('sortdir', defaultSortDir)) except ValueError: raise RestException('Invalid value for offset, limit, or sortdir parameter.') if sortdir not in [SortDir.ASCENDING, SortDir.DESCENDING]: raise RestException('Invalid value for sortdir parameter.') if 'sort' in params: sort = [(params['sort'].strip(), sortdir)] elif isinstance(defaultSortField, str): sort = [(defaultSortField, sortdir)] else: sort = None return limit, offset, sort
[docs] def ensureTokenScopes(self, scope): """ Ensure that the token passed to this request is authorized for the designated scope or set of scopes. Raises an AccessException if not. :param scope: A scope or set of scopes that is required. :type scope: `str or list of str` """ ensureTokenScopes(getCurrentToken(), scope)
[docs] def getBodyJson(self): """ Bound wrapper for :func:``. """ return getBodyJson()
[docs] def getParamJson(self, name, params, default=None): """ Bound wrapper for :func:``. """ return getParamJson(name, params, default)
[docs] def getCurrentToken(self): """ Returns the current valid token object that was passed via the token header or parameter, or None if no valid token was passed. """ return getCurrentToken()
[docs] def getCurrentUser(self, returnToken=False): """ Returns the currently authenticated user based on the token header or parameter. :param returnToken: Whether we should return a tuple that also contains the token. :type returnToken: bool :returns: The user document from the database, or None if the user is not logged in or the token is invalid or expired. If returnToken=True, returns a tuple of (user, token). """ return getCurrentUser(returnToken)
[docs] def sendAuthTokenCookie(self, user=None, scope=None, token=None, days=None): """ Helper method to send the authentication cookie """ if days is None: days = float(Setting().get(SettingKey.COOKIE_LIFETIME)) if token is None: token = Token().createToken(user, days=days, scope=scope) cookie = cherrypy.response.cookie cookie['girderToken'] = str(token['_id']) cookie['girderToken']['path'] = '/' cookie['girderToken']['expires'] = int(days * 3600 * 24) if Setting().get(SettingKey.HTTP_ONLY_COOKIES): cookie['girderToken']['httponly'] = True # CherryPy proxy tools modify the request.base, but not request.scheme, when receiving # X-Forwarded-Proto headers from a reverse proxy if cherrypy.request.scheme == 'https' or cherrypy.request.base.startswith('https'): cookie['girderToken']['secure'] = True return token
[docs] def deleteAuthTokenCookie(self): """ Helper method to kill the authentication cookie """ cookie = cherrypy.response.cookie cookie['girderToken'] = '' cookie['girderToken']['path'] = '/' cookie['girderToken']['expires'] = 0
# This is NOT wrapped in an endpoint decorator; we don't want that behavior def OPTIONS(self, *path, **param): _setCommonCORSHeaders() cherrypy.lib.caching.expires(0) allowHeaders = Setting().get(SettingKey.CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS) allowMethods = Setting().get(SettingKey.CORS_ALLOW_METHODS) setResponseHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', allowMethods) setResponseHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', allowHeaders) @endpoint def DELETE(self, path, params): # DELETE bodies are optional. Assume if we have a content-length, then # there is a body that should be processed. if 'Content-Length' in cherrypy.request.headers: cherrypy.request.body.process() params.update(cherrypy.request.params) return self.handleRoute('DELETE', path, params) @endpoint def GET(self, path, params): return self.handleRoute('GET', path, params) @endpoint def POST(self, path, params): method = 'POST' # When using a POST request, the method can be overridden and really be # something else. There seem to be three different 'standards' on how # to do this (see # x-http-header-method-override-and-rest.html). We might as well # support all three. for key in ('X-HTTP-Method-Override', 'X-HTTP-Method', 'X-Method-Override'): if key in cherrypy.request.headers: method = cherrypy.request.headers[key] return self.handleRoute(method, path, params) @endpoint def PUT(self, path, params): return self.handleRoute('PUT', path, params) @endpoint def PATCH(self, path, params): return self.handleRoute('PATCH', path, params) @staticmethod def _defaultAccess(handler, **kwargs): """ This is the pre-event handler callback for the events that are triggered before default handling of a REST request. Since such an event handler could accidentally circumvent the access level of the default handler, we enforce that handlers of these event types must also specify their own access level, or else default to the strictest level (admin) just like the core route handlers. This allows plugins to potentially override the default level, but makes sure they don't accidentally lower the access level for a given route. """ if not hasattr(handler, 'accessLevel'): requireAdmin(getCurrentUser())
# An instance of Resource that can be shared by boundHandlers for efficiency _sharedContext = Resource()
[docs]@optionalArgumentDecorator def boundHandler(fun, ctx=None): """ This decorator allows unbound functions to be conveniently added as route handlers to existing :py:class:`` instances. With no arguments, this uses a shared, generic ``Resource`` instance as the context. If you need a specific instance, pass that as the ``ctx`` arg, for instance if you need to reference the resource name or any other properties specific to a Resource subclass. Plugins that add new routes to existing API resources are encouraged to use this to gain access to bound convenience methods like ``self.getCurrentUser``, etc. :param fun: A REST endpoint. :type fun: callable :param ctx: A Resource instance, to be bound to ``fun``. :type ctx: Resource or None """ if ctx is None: ctx = _sharedContext elif not isinstance(ctx, Resource): raise Exception('ctx in boundhandler must be an instance of Resource.') @wraps(fun) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): return fun(ctx, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped
[docs]class Prefix: """ Utility class used to provide api prefixes. """ exposed = True