import pymongo
import pymongo.cursor
import urllib.parse
from girder import logprint
from girder.utility import config
_dbClients = {}
if not hasattr(pymongo.cursor.Cursor, 'count'):
import warnings
def _cursorCount(self, with_limit_and_skip=False):
'count is deprecated. Use Collection.count_documents instead.',
params = {}
if with_limit_and_skip and getattr(self, '_limit', getattr(self, '_Cursor__limit', None)):
params['limit'] = getattr(self, '_limit', getattr(self, '_Cursor__limit', None))
if with_limit_and_skip and getattr(self, '_skip', getattr(self, '_Cursor__skip', None)):
params['skip'] = getattr(self, '_skip', getattr(self, '_Cursor__skip', None))
return getattr(self, '_collection', getattr(
self, '_Cursor__collection', None)).count_documents(
getattr(self, '_spec', getattr(self, '_Cursor__spec', None)), **params)
pymongo.cursor.Cursor.count = _cursorCount
[docs]def getDbConfig():
"""Get the database configuration values from the cherrypy config."""
cfg = config.getConfig()
if 'database' in cfg:
return cfg['database']
return {}
[docs]def getDbConnection(uri=None, replicaSet=None, quiet=False, **kwargs):
Get a MongoClient object that is connected to the configured database.
We lazy-instantiate a module-level singleton, the MongoClient objects
manage their own connection pools internally. Any extra kwargs you pass to
this method will be passed through to the MongoClient.
:param uri: if specified, connect to this mongo db rather than the one in
the config.
:param replicaSet: if uri is specified, use this replica set.
:param quiet: if true, don't logprint warnings and success.
:type quiet: bool
global _dbClients
origKey = (uri, replicaSet)
if origKey in _dbClients:
return _dbClients[origKey]
dbConf = getDbConfig()
if uri is None or uri == '':
uri = dbConf.get('uri')
replicaSet = dbConf.get('replica_set')
clientOptions = {
# This is the maximum time between when we fetch data from a cursor.
# If it times out, the cursor is lost and we can't reconnect. If it
# isn't set, we have issues with replica sets when the primary goes
# down. This value can be overridden in the mongodb uri connection
# string with the socketTimeoutMS.
'socketTimeoutMS': 60000,
'connectTimeoutMS': 20000,
'serverSelectionTimeoutMS': 20000,
'readPreference': 'secondaryPreferred',
'replicaSet': replicaSet,
'w': 'majority'
# All other options in the [database] section will be passed directly as
# options to the mongo client
for opt, val in dict(dbConf).items():
if opt not in {'uri', 'replica_set'}:
clientOptions[opt] = val
# Finally, kwargs take precedence
# if the connection URI overrides any option, honor it above our own
# settings.
uriParams = urllib.parse.parse_qs(urllib.parse.urlparse(uri).query)
for key in uriParams:
if key in clientOptions:
del clientOptions[key]
if uri is None:
dbUriRedacted = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/girder'
if not quiet:
logprint.warning('WARNING: No MongoDB URI specified, using '
'the default value')
client = pymongo.MongoClient(dbUriRedacted, **clientOptions)
parts = uri.split('@')
if len(parts) == 2:
dbUriRedacted = 'mongodb://' + parts[1]
dbUriRedacted = uri
client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, **clientOptions)
if not quiet:
desc = ''
if replicaSet:
desc += ', replica set: %s' % replicaSet'Connecting to MongoDB: %s%s' % (dbUriRedacted, desc))
# Make sure we can connect to the mongo server at startup
_dbClients[origKey] = _dbClients[(uri, replicaSet)] = client
return client