import copy
import datetime
import json
import os
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from .model_base import AccessControlledModel
from girder import events
from girder.constants import AccessType
from girder.exceptions import ValidationException, GirderException
from girder.utility.model_importer import ModelImporter
from girder.utility.progress import noProgress, setResponseTimeLimit
[docs]class Folder(AccessControlledModel):
Folders are used to store items and can also store other folders in
a hierarchical way, like a directory on a filesystem. Every folder has
its own set of access control policies, but by default the access
control list is inherited from the folder's parent folder, if it has one.
Top-level folders are ones whose parent is a user or a collection.
[docs] def initialize(self): = 'folder'
self.ensureIndices(('parentId', 'name', 'lowerName',
([('parentId', 1), ('name', 1)], {})))
'name': 10,
'description': 1
self.exposeFields(level=AccessType.READ, fields=(
'_id', 'name', 'public', 'publicFlags', 'description', 'created', 'updated',
'size', 'meta', 'parentId', 'parentCollection', 'creatorId',
'baseParentType', 'baseParentId'))
[docs] def validate(self, doc, allowRename=False):
Validate the name and description of the folder, ensure that it is
associated with a valid parent and that it has a unique name.
:param doc: the folder document to validate.
:param allowRename: if True and a folder or item exists with the same
name, rename the folder so that it is unique.
:returns: `the validated folder document`
from .item import Item
doc['name'] = doc['name'].strip()
doc['lowerName'] = doc['name'].lower()
doc['description'] = doc['description'].strip()
if not doc['name']:
raise ValidationException('Folder name must not be empty.', 'name')
if not doc['parentCollection'] in ('folder', 'user', 'collection'):
# Internal error; this shouldn't happen
raise GirderException('Invalid folder parent type: %s.' %
name = doc['name']
# If the folder already exists with the current name, don't check.
# Although we don't want duplicate names, they can occur when there are
# simultaneous uploads, and also because Mongo has no guaranteed
# multi-collection uniqueness constraints. If this occurs, and we are
# changing a non-name property, don't validate the name (since that may
# fail). If the name is being changed, validate that it is probably
# unique.
checkName = '_id' not in doc or not self.findOne({'_id': doc['_id'], 'name': name})
n = 0
itemModel = Item()
while checkName:
q = {
'parentId': doc['parentId'],
'name': name,
'parentCollection': doc['parentCollection']
if '_id' in doc:
q['_id'] = {'$ne': doc['_id']}
dupFolder = self.findOne(q, fields=['_id'])
if doc['parentCollection'] == 'folder':
q = {
'folderId': doc['parentId'],
'name': name
dupItem = itemModel.findOne(q, fields=['_id'])
dupItem = None
if dupItem is None and dupFolder is None:
doc['name'] = name
if not allowRename:
if dupFolder:
raise ValidationException('A folder with that name '
'already exists here.', 'name')
raise ValidationException('An item with that name already '
'exists here.', 'name')
n += 1
name = '%s (%d)' % (doc['name'], n)
return doc
[docs] def load(self, id, level=AccessType.ADMIN, user=None, objectId=True,
force=False, fields=None, exc=False):
We override load in order to ensure the folder has certain fields
within it, and if not, we add them lazily at read time.
:param id: The id of the resource.
:type id: string or ObjectId
:param user: The user to check access against.
:type user: dict or None
:param level: The required access type for the object.
:type level: AccessType
:param force: If you explicitly want to circumvent access
checking on this resource, set this to True.
:type force: bool
# Ensure we include extra fields to do the migration below
extraFields = {'baseParentId', 'baseParentType', 'parentId', 'parentCollection', 'meta',
'name', 'lowerName'}
loadFields = self._supplementFields(fields, extraFields)
doc = super().load(
id=id, level=level, user=user, objectId=objectId, force=force, fields=loadFields,
if doc is not None:
if 'baseParentType' not in doc:
pathFromRoot = self.parentsToRoot(doc, user=user, force=True)
baseParent = pathFromRoot[0]
doc['baseParentId'] = baseParent['object']['_id']
doc['baseParentType'] = baseParent['type']
self.update({'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set': {
'baseParentId': doc['baseParentId'],
'baseParentType': doc['baseParentType']
if 'lowerName' not in doc:
doc['lowerName'] = doc['name'].lower()
self.update({'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set': {
'lowerName': doc['lowerName']
if 'meta' not in doc:
doc['meta'] = {}
self.update({'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set': {
'meta': {}
self._removeSupplementalFields(doc, fields)
return doc
[docs] def getSizeRecursive(self, folder):
Calculate the total size of the folder by recursing into all of its
descendant folders.
size = folder['size']
q = {
'parentId': folder['_id'],
'parentCollection': 'folder'
for child in self.find(q):
size += self.getSizeRecursive(child)
return size
def _updateDescendants(self, folderId, updateQuery):
This helper is used to update all items and folders underneath a
folder. This is expensive, so think carefully before using it.
:param folderId: The _id of the folder at the root of the subtree.
:param updateQuery: The mongo query to apply to all of the children of
the folder.
:type updateQuery: dict
from .item import Item
'parentId': folderId,
'parentCollection': 'folder'
}, update=updateQuery, multi=True)
'folderId': folderId,
}, update=updateQuery, multi=True)
q = {
'parentId': folderId,
'parentCollection': 'folder'
for child in self.find(q):
self._updateDescendants(child['_id'], updateQuery)
def _isAncestor(self, ancestor, descendant):
Returns whether folder "ancestor" is an ancestor of folder "descendant",
or if they are the same folder.
:param ancestor: The folder to test as an ancestor.
:type ancestor: folder
:param descendant: The folder to test as a descendant.
:type descendant: folder
if ancestor['_id'] == descendant['_id']:
return True
if descendant['parentCollection'] != 'folder':
return False
descendant = self.load(descendant['parentId'], force=True)
if descendant is None:
return False
return self._isAncestor(ancestor, descendant)
[docs] def move(self, folder, parent, parentType):
Move the given folder from its current parent to another parent object.
Raises an exception if folder is an ancestor of parent.
:param folder: The folder to move.
:type folder: dict
:param parent: The new parent object.
:param parentType: The type of the new parent object (user, collection,
or folder).
:type parentType: str
if (parentType == 'folder' and (
self._isAncestor(folder, parent) or folder['_id'] == parent['_id'])):
raise ValidationException(
'You may not move a folder underneath itself.')
folder['parentId'] = parent['_id']
folder['parentCollection'] = parentType
if parentType == 'folder':
rootType, rootId = parent['baseParentType'], parent['baseParentId']
rootType, rootId = parentType, parent['_id']
if (folder['baseParentType'], folder['baseParentId']) !=\
(rootType, rootId):
def propagateSizeChange(folder, inc):
'_id': folder['baseParentId']
}, field='size', amount=inc, multi=False)
totalSize = self.getSizeRecursive(folder)
propagateSizeChange(folder, -totalSize)
folder['baseParentType'] = rootType
folder['baseParentId'] = rootId
propagateSizeChange(folder, totalSize)
self._updateDescendants(folder['_id'], {
'$set': {
'baseParentType': rootType,
'baseParentId': rootId
[docs] def clean(self, folder, progress=None, **kwargs):
Delete all contents underneath a folder recursively, but leave the
folder itself.
:param folder: The folder document to delete.
:type folder: dict
:param progress: A progress context to record progress on.
:type progress: girder.utility.progress.ProgressContext or None.
from .item import Item
# Delete all child items
itemModel = Item()
items = itemModel.find({
'folderId': folder['_id']
for item in items:
itemModel.remove(item, progress=progress, **kwargs)
if progress:
progress.update(increment=1, message='Deleted item %s' % item['name'])
# subsequent operations take a long time, so free the cursor's resources
# Delete all child folders
folders = self.find({
'parentId': folder['_id'],
'parentCollection': 'folder'
for subfolder in folders:
self.remove(subfolder, progress=progress, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove(self, folder, progress=None, **kwargs):
Delete a folder recursively.
:param folder: The folder document to delete.
:type folder: dict
:param progress: A progress context to record progress on.
:type progress: girder.utility.progress.ProgressContext or None.
# Remove the contents underneath this folder recursively.
from .upload import Upload
self.clean(folder, progress, **kwargs)
# Delete pending uploads into this folder
uploadModel = Upload()
uploads = uploadModel.find({
'parentId': folder['_id'],
'parentType': 'folder'
for upload in uploads:
uploadModel.remove(upload, progress=progress, **kwargs)
# Delete this folder
super().remove(folder, progress=progress, **kwargs)
if progress:
progress.update(increment=1, message='Deleted folder %s' %
[docs] def childItems(self, folder, limit=0, offset=0, sort=None, filters=None,
Generator function that yields child items in a folder. Passes any
kwargs to the find function.
:param folder: The parent folder.
:param limit: Result limit.
:param offset: Result offset.
:param sort: The sort structure to pass to pymongo.
:param filters: Additional query operators.
from .item import Item
q = {
'folderId': folder['_id']
q.update(filters or {})
return Item().find(q, limit=limit, offset=offset, sort=sort, **kwargs)
[docs] def childFolders(self, parent, parentType, user=None, limit=0, offset=0,
sort=None, filters=None, **kwargs):
This generator will yield child folders of a user, collection, or
folder, with access policy filtering. Passes any kwargs to the find
:param parent: The parent object.
:type parentType: Type of the parent object.
:param parentType: The parent type.
:type parentType: 'user', 'folder', or 'collection'
:param user: The user running the query. Only returns folders that this
user can see.
:param limit: Result limit.
:param offset: Result offset.
:param sort: The sort structure to pass to pymongo.
:param filters: Additional query operators.
if not filters:
filters = {}
parentType = parentType.lower()
if parentType not in ('folder', 'user', 'collection'):
raise ValidationException('The parentType must be folder, collection, or user.')
q = {
'parentId': parent['_id'],
'parentCollection': parentType
cursor = self.findWithPermissions(
q, sort=sort, user=user, level=AccessType.READ, limit=limit, offset=offset, **kwargs)
return iter(cursor)
[docs] def createFolder(self, parent, name, description='', parentType='folder',
public=None, creator=None, allowRename=False, reuseExisting=False):
Create a new folder under the given parent.
:param parent: The parent document. Should be a folder, user, or
:type parent: dict
:param name: The name of the folder.
:type name: str
:param description: Description for the folder.
:type description: str
:param parentType: What type the parent is:
('folder' | 'user' | 'collection')
:type parentType: str
:param public: Public read access flag.
:type public: bool or None to inherit from parent
:param creator: User document representing the creator of this folder.
:type creator: dict
:param allowRename: if True and a folder or item of this name exists,
automatically rename the folder.
:type allowRename: bool
:param reuseExisting: If a folder with the given name already exists
under the given parent, return that folder rather than creating a
new one.
:type reuseExisting: bool
:returns: The folder document that was created.
if reuseExisting:
existing = self.findOne({
'parentId': parent['_id'],
'name': name,
'parentCollection': parentType
if existing:
return existing
parentType = parentType.lower()
if parentType not in ('folder', 'user', 'collection'):
raise ValidationException('The parentType must be folder, collection, or user.')
if parentType == 'folder':
if 'baseParentId' not in parent:
pathFromRoot = self.parentsToRoot(
parent, user=creator, force=True)
parent['baseParentId'] = pathFromRoot[0]['object']['_id']
parent['baseParentType'] = pathFromRoot[0]['type']
parent['baseParentId'] = parent['_id']
parent['baseParentType'] = parentType
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
if creator is None:
creatorId = None
creatorId = creator.get('_id', None)
folder = {
'name': name,
'description': description,
'parentCollection': parentType,
'baseParentId': parent['baseParentId'],
'baseParentType': parent['baseParentType'],
'parentId': ObjectId(parent['_id']),
'creatorId': creatorId,
'created': now,
'updated': now,
'size': 0,
'meta': {}
if parentType in ('folder', 'collection'):
self.copyAccessPolicies(src=parent, dest=folder, save=False)
if creator is not None:
self.setUserAccess(folder, user=creator, level=AccessType.ADMIN,
# Allow explicit public flag override if it's set.
if public is not None and isinstance(public, bool):
self.setPublic(folder, public, save=False)
if allowRename:
self.validate(folder, allowRename=True)
# Now validate and save the folder.
[docs] def updateFolder(self, folder):
Updates a folder.
:param folder: The folder document to update
:type folder: dict
:returns: The folder document that was edited.
folder['updated'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# Validate and save the folder
[docs] def filter(self, doc, user=None, additionalKeys=None):
Overrides the parent ``filter`` method to add an empty meta field
(if it doesn't exist) to the returned folder.
filteredDoc = super().filter(doc, user, additionalKeys=additionalKeys)
if 'meta' not in filteredDoc:
filteredDoc['meta'] = {}
return filteredDoc
[docs] def parentsToRoot(self, folder, curPath=None, user=None, force=False, level=AccessType.READ):
Get the path to traverse to a root of the hierarchy.
:param folder: The folder whose root to find
:type folder: dict
:returns: an ordered list of dictionaries from root to the current folder
curPath = curPath or []
curParentId = folder['parentId']
curParentType = folder['parentCollection']
if curParentType in ('user', 'collection'):
curParentObject = ModelImporter.model(curParentType).load(
curParentId, user=user, level=level, force=force)
if force:
parentFiltered = curParentObject
parentFiltered = ModelImporter.model(curParentType).filter(curParentObject, user)
return [{
'type': curParentType,
'object': parentFiltered
}] + curPath
curParentObject = self.load(curParentId, user=user, level=level, force=force)
curPath = [{
'type': curParentType,
'object': curParentObject if force else self.filter(curParentObject, user)
}] + curPath
return self.parentsToRoot(curParentObject, curPath, user=user, force=force)
[docs] def countItems(self, folder):
Returns the number of items within the given folder.
return self.childItems(folder, fields=()).count()
[docs] def countFolders(self, folder, user=None, level=None):
Returns the number of subfolders within the given folder. Access
checking is optional; to circumvent access checks, pass ``level=None``.
:param folder: The parent folder.
:type folder: dict
:param user: If performing access checks, the user to check against.
:type user: dict or None
:param level: The required access level, or None to return the raw
subfolder count.
fields = () if level is None else ('access', 'public')
folders = self.findWithPermissions({
'parentId': folder['_id'],
'parentCollection': 'folder'
}, fields=fields, user=user, level=level)
return folders.count()
[docs] def subtreeCount(self, folder, includeItems=True, user=None, level=None):
Return the size of the subtree rooted at the given folder. Includes
the root folder in the count.
:param folder: The root of the subtree.
:type folder: dict
:param includeItems: Whether to include items in the subtree count, or
just folders.
:type includeItems: bool
:param user: If filtering by permission, the user to filter against.
:param level: If filtering by permission, the required permission level.
:type level: AccessLevel
count = 1
if includeItems:
count += self.countItems(folder)
folders = self.findWithPermissions({
'parentId': folder['_id'],
'parentCollection': 'folder'
}, fields='access', user=user, level=level)
count += sum(self.subtreeCount(subfolder, includeItems=includeItems,
user=user, level=level)
for subfolder in folders)
return count
[docs] def fileList(self, doc, user=None, path='', includeMetadata=False,
subpath=True, mimeFilter=None, data=True):
This function generates a list of 2-tuples whose first element is the
relative path to the file from the folder's root and whose second
element depends on the value of the `data` flag. If `data=True`, the
second element will be a generator that will generate the bytes of the
file data as stored in the assetstore. If `data=False`, the second
element is the file document itself.
:param doc: The folder to list.
:param user: The user used for access.
:param path: A path prefix to add to the results.
:type path: str
:param includeMetadata: if True and there is any metadata, include a
result which is the JSON string of the
metadata. This is given a name of
metadata[-(number).json that is distinct from
any file within the folder.
:type includeMetadata: bool
:param subpath: if True, add the folder's name to the path.
:type subpath: bool
:param mimeFilter: Optional list of MIME types to filter by. Set to
None to include all files.
:type mimeFilter: `list or tuple`
:param data: If True return raw content of each file as stored in the
assetstore, otherwise return file document.
:type data: bool
:returns: Iterable over files in this folder, where each element is a
tuple of (path name of the file, stream function with file
data or file object).
:rtype: generator(str, func)
from .item import Item
itemModel = Item()
if subpath:
path = os.path.join(path, doc['name'])
metadataFile = 'girder-folder-metadata.json'
# Eagerly evaluate this list, as the MongoDB cursor can time out on long requests
childFolders = list(self.childFolders(
parentType='folder', parent=doc, user=user,
fields=['name'] + (['meta'] if includeMetadata else [])
for sub in childFolders:
if sub['name'] == metadataFile:
metadataFile = None
yield from self.fileList(
sub, user, path, includeMetadata, subpath=True,
mimeFilter=mimeFilter, data=data)
# Eagerly evaluate this list, as the MongoDB cursor can time out on long requests
childItems = list(self.childItems(
folder=doc, fields=['name'] + (['meta'] if includeMetadata else [])
for item in childItems:
if item['name'] == metadataFile:
metadataFile = None
yield from itemModel.fileList(
item, user, path, includeMetadata, mimeFilter=mimeFilter, data=data)
if includeMetadata and metadataFile and doc.get('meta', {}):
def stream():
yield json.dumps(doc['meta'], default=str)
yield (os.path.join(path, metadataFile), stream)
[docs] def copyFolder(self, srcFolder, parent=None, name=None, description=None,
parentType=None, public=None, creator=None, progress=None,
Copy a folder, including all child items and child folders.
:param srcFolder: the folder to copy.
:type srcFolder: dict
:param parent: The parent document. Must be a folder, user, or
:type parent: dict
:param name: The name of the new folder. None to copy the original
:type name: str
:param description: Description for the new folder. None to copy the
original description.
:type description: str
:param parentType: What type the parent is:
('folder' | 'user' | 'collection')
:type parentType: str
:param public: Public read access flag. None to inherit from parent,
'original' to inherit from original folder.
:type public: bool, None, or 'original'.
:param creator: user representing the creator of the new folder.
:type creator: dict
:param progress: a progress context to record process on.
:type progress: girder.utility.progress.ProgressContext or None.
:param firstFolder: if not None, the first folder copied in a tree of
:returns: the new folder document.
if parentType is None:
parentType = srcFolder['parentCollection']
parentType = parentType.lower()
if parentType not in ('folder', 'user', 'collection'):
raise ValidationException('The parentType must be folder, '
'collection, or user.')
if parent is None:
parent = ModelImporter.model(parentType).load(srcFolder['parentId'], force=True)
if name is None:
name = srcFolder['name']
if description is None:
description = srcFolder['description']
if public is not None and isinstance(public, str):
if public == 'original':
public = srcFolder.get('public', None)
public = public == 'true'
newFolder = self.createFolder(
parentType=parentType, parent=parent, name=name,
description=description, public=public, creator=creator,
if firstFolder is None:
firstFolder = newFolder
return self.copyFolderComponents(
srcFolder, newFolder, creator, progress, firstFolder)
[docs] def copyFolderComponents(self, srcFolder, newFolder, creator, progress,
Copy the items, subfolders, and extended data of a folder that was just
:param srcFolder: the original folder.
:type srcFolder: dict
:param newFolder: the new folder.
:type newFolder: dict
:param creator: user representing the creator of the new folder.
:type creator: dict
:param progress: a progress context to record process on.
:type progress: girder.utility.progress.ProgressContext or None.
:param firstFolder: if not None, the first folder copied in a tree of
:returns: the new folder document.
from .item import Item
# copy metadata and other extension values
if 'meta' in srcFolder:
newFolder['meta'] = copy.deepcopy(srcFolder['meta'])
filteredFolder = self.filter(newFolder, creator)
for key in srcFolder:
if key not in filteredFolder and key not in newFolder:
newFolder[key] = copy.deepcopy(srcFolder[key])
newFolder =, triggerEvents=False)
# Give listeners a chance to change things
events.trigger('model.folder.copy.prepare', (srcFolder, newFolder))
# copy items
itemModel = Item()
for item in self.childItems(folder=srcFolder):
itemModel.copyItem(item, creator, folder=newFolder)
if progress:
progress.update(increment=1, message='Copied item ' + item['name'])
# copy subfolders
for sub in self.childFolders(parentType='folder', parent=srcFolder, user=creator):
if firstFolder and firstFolder['_id'] == sub['_id']:
self.copyFolder(sub, parent=newFolder, parentType='folder',
creator=creator, progress=progress)
events.trigger('model.folder.copy.after', newFolder)
if progress:
progress.update(increment=1, message='Copied folder ' + newFolder['name'])
# Reload to get updated size value
return self.load(newFolder['_id'], force=True)
[docs] def setAccessList(self, doc, access, save=False, recurse=False, user=None,
progress=noProgress, setPublic=None, publicFlags=None, force=False):
Overrides AccessControlledModel.setAccessList to add a recursive
option. When `recurse=True`, this will set the access list on all
subfolders to which the given user has ADMIN access level. Any
subfolders that the given user does not have ADMIN access on will be
:param doc: The folder to set access settings on.
:type doc: girder.models.folder
:param access: The access control list.
:type access: dict
:param save: Whether the changes should be saved to the database.
:type save: bool
:param recurse: Whether this access list should be propagated to all
subfolders underneath this folder.
:type recurse: bool
:param user: The current user (for recursive mode filtering).
:param progress: Progress context to update.
:type progress: :py:class:`girder.utility.progress.ProgressContext`
:param setPublic: Pass this if you wish to set the public flag on the
resources being updated.
:type setPublic: bool or None
:param publicFlags: Pass this if you wish to set the public flag list on
resources being updated.
:type publicFlags: flag identifier str, or list/set/tuple of them, or None
:param force: Set this to True to set the flags regardless of the passed in
user's permissions.
:type force: bool
progress.update(increment=1, message='Updating ' + doc['name'])
if setPublic is not None:
self.setPublic(doc, setPublic, save=False)
if publicFlags is not None:
doc = self.setPublicFlags(doc, publicFlags, user=user, save=False, force=force)
doc = AccessControlledModel.setAccessList(
self, doc, access, user=user, save=save, force=force)
if recurse:
subfolders = self.findWithPermissions({
'parentId': doc['_id'],
'parentCollection': 'folder'
}, user=user, level=AccessType.ADMIN)
for folder in subfolders:
folder, access, save=True, recurse=True, user=user,
progress=progress, setPublic=setPublic, publicFlags=publicFlags, force=force)
return doc
[docs] def isOrphan(self, folder):
Returns True if this folder is orphaned (its parent is missing).
:param folder: The folder to check.
:type folder: dict
return not ModelImporter.model(folder.get('parentCollection')).load(
folder.get('parentId'), force=True)
[docs] def updateSize(self, doc):
Recursively recomputes the size of this folder and its underlying
folders and fixes the sizes as needed.
:param doc: The folder.
:type doc: dict
from .item import Item
size = 0
fixes = 0
# recursively fix child folders but don't include their size
children = self.find({
'parentId': doc['_id'],
'parentCollection': 'folder'
for child in children:
_, f = self.updateSize(child)
fixes += f
# get correct size from child items
itemModel = Item()
for item in self.childItems(doc):
s, f = itemModel.updateSize(item)
size += s
fixes += f
# fix value if incorrect
if size != doc.get('size'):
self.update({'_id': doc['_id']}, update={'$set': {'size': size}})
fixes += 1
return size, fixes