import io
import itertools
import os
import re
import cherrypy
from cherrypy._cpreqbody import Part
from import setResponseHeader, setContentDisposition
from girder.exceptions import GirderException, ValidationException, FilePathException
from girder.models.setting import Setting
from girder.settings import SettingKey
from girder.utility import progress, RequestBodyStream
[docs]class FileHandle:
This is the base class that is returned for the file-like API into
Girder file objects. The ``open`` method of assetstore implementations
is responsible for returning an instance of this class or one of its
subclasses. This base class implementation is returned by the
abstract assetstore adapter, and does not leverage any details of the
assetstore implementations.
These file handles are stateful, and therefore not safe for concurrent
access. If used by multiple threads, mutexes should be used.
:param file: The file object to which this file-like object corresponds.
:type file: dict
:param adapter: The assetstore adapter corresponding to this file.
:type adapter: girder.utility.abstract_assetstore_adapter.AbstractAssetstoreAdapter
def __init__(self, file, adapter):
self._file = file
self._adapter = adapter
self._pos = None
# If a read is requested that is longer than the specified size, raise
# an exception. This prevents unbounded memory use.
self._maximumReadSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
[docs] def read(self, size=None):
Read *size* bytes from the file data.
:param size: The number of bytes to read from the current position. The
actual number returned could be less than this if the end of the
file is reached. An empty response indicates that the file has been
completely consumed. If None or negative, read to the end of the
:type size: int
:rtype: bytes
if size is None or size < 0:
size = self._file['size'] - self._pos
if size > self._maximumReadSize:
raise GirderException('Read exceeds maximum allowed size.')
data = io.BytesIO()
length = 0
if self._stream is None:
self._stream = self._adapter.downloadFile(self._file, offset=self._pos, headers=False)()
for chunk in itertools.chain(self._prev, self._stream):
chunkLen = len(chunk)
if chunkLen == 0:
if length + chunkLen <= size:
self._prev = []
length += chunkLen
if length == size:
chunkLen = min(size - length, chunkLen)
self._prev = [chunk[chunkLen:]]
length += chunkLen
self._pos += length
return data.getvalue()
def tell(self):
return self._pos
def seek(self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET):
oldPos = self._pos
if whence == os.SEEK_SET:
self._pos = offset
elif whence == os.SEEK_CUR:
self._pos += offset
elif whence == os.SEEK_END:
self._pos = max(self._file['size'] + offset, 0)
if self._pos != oldPos:
self._prev = []
self._stream = None
def close(self):
def seekable(self):
return True
[docs]class AbstractAssetstoreAdapter:
This defines the interface to be used by all assetstore adapters.
def __init__(self, assetstore):
self.assetstore = assetstore
[docs] @staticmethod
def validateInfo(doc):
Adapters may implement this if they need to perform any validation
steps whenever the assetstore info is saved to the database. It should
return the document with any necessary alterations in the success case,
or throw an exception if validation fails.
return doc
[docs] @staticmethod
def fileIndexFields():
Default behavior is that no additional file fields need to be indexed
within the database.
return []
[docs] def capacityInfo(self):
Assetstore types that are able to report how much free and/or total
capacity they have should override this method. Default behavior is to
report both quantities as unknown.
:returns: A dict with 'free' and 'total' keys whose values are
either bytes (ints) or None for an unknown quantity.
return {
'free': None,
'total': None
[docs] def initUpload(self, upload):
This must be called before any chunks are uploaded to do any
additional behavior and optionally augment the upload document. The
method must return the upload document. Default behavior is to
simply return the upload document unmodified.
:param upload: The upload document to optionally augment.
:type upload: dict
return upload
[docs] def uploadChunk(self, upload, chunk):
Call this method to process each chunk of an upload.
:param upload: The upload document to update.
:type upload: dict
:param chunk: The file object representing the chunk that was uploaded.
:type chunk: file
:returns: Must return the upload document with any optional changes.
raise NotImplementedError('Must override processChunk in %s.' %
[docs] def finalizeUpload(self, upload, file):
Call this once the last chunk has been processed. This method does not
need to delete the upload document as that will be deleted by the
caller afterward. This method may augment the File document, and must
return the File document.
:param upload: The upload document.
:type upload: dict
:param file: The file document that was created.
:type file: dict
:returns: The file document with optional modifications.
return file
[docs] def requestOffset(self, upload):
Request the offset for resuming an interrupted upload. Default behavior
simply returns the 'received' field of the upload document. This method
exists because in some cases, such as when the server crashes, it's
possible that the received field is not accurate, so adapters may
implement this to provide the actual next byte required.
return upload['received']
[docs] def getFileSize(self, file):
Get the file size (computing it, if necessary). Default behavior simply
returns `file.get('size', 0)`. This method exists because some
assetstores do not compute the file size immediately, but only when
it is actually needed. The assetstore may also need to update the file
size after some changes.
return file.get('size', 0)
[docs] def deleteFile(self, file):
This is called when a File is deleted to allow the adapter to remove
the data from within the assetstore. This method should not modify
or delete the file object, as the caller will delete it afterward.
:param file: The File document about to be deleted.
:type file: dict
raise NotImplementedError('Must override deleteFile in %s.' %
[docs] def shouldImportFile(self, path, params):
This is a helper used during the import process to determine if a file located at
the specified path should be imported, based on the request parameters. Exclusion
takes precedence over inclusion.
:param path: The path of the file.
:type path: str
:param params: The request parameters.
:type params: dict
:rtype: bool
include = params.get('fileIncludeRegex')
exclude = params.get('fileExcludeRegex')
fname = os.path.basename(path)
if exclude and re.match(exclude, fname):
return False
if include:
return re.match(include, fname)
return True
[docs] def downloadFile(self, file, offset=0, headers=True, endByte=None,
contentDisposition=None, extraParameters=None, **kwargs):
This method is in charge of returning a value to the RESTful endpoint
that can be used to download the file. This should either return a
generator function that yields the bytes of the file (which will stream
the file directly), or modify the response headers and raise a
:param file: The file document being downloaded.
:type file: dict
:param offset: Offset in bytes to start the download at.
:type offset: int
:param headers: Flag for whether headers should be sent on the response.
:type headers: bool
:param endByte: Final byte to download. If ``None``, downloads to the
end of the file.
:type endByte: int or None
:param contentDisposition: Value for Content-Disposition response
header disposition-type value.
:type contentDisposition: str or None
:type extraParameters: str or None
raise NotImplementedError('Must override downloadFile in %s.' %
[docs] def findInvalidFiles(self, progress=progress.noProgress, filters=None,
checkSize=True, **kwargs):
Finds and yields any invalid files in the assetstore. It is left to
the caller to decide what to do with them.
:param progress: Pass a progress context to record progress.
:type progress: :py:class:`girder.utility.progress.ProgressContext`
:param filters: Additional query dictionary to restrict the search for
files. There is no need to set the ``assetstoreId`` in the filters,
since that is done automatically.
:type filters: dict or None
:param checkSize: Whether to make sure the size of the underlying
data matches the size of the file.
:type checkSize: bool
raise NotImplementedError('Must override findInvalidFiles in %s.' %
[docs] def copyFile(self, srcFile, destFile):
This method copies the necessary fields and data so that the
destination file contains the same data as the source file.
:param srcFile: The original File document.
:type srcFile: dict
:param destFile: The File which should have the data copied to it.
:type destFile: dict
:returns: A dict with the destination file.
return destFile
[docs] def getChunkSize(self, chunk):
Given a chunk that is either a file-like object or a string, attempt to
determine its length. If it is a file-like object, then this relies on
being able to use fstat.
:param chunk: the chunk to get the size of
:type chunk: a file-like object or a string
:returns: the length of the chunk if known, or None.
if isinstance(chunk, (io.BytesIO, RequestBodyStream, Part)):
elif hasattr(chunk, 'fileno'):
return os.fstat(chunk.fileno()).st_size
elif isinstance(chunk, str):
return len(chunk.encode('utf8'))
return len(chunk)
[docs] def checkUploadSize(self, upload, chunkSize):
Check if the upload is valid based on the chunk size. If this
raises an exception, then the caller should clean up and reraise the
:param upload: the dictionary of upload information. The received and
size values are used.
:param chunkSize: the chunk size that needs to be validated.
:type chunkSize: a non-negative integer or None if unknown.
if 'received' not in upload or 'size' not in upload:
if chunkSize is None:
if upload['received'] + chunkSize > upload['size']:
raise ValidationException('Received too many bytes.')
if (upload['received'] + chunkSize != upload['size']
and chunkSize < Setting().get(SettingKey.UPLOAD_MINIMUM_CHUNK_SIZE)):
raise ValidationException('Chunk is smaller than the minimum size.')
[docs] def cancelUpload(self, upload):
This is called when an upload has been begun and it should be
abandoned. It must clean up temporary files, chunks, or whatever other
information the assetstore contains.
raise NotImplementedError('Must override cancelUpload in %s.' %
[docs] def untrackedUploads(self, knownUploads=(), delete=False):
List and optionally discard uploads that are in the assetstore but not
in the known list.
:param knownUploads: a list of upload dictionaries of all known
incomplete uploads.
:type knownUploads: list
:param delete: if True, delete any unknown uploads.
:type delete: bool
:returns: a list of unknown uploads.
return ()
[docs] def importData(self, parent, parentType, params, progress, user, **kwargs):
Assetstores that are capable of importing pre-existing data from the
underlying storage medium can implement this method.
:param parent: The parent object to import into.
:param parentType: The model type of the parent object (folder, user,
or collection).
:type parentType: str
:param params: Additional parameters required for the import process.
Typically includes an importPath field representing a root path
on the underlying storage medium.
:type params: dict
:param progress: Object on which to record progress if possible.
:type progress: :py:class:`girder.utility.progress.ProgressContext`
:param user: The Girder user performing the import.
:type user: dict or None
raise NotImplementedError(
'The %s assetstore type does not support importing existing data.'
% self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def fileUpdated(self, file):
This is called when the file document has been changed. Any assetstore
implementation that needs to do anything when the file document changes
should override this method.
:param file: The updated file document.
:type file: dict
[docs] def open(self, file):
Exposes a Girder file as a python file-like object. At the
moment, this is a read-only interface, the equivalent of opening a
system file with 'rb' mode.
:param file: A Girder file document.
:type file: dict
:return: A file-like object containing the bytes of the file.
:rtype: FileHandle
return FileHandle(file, self)
[docs] def getLocalFilePath(self, file):
If an assetstore adapter supports it, return a path to the file on the
local file system. Otherwise, raise an exception.
:param file: The file document.
:type file: dict
:returns: a local path to the file.
:rtype: str
raise FilePathException('This assetstore does not expose file paths')
[docs] def safeName(self, name):
Girder strips item and folder names of whitespace. If we have a name
that will be affected, repalce the leading and trailing whitespace with
:param name: The name to possibily modify.
:type name: str
:returns: a name that will not be altered by strip.
:rtype: str
return re.sub(r'^\s+|\s+$', lambda g: '_' * len(, name)