Source code for girder.utility.filesystem_assetstore_adapter

import filelock
from hashlib import sha512
import io
import os
import psutil
import shutil
import stat
import tempfile

from girder import events, logger
from import setResponseHeader
from girder.exceptions import ValidationException, GirderException
from girder.models.file import File
from girder.models.folder import Folder
from girder.models.item import Item
from girder.models.upload import Upload
from girder.utility import mkdir, progress
from . import _hash_state
from .abstract_assetstore_adapter import AbstractAssetstoreAdapter

BUF_SIZE = 65536

# Default permissions for the files written to the filesystem

[docs]class FilesystemAssetstoreAdapter(AbstractAssetstoreAdapter): """ This assetstore type stores files on the filesystem underneath a root directory. Files are named by their SHA-512 hash, which avoids duplication of file content. :param assetstore: The assetstore to act on. :type assetstore: dict """
[docs] @staticmethod def validateInfo(doc): """ Makes sure the root field is a valid absolute path and is writeable. It also conveniently update the root field replacing the initial component by the user home directory running the server if it matches ``~`` or ``~user``. """ doc['root'] = os.path.expanduser(doc['root']) if not os.path.isabs(doc['root']): raise ValidationException('You must provide an absolute path ' 'for the root directory.', 'root') try: mkdir(doc['root']) except OSError: msg = 'Could not make directory "%s".' % doc['root'] logger.exception(msg) raise ValidationException(msg) if not os.access(doc['root'], os.W_OK): raise ValidationException( 'Unable to write into directory "%s".' % doc['root']) if not doc.get('perms'): doc['perms'] = DEFAULT_PERMS else: try: perms = doc['perms'] if not isinstance(perms, int): perms = int(doc['perms'], 8) # Make sure that mode is still rw for user if not perms & stat.S_IRUSR or not perms & stat.S_IWUSR: raise ValidationException( 'File permissions must allow "rw" for user.') doc['perms'] = perms except ValueError: raise ValidationException( 'File permissions must be an octal integer.')
[docs] @staticmethod def fileIndexFields(): """ File documents should have an index on their sha512 field, as well as whether or not they are imported. """ return ['sha512', 'imported']
def __init__(self, assetstore): super().__init__(assetstore) # If we can't create the temp directory, the assetstore still needs to # be initialized so that it can be deleted or modified. The validation # prevents invalid new assetstores from being created, so this only # happens to existing assetstores that no longer can access their temp # directories. self.tempDir = os.path.join(self.assetstore['root'], 'temp') try: mkdir(self.tempDir) except OSError: self.unavailable = True logger.exception('Failed to create filesystem assetstore ' 'directories %s' % self.tempDir) if not os.access(self.assetstore['root'], os.W_OK): self.unavailable = True logger.error('Could not write to assetstore root: %s', self.assetstore['root'])
[docs] def capacityInfo(self): """ For filesystem assetstores, we just need to report the free and total space on the filesystem where the assetstore lives. """ try: usage = psutil.disk_usage(self.assetstore['root']) return {'free':, 'total':} except OSError: logger.exception( 'Failed to get disk usage of %s' % self.assetstore['root']) # If psutil.disk_usage fails or we can't query the assetstore's root # directory, just report nothing regarding disk capacity return { 'free': None, 'total': None }
[docs] def initUpload(self, upload): """ Generates a temporary file and sets its location in the upload document as tempFile. This is the file that the chunks will be appended to. """ fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.tempDir) os.close(fd) # Must close this file descriptor or it will leak upload['tempFile'] = path upload['sha512state'] = _hash_state.serializeHex(sha512()) return upload
[docs] def uploadChunk(self, upload, chunk): """ Appends the chunk into the temporary file. """ # If we know the chunk size is too large or small, fail early. self.checkUploadSize(upload, self.getChunkSize(chunk)) if isinstance(chunk, str): chunk = chunk.encode('utf8') if isinstance(chunk, bytes): chunk = io.BytesIO(chunk) # Restore the internal state of the streaming SHA-512 checksum checksum = _hash_state.restoreHex(upload['sha512state'], 'sha512') if self.requestOffset(upload) > upload['received']: # This probably means the server died midway through writing last # chunk to disk, and the database record was not updated. This # means we need to update the sha512 state with the difference. with open(upload['tempFile'], 'rb') as tempFile:['received']) while True: data = if not data: break checksum.update(data) with open(upload['tempFile'], 'a+b') as tempFile: size = 0 while not upload['received'] + size > upload['size']: data = if not data: break size += len(data) tempFile.write(data) checksum.update(data) chunk.close() try: self.checkUploadSize(upload, size) except ValidationException: with open(upload['tempFile'], 'a+b') as tempFile: tempFile.truncate(upload['received']) raise # Persist the internal state of the checksum upload['sha512state'] = _hash_state.serializeHex(checksum) upload['received'] += size return upload
[docs] def requestOffset(self, upload): """ Returns the size of the temp file. """ return os.stat(upload['tempFile']).st_size
[docs] def finalizeUpload(self, upload, file): """ Moves the file into its permanent content-addressed location within the assetstore. Directory hierarchy yields 256^2 buckets. """ hash = _hash_state.restoreHex(upload['sha512state'], 'sha512').hexdigest() dir = os.path.join(hash[0:2], hash[2:4]) absdir = os.path.join(self.assetstore['root'], dir) path = os.path.join(dir, hash) abspath = os.path.join(self.assetstore['root'], path) # Store the hash in the upload so that deleting a file won't delete # this file if '_id' in upload: upload['sha512'] = hash Upload().update({'_id': upload['_id']}, update={'$set': {'sha512': hash}}) mkdir(absdir) # Only maintain the lock which checking if the file exists. The only # other place the lock is used is checking if an upload task has # reserved the file, so this is sufficient. with filelock.FileLock(abspath + '.deleteLock'): pathExists = os.path.exists(abspath) if pathExists: # Already have this file stored, just delete temp file. os.unlink(upload['tempFile']) else: # Move the temp file to permanent location in the assetstore. # shutil.move works across filesystems shutil.move(upload['tempFile'], abspath) try: os.chmod(abspath, self.assetstore.get('perms', DEFAULT_PERMS)) except OSError: # some filesystems may not support POSIX permissions pass file['sha512'] = hash file['path'] = path return file
[docs] def fullPath(self, file): """ Utility method for constructing the full (absolute) path to the given file. """ if file.get('imported'): return file['path'] else: return os.path.join(self.assetstore['root'], file['path'])
[docs] def downloadFile(self, file, offset=0, headers=True, endByte=None, contentDisposition=None, extraParameters=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a generator function that will be used to stream the file from disk to the response. """ if endByte is None or endByte > file['size']: endByte = file['size'] path = self.fullPath(file) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise GirderException( 'File %s does not exist.' % path, 'girder.utility.filesystem_assetstore_adapter.' 'file-does-not-exist') if headers: setResponseHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes') self.setContentHeaders(file, offset, endByte, contentDisposition) def stream(): bytesRead = offset with open(path, 'rb') as f: if offset > 0: while True: readLen = min(BUF_SIZE, endByte - bytesRead) if readLen <= 0: break data = bytesRead += readLen if not data: break yield data return stream
[docs] def deleteFile(self, file): """ Deletes the file from disk if it is the only File in this assetstore with the given sha512. Imported files are not actually deleted. """ from girder.models.file import File if file.get('imported') or 'path' not in file: return q = { 'sha512': file['sha512'], 'assetstoreId': self.assetstore['_id'] } path = os.path.join(self.assetstore['root'], file['path']) if os.path.isfile(path): with filelock.FileLock(path + '.deleteLock'): matching = File().find(q, limit=2, fields=[]) matchingUpload = Upload().findOne(q) if matching.count(True) == 1 and matchingUpload is None: try: os.unlink(path) except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to delete file %s' % path)
[docs] def cancelUpload(self, upload): """ Delete the temporary files associated with a given upload. """ if os.path.exists(upload['tempFile']): os.unlink(upload['tempFile'])
[docs] def importFile(self, item, path, user, name=None, mimeType=None, **kwargs): """ Import a single file from the filesystem into the assetstore. :param item: The parent item for the file. :type item: dict :param path: The path on the local filesystem. :type path: str :param user: The user to list as the creator of the file. :type user: dict :param name: Name for the file. Defaults to the basename of ``path``. :type name: str :param mimeType: MIME type of the file if known. :type mimeType: str :returns: The file document that was created. """ logger.debug('Importing file %s to item %s on filesystem assetstore %s', path, item['_id'], self.assetstore['_id']) stat = os.stat(path) name = name or os.path.basename(path) file = File().createFile( name=name, creator=user, item=item, reuseExisting=True, assetstore=self.assetstore, mimeType=mimeType, size=stat.st_size, saveFile=False) file['path'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) file['mtime'] = stat.st_mtime file['imported'] = True file = File().save(file) logger.debug('Imported file %s to item %s on filesystem assetstore %s', path, item['_id'], self.assetstore['_id']) return file
def _importDataAsItem(self, name, user, folder, path, files, reuseExisting=True, params=None): params = params or {} item = Item().createItem( name=self.safeName(name), creator=user, folder=folder, reuseExisting=reuseExisting) events.trigger('filesystem_assetstore_imported', {'id': item['_id'], 'type': 'item', 'importPath': path}) for fname in files: fpath = os.path.join(path, fname) if self.shouldImportFile(fpath, params): self.importFile(item, fpath, user, name=fname) def _hasOnlyFiles(self, path, files): return all(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, name)) for name in files) def _importFileToFolder(self, name, user, parent, parentType, path): if parentType != 'folder': raise ValidationException( 'Files cannot be imported directly underneath a %s.' % parentType) item = Item().createItem(name=self.safeName(name), creator=user, folder=parent, reuseExisting=True) events.trigger('filesystem_assetstore_imported', { 'id': item['_id'], 'type': 'item', 'importPath': path }) self.importFile(item, path, user, name=name)
[docs] def importData(self, parent, parentType, params, progress, user, leafFoldersAsItems): importPath = params['importPath'] if not os.path.exists(importPath): raise ValidationException('Not found: %s.' % importPath) if not os.path.isdir(importPath): name = os.path.basename(importPath) progress.update(message=name) self._importFileToFolder(name, user, parent, parentType, importPath) return listDir = os.listdir(importPath) if parentType != 'folder' and any( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(importPath, val)) for val in listDir): raise ValidationException( 'Files cannot be imported directly underneath a %s.' % parentType) if leafFoldersAsItems and self._hasOnlyFiles(importPath, listDir): self._importDataAsItem( os.path.basename(importPath.rstrip(os.sep)), user, parent, importPath, listDir, params=params) return for name in listDir: progress.update(message=name) path = os.path.join(importPath, name) if os.path.isdir(path): localListDir = os.listdir(path) if leafFoldersAsItems and self._hasOnlyFiles(path, localListDir): self._importDataAsItem(name, user, parent, path, localListDir, params=params) else: folder = Folder().createFolder( parent=parent, name=self.safeName(name), parentType=parentType, creator=user, reuseExisting=True) events.trigger( 'filesystem_assetstore_imported', { 'id': folder['_id'], 'type': 'folder', 'importPath': path }) nextPath = os.path.join(importPath, name) self.importData( folder, 'folder', params=dict(params, importPath=nextPath), progress=progress, user=user, leafFoldersAsItems=leafFoldersAsItems) else: if self.shouldImportFile(path, params): self._importFileToFolder(name, user, parent, parentType, path)
[docs] def findInvalidFiles(self, progress=progress.noProgress, filters=None, checkSize=True, **kwargs): """ Goes through every file in this assetstore and finds those whose underlying data is missing or invalid. This is a generator function -- for each invalid file found, a dictionary is yielded to the caller that contains the file, its absolute path on disk, and a reason for invalid, e.g. "missing" or "size". :param progress: Pass a progress context to record progress. :type progress: :py:class:`girder.utility.progress.ProgressContext` :param filters: Additional query dictionary to restrict the search for files. There is no need to set the ``assetstoreId`` in the filters, since that is done automatically. :type filters: dict or None :param checkSize: Whether to make sure the size of the underlying data matches the size of the file. :type checkSize: bool """ filters = filters or {} q = dict({ 'assetstoreId': self.assetstore['_id'] }, **filters) cursor = File().find(q) progress.update(total=cursor.count(), current=0) for file in cursor: progress.update(increment=1, message=file['name']) path = self.fullPath(file) if not os.path.isfile(path): yield { 'reason': 'missing', 'file': file, 'path': path } elif checkSize and os.path.getsize(path) != file['size']: yield { 'reason': 'size', 'file': file, 'path': path }
[docs] def getLocalFilePath(self, file): """ Return a path to the file on the local file system. :param file: The file document. :returns: a local path to the file or None if no such path is known. """ path = self.fullPath(file) # If an imported file has moved, don't report the path if path and os.path.exists(path): return path return super().getLocalFilePath(file)