Source code for girder.utility.mail_utils

import os
import re
import smtplib

from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
from girder import events
from girder import logger
from girder.constants import PACKAGE_DIR
from girder.settings import SettingKey

[docs]def validateEmailAddress(address): """ Determines whether a string is a valid email address. This implements the grammar from of the HTML Standard. :param address: The string to test. :type address: str :rtype: bool """ # return re.match( r'^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+' r'@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?' r'(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$', address ) is not None
[docs]def getEmailUrlPrefix(): """ Return the URL prefix for links back to the server. This is the link to the server root, so Girder-level path information and any query parameters or fragment value should be appended to this value. """ from girder.models.setting import Setting return Setting().get(SettingKey.EMAIL_HOST)
_templateDir = os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIR, 'mail_templates') _templateLookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[_templateDir], collection_size=50)
[docs]def addTemplateDirectory(dir, prepend=False): """ Adds a directory to the search path for mail templates. This is useful for plugins that have their own set of mail templates. :param dir: The directory to add to the template lookup path. :type dir: str :param prepend: If True, adds this directory at the beginning of the path so that it will override any existing templates with the same name. Otherwise appends to the end of the lookup path. :type prepend: bool """ idx = 0 if prepend else len(_templateLookup.directories) _templateLookup.directories.insert(idx, dir)
[docs]def renderTemplate(name, params=None): """ Renders one of the HTML mail templates located in girder/mail_templates. :param name: The name of the file inside girder/mail_templates to render. :param params: The parameters to pass when rendering the template. :type params: dict :returns: The rendered template as a string of HTML. """ from girder.models.setting import Setting if not params: params = {} if 'host' not in params: params['host'] = getEmailUrlPrefix() if 'brandName' not in params: params['brandName'] = Setting().get(SettingKey.BRAND_NAME) template = _templateLookup.get_template(name) return template.render(**params)
def _createMessage(subject, text, to, bcc): from girder.models.setting import Setting # Coerce and validate arguments if isinstance(to, str): to = [to] if isinstance(bcc, str): bcc = [bcc] elif bcc is None: bcc = [] if not to and not bcc: raise Exception('You must specify email recipients via "to" or "bcc".') if not subject: subject = '[no subject]' if isinstance(text, str): # TODO: needed? text = text.encode('utf8') # Build message msg = MIMEText(text, 'html', 'UTF-8') if to: msg['To'] = ', '.join(to) if bcc: msg['Bcc'] = ', '.join(bcc) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = Setting().get(SettingKey.EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS) # Compute recipients recipients = list(set(to) | set(bcc)) return msg, recipients class _SMTPConnection: def __init__(self, host, port=None, encryption=None, username=None, password=None): = host self.port = port self.encryption = encryption self.username = username self.password = password def __enter__(self): if self.encryption == 'ssl': self.connection = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(, self.port) else: self.connection = smtplib.SMTP(, self.port) if self.encryption == 'starttls': self.connection.starttls() if self.username and self.password: self.connection.login(self.username, self.password) return self def send(self, fromAddress, toAddresses, message): self.connection.sendmail(fromAddress, toAddresses, message) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.connection.quit() def _submitEmail(msg, recipients): from girder.models.setting import Setting setting = Setting() smtp = _SMTPConnection( host=setting.get(SettingKey.SMTP_HOST), port=setting.get(SettingKey.SMTP_PORT), encryption=setting.get(SettingKey.SMTP_ENCRYPTION), username=setting.get(SettingKey.SMTP_USERNAME), password=setting.get(SettingKey.SMTP_PASSWORD) )'Sending email to %s through %s', ', '.join(recipients), with smtp: smtp.send(msg['From'], recipients, msg.as_string()) def _sendmail(event): msg =['message'] recipients =['recipients'] _submitEmail(msg, recipients) events.bind('_sendmail', '', _sendmail)
[docs]def sendMailSync(subject, text, to, bcc=None): """Send an email synchronously.""" msg, recipients = _createMessage(subject, text, to, bcc) _submitEmail(msg, recipients)
[docs]def sendMail(subject, text, to, bcc=None): """ Send an email asynchronously. :param subject: The subject line of the email. :type subject: str :param text: The body of the email. :type text: str :param to: The list of recipient email addresses. :type to: list :param bcc: Recipient email addresses that should be specified using the Bcc header. :type bcc: list or None """ msg, recipients = _createMessage(subject, text, to, bcc) events.daemon.trigger('_sendmail', info={ 'message': msg, 'recipients': recipients })
[docs]def sendMailToAdmins(subject, text): """Send an email asynchronously to site admins.""" from girder.models.user import User to = [u['email'] for u in User().getAdmins()] sendMail(subject, text, to)
[docs]def sendMailIndividually(subject, text, to): """Send emails asynchronously to all recipients individually.""" for address in to: sendMail(address, subject, text)