Source code for girder.utility.system

import cherrypy
import os
import psutil
import socket
import threading
import time

import girder
from girder import logger
from girder.models import getDbConnection

def _objectToDict(obj):
    Convert an object to a dictionary.  Any non-private attribute that is an
    integer, float, or string is returned in the dictionary.

    :param obj: a python object or class.
    :returns: a dictionary of values for the object.
    return {
        key: getattr(obj, key)
        for key in dir(obj)
        if not key.startswith('_') and isinstance(
            getattr(obj, key),
            (float, tuple, str, int))

def _computeSlowStatus(process, status, db):
    status['diskPartitions'] = [_objectToDict(part) for part in
        # This fails in certain environments, so guard it
        status['diskIO'] = _objectToDict(psutil.disk_io_counters())
    except Exception:
    # Report on the disk usage where the script is located
    if hasattr(girder, '__file__'):
        status['girderPath'] = os.path.abspath(girder.__file__)
        status['girderDiskUsage'] = _objectToDict(
    # Report where our logs are and how much space is available for them
    status['logs'] = []
    for handler in logger.handlers:
            logInfo = {'path': handler.baseFilename}
            logInfo['diskUsage'] = _objectToDict(
        except Exception:
            # If we can't read information about the log, don't throw an
            # exception
    status['mongoDbStats'] = db.command('dbStats')
        # This can fail when mongo is on a different system.
        status['mongoDbPath'] = getDbConnection().admin.command(
        status['mongoDbDiskUsage'] = _objectToDict(
    except Exception:

    status['processDirectChildrenCount'] = len(process.children())
    status['processAllChildrenCount'] = len(process.children(True))
    status['openFiles'] = [_objectToDict(file) for file in
    # I'd rather see textual names for the family and type of connections,
    # so make a lookup table for them
    connFamily = {getattr(socket, key): key for key in dir(socket)
                  if key.startswith('AF_')}
    connType = {getattr(socket, key): key for key in dir(socket)
                if key.startswith('SOCK_')}
    connections = []
    for conn in process.connections():
        connDict = _objectToDict(conn)
        connDict.pop('raddr', None)
        connDict.pop('laddr', None)
        connDict['family'] = connFamily.get(connDict['family'],
        connDict['type'] = connType.get(connDict['type'], connDict['type'])
    status['connections'] = connections
    if hasattr(process, 'io_counters'):
        status['ioCounters'] = _objectToDict(process.io_counters())

    status['cherrypyThreads'] = {}
    for threadId in
        info =[threadId].copy()
        if 'end' in info:
            info['duration'] = info['end'] - info['start']
            info['idle'] = time.time() - info['end']
        status['cherrypyThreads'][threadId] = info

[docs]def getStatus(mode='basic', user=None): """ Get a dictionary of status information regarding the Girder server. :param mode: 'basic' returns values available to any anonymous user. 'quick' returns only values that are cheap to acquire. 'slow' provides all of that information and adds additional :param user: a user record. Must have admin access to get anything other than basic mode. :returns: a status dictionary. """ isAdmin = (user is not None and user['admin']) status = {} status['bootTime'] = psutil.boot_time() status['currentTime'] = time.time() process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) status['processStartTime'] = process.create_time() if mode in ('quick', 'slow') and isAdmin: status['virtualMemory'] = _objectToDict(psutil.virtual_memory()) status['swap'] = _objectToDict(psutil.swap_memory()) status['cpuCount'] = psutil.cpu_count() status['processMemory'] = _objectToDict(process.memory_info()) status['processName'] = status['cmdline'] = process.cmdline() status['exe'] = process.exe() status['cwd'] = process.cwd() status['userName'] = process.username() status['processCpuTimes'] = _objectToDict(process.cpu_times()) db = getDbConnection().get_database() status['mongoBuildInfo'] = db.command('buildInfo') status['cherrypyThreadsMaxUsed'] = len( status['cherrypyThreadsInUse'] = len([ True for threadId in if 'end' not in[threadId]]) status['cherrypyThreadPoolSize'] = cherrypy.server.thread_pool if mode == 'slow' and isAdmin: _computeSlowStatus(process, status, db) return status
[docs]def formatSize(sizeBytes): """ Format a size in bytes into a human-readable string with metric unit prefixes. :param sizeBytes: the size in bytes to format. :returns: the formatted size string. """ suffixes = ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'] if sizeBytes < 20000: return '%d %s' % (sizeBytes, suffixes[0]) idx = 0 sizeVal = float(sizeBytes) while sizeVal >= 1024 and idx + 1 < len(suffixes): sizeVal /= 1024 idx += 1 if sizeVal < 10: precision = 3 elif sizeVal < 100: precision = 2 else: precision = 1 return '%.*f %s' % (precision, sizeVal, suffixes[idx])
# This class is used to monitor which threads in cherrypy are actively serving # responses, and what each was last used for. It is based on the example at #, but has changes to handle yield- # based responses.
[docs]class StatusMonitor(cherrypy.Tool): """Register the status of each thread.""" def __init__(self): self._point = 'on_start_resource' self._name = 'status' self._priority = 50 self.seenThreads = {} def callable(self): threadId = threading.current_thread().ident self.seenThreads[threadId] = { 'start': cherrypy.response.time, 'url': cherrypy.url()}
[docs] def unregister(self): """Unregister the current thread.""" threadID = threading.current_thread().ident if threadID in self.seenThreads: self.seenThreads[threadID]['end'] = time.time()
def _setup(self): cherrypy.Tool._setup(self) cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('on_end_request', self.unregister) = StatusMonitor() cherrypy.config.update({'tools.status.on': True})