from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, get_distribution
__version__ = get_distribution(__name__).version
except DistributionNotFound:
# package is not installed
__version__ = None
__license__ = 'Apache 2.0'
import diskcache
import getpass
import glob
import io
import json
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import requests
import shutil
import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT = 50 # Number of results to fetch per request
REQ_BUFFER_SIZE = 65536 # Chunk size when iterating a download body
_safeNameRegex = re.compile(r'^[/\\]+')
_logger = logging.getLogger('girder_client.lib')
[docs]class AuthenticationError(RuntimeError):
[docs]class IncorrectUploadLengthError(RuntimeError):
[docs] def __init__(self, message, upload=None):
self.upload = upload
[docs]class HttpError(requests.HTTPError):
Raised if the server returns an error status code from a request.
@deprecated This will be removed in a future release of Girder. Raisers of this
exception should instead raise requests.HTTPError manually or through another mechanism
such as requests.Response.raise_for_status.
[docs] def __init__(self, status, text, url, method, response=None):
super().__init__('HTTP error %s: %s %s' % (status, method, url), response=response)
self.status = status
self.responseText = text
self.url = url
self.method = method
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + '\nResponse text: ' + self.responseText
[docs]class IncompleteResponseError(requests.RequestException):
[docs] def __init__(self, message, expected, received, response=None):
super().__init__('%s (%d of %d bytes received)' % (
message, received, expected
), response=response)
class _NoopProgressReporter:
reportProgress = False
def __init__(self, label='', length=0):
self.label = label
self.length = length
def update(self, chunkSize):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
class _ProgressBytesIO(io.BytesIO):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.reporter = kwargs.pop('reporter')
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def read(self, _size=-1):
_chunk = super().read(_size)
return _chunk
[docs]class GirderClient:
A class for interacting with the Girder RESTful API.
Some simple examples of how to use this class follow:
.. code-block:: python
client = GirderClient(apiUrl='http://myhost:8080')
client.authenticate('myname', 'mypass')
folder_id = '53b714308926486402ac5aba'
item = client.createItem(folder_id, 'an item name', 'a description')
client.addMetadataToItem(item['_id'], {'metadatakey': 'metadatavalue'})
client.uploadFileToItem(item['_id'], 'path/to/your/file.txt')
r1 = client.getItem(item['_id'])
r2 = client.sendRestRequest('GET', 'item',
{'folderId': folder_id, 'sortdir': '-1' })
r3 = client.sendRestRequest('GET', 'resource/search',
{'q': 'aggregated','types': '["folder", "item"]'})
# The current maximum chunk size for uploading file chunks
MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 64
DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost'
[docs] @staticmethod
def getDefaultPort(hostname, scheme):
"""Get default port based on the hostname.
Returns `GirderClient.DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT` if scheme is `https`, otherwise
returns `GirderClient.DEFAULT_LOCALHOST_PORT` if `hostname` is `localhost`,
and finally returns `GirderClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT`.
if scheme == 'https':
return GirderClient.DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT
if hostname == 'localhost':
return GirderClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT
[docs] @staticmethod
def getDefaultScheme(hostname):
"""Get default scheme based on the hostname.
Returns `http` if `hostname` is `localhost` otherwise returns `https`.
if hostname == 'localhost':
return 'http'
return 'https'
[docs] def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, apiRoot=None, scheme=None, apiUrl=None,
cacheSettings=None, progressReporterCls=None):
Construct a new GirderClient object, given a host name and port number,
as well as a username and password which will be used in all requests
(HTTP Basic Auth). You can pass the URL in parts with the `host`,
`port`, `scheme`, and `apiRoot` kwargs, or simply pass it in all as
one URL with the `apiUrl` kwarg instead. If you pass `apiUrl`, the
individual part kwargs will be ignored.
:param apiUrl: The full path to the REST API of a Girder instance, e.g.
:param host: A string containing the host name where Girder is running,
the default value is 'localhost'
:param port: The port number on which to connect to Girder,
the default value is 80 for http: and 443 for https:
:param apiRoot: The path on the server corresponding to the root of the
Girder REST API. If None is passed, assumes '/api/v1'.
:param scheme: A string containing the scheme for the Girder host,
the default value is 'http'; if you pass 'https' you likely want
to pass 443 for the port
:param cacheSettings: Settings to use with the diskcache library, or
None to disable caching.
:param progressReporterCls: the progress reporter class to instantiate. This class
is expected to be a context manager with a constructor accepting `label` and
`length` keyword arguments, an `update` method accepting a `chunkSize` argument and
a class attribute `reportProgress` set to True (It can conveniently be
initialized using `sys.stdout.isatty()`).
This defaults to :class:`_NoopProgressReporter`.
""" = None
self.scheme = None
self.port = None
if apiUrl is None:
if not apiRoot:
apiRoot = self.DEFAULT_API_ROOT
# If needed, prepend '/'
if not apiRoot.startswith('/'):
apiRoot = '/' + apiRoot = host or self.DEFAULT_HOST
self.scheme = scheme or GirderClient.getDefaultScheme(
self.port = port or GirderClient.getDefaultPort(, self.scheme)
self.urlBase = '%s://%s:%s%s' % (
self.scheme,, str(self.port), apiRoot)
self.urlBase = apiUrl
if self.urlBase[-1] != '/':
self.urlBase += '/'
self.token = ''
self._folderUploadCallbacks = []
self._itemUploadCallbacks = []
self._serverVersion = []
self._serverApiDescription = {}
self.incomingMetadata = {}
self.localMetadata = {}
if cacheSettings is None:
self.cache = None
self.cache = diskcache.Cache(**cacheSettings)
if progressReporterCls is None:
progressReporterCls = _NoopProgressReporter
self.progressReporterCls = progressReporterCls
self._session = None
[docs] @contextmanager
def session(self, session=None):
Use a :class:`requests.Session` object for all outgoing requests from
:class:`GirderClient`. If `session` isn't passed into the context manager
then one will be created and yielded. Session objects are useful for enabling
persistent HTTP connections as well as partially applying arguments to many
requests, such as headers.
Note: `session` is closed when the context manager exits, regardless of who
created it.
.. code-block:: python
with gc.session() as session:
session.headers.update({'User-Agent': 'myapp 1.0'})
for itemId in itemIds:
gc.downloadItem(itemId, fh)
In the above example, each request will be executed with the User-Agent header
while reusing the same TCP connection.
:param session: An existing :class:`requests.Session` object, or None.
self._session = session if session else requests.Session()
yield self._session
self._session = None
[docs] def authenticate(self, username=None, password=None, interactive=False, apiKey=None):
Authenticate to Girder, storing the token that comes back to be used in
future requests. This method can be used in two modes, either username
and password authentication, or using an API key. Username example:
.. code-block:: python
gc.authenticate(username='myname', password='mypass')
Note that you may also pass ``interactive=True`` and omit either the
username or password argument to be prompted for them in the shell. The
second mode is using an API key:
.. code-block::python
API keys can be created and managed on your user account page in the
Girder web client, and can be used to provide limited access to the Girder web API.
:param username: A string containing the username to use in basic authentication.
:param password: A string containing the password to use in basic authentication.
:param interactive: If you want the user to type their username or
password in the shell rather than passing it in as an argument,
set this to True. If you pass a username in interactive mode, the
user will only be prompted for a password. This option only works
in username/password mode, not API key mode.
:param apiKey: Pass this to use an API key instead of username/password authentication.
:type apiKey: str
if apiKey:
resp ='api_key/token', parameters={
'key': apiKey
if interactive:
if username is None:
username = input('Login or email: ')
password = getpass.getpass('Password for %s: ' % username)
if username is None or password is None:
raise Exception('A user name and password are required')
resp = self.sendRestRequest('get', 'user/authentication', auth=(username, password),
headers={'Girder-Token': None})
except HttpError as e:
if e.status in (401, 403):
raise AuthenticationError()
return resp['user']
[docs] def setToken(self, token):
Set a token on the GirderClient instance. This is useful in the case
where the client has already been given a valid token, such as a remote job.
:param token: A string containing the existing Girder token
self.token = token
[docs] def getServerVersion(self, useCached=True):
Fetch server API version. By default, caches the version
such that future calls to this function do not make another request to
the server.
:param useCached: Whether to return the previously fetched value. Set
to False to force a re-fetch of the version from the server.
:type useCached: bool
:return: The API version as a list (e.g. ``['1', '0', '0']``)
if not self._serverVersion or not useCached:
response = self.get('system/version')
if 'release' in response:
release = response['release'] # girder >= 3
release = response['apiVersion'] # girder < 3
# Do not include any more than 3 version components in the patch version
self._serverVersion = release.split('.', 2)
return self._serverVersion
[docs] def getServerAPIDescription(self, useCached=True):
Fetch server RESTful API description.
:param useCached: Whether to return the previously fetched value. Set
to False to force a re-fetch of the description from the server.
:type useCached: bool
:return: The API descriptions as a dict.
For example: ::
"basePath": "/api/v1",
"definitions": {},
"host": "",
"info": {
"title": "Girder REST API",
"version": "X.Y.Z"
"paths": {
"/api_key": {
"get": {
"description": "Only site administrators [...]",
"operationId": "api_key_listKeys",
"parameters": [
"description": "ID of the user whose keys to list.",
"in": "query",
"name": "userId",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
if not self._serverApiDescription or not useCached:
self._serverApiDescription = self.get('describe')
return self._serverApiDescription
def _requestFunc(self, method):
if self._session is not None:
return getattr(self._session, method.lower())
return getattr(requests, method.lower())
[docs] def sendRestRequest(self, method, path, parameters=None,
data=None, files=None, json=None, headers=None, jsonResp=True,
This method looks up the appropriate method, constructs a request URL
from the base URL, path, and parameters, and then sends the request. If
the method is unknown or if the path is not found, an exception is
raised, otherwise a JSON object is returned with the Girder response.
This is a convenience method to use when making basic requests that do
not involve multipart file data that might need to be specially encoded
or handled differently.
:param method: The HTTP method to use in the request (GET, POST, etc.)
:type method: str
:param path: A string containing the path elements for this request.
Note that the path string should not begin or end with the path separator, '/'.
:type path: str
:param parameters: A dictionary mapping strings to strings, to be used
as the key/value pairs in the request parameters.
:type parameters: dict
:param data: A dictionary, bytes or file-like object to send in the body.
:param files: A dictionary of 'name' => file-like-objects for multipart encoding upload.
:type files: dict
:param json: A JSON object to send in the request body.
:type json: dict
:param headers: If present, a dictionary of headers to encode in the request.
:type headers: dict
:param jsonResp: Whether the response should be parsed as JSON. If False, the raw
response object is returned. To get the raw binary content of the response,
use the ``content`` attribute of the return value, e.g.
.. code-block:: python
resp = client.get('my/endpoint', jsonResp=False)
print(resp.content) # Raw binary content
print(resp.headers) # Dict of headers
:type jsonResp: bool
if not parameters:
parameters = {}
# Look up the HTTP method we need
f = self._requestFunc(method)
# Construct the url
url = self.urlBase + path
# Make the request, passing parameters and authentication info
_headers = {'Girder-Token': self.token}
if isinstance(headers, dict):
result = f(
url, params=parameters, data=data, files=files, json=json, headers=_headers,
# If success, return the json object. Otherwise throw an exception.
if result.ok:
if jsonResp:
return result.json()
return result
raise HttpError(
status=result.status_code, url=result.url, method=method, text=result.text,
[docs] def get(self, path, parameters=None, jsonResp=True):
Convenience method to call :py:func:`sendRestRequest` with the 'GET' HTTP method.
return self.sendRestRequest('GET', path, parameters, jsonResp=jsonResp)
[docs] def post(self, path, parameters=None, files=None, data=None, json=None, headers=None,
Convenience method to call :py:func:`sendRestRequest` with the 'POST' HTTP method.
return self.sendRestRequest('POST', path, parameters, files=files,
data=data, json=json, headers=headers, jsonResp=jsonResp)
[docs] def put(self, path, parameters=None, data=None, json=None, jsonResp=True):
Convenience method to call :py:func:`sendRestRequest` with the 'PUT'
HTTP method.
return self.sendRestRequest('PUT', path, parameters, data=data,
json=json, jsonResp=jsonResp)
[docs] def delete(self, path, parameters=None, jsonResp=True):
Convenience method to call :py:func:`sendRestRequest` with the 'DELETE' HTTP method.
return self.sendRestRequest('DELETE', path, parameters, jsonResp=jsonResp)
[docs] def patch(self, path, parameters=None, data=None, json=None, jsonResp=True):
Convenience method to call :py:func:`sendRestRequest` with the 'PATCH' HTTP method.
return self.sendRestRequest('PATCH', path, parameters, data=data,
json=json, jsonResp=jsonResp)
[docs] def createResource(self, path, params):
Creates and returns a resource.
return, params)
[docs] def getResource(self, path, id=None, property=None):
Returns a resource based on ``id`` or None if no resource is found; if
``property`` is passed, returns that property value from the found resource.
route = path
if id is not None:
route += '/%s' % id
if property is not None:
route += '/%s' % property
return self.get(route)
[docs] def resourceLookup(self, path):
Look up and retrieve resource in the data hierarchy by path.
:param path: The path of the resource. The path must be an absolute
Unix path starting with either "/user/[user name]" or
"/collection/[collection name]".
return self.get('resource/lookup', parameters={'path': path})
[docs] def listResource(self, path, params=None, limit=None, offset=None):
This is a generator that will yield records using the given path and
params until exhausted. Paging of the records is done internally, but
can be overridden by manually passing a ``limit`` value to select only
a single page. Passing an ``offset`` will work in both single-page and
exhaustive modes.
params = dict(params or {})
params['offset'] = offset or 0
params['limit'] = limit if limit is not None else DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT
while True:
records = self.get(path, params)
yield from records
n = len(records)
if limit or n < params['limit']:
# Either a single slice was requested, or this is the last page
params['offset'] += n
[docs] def setResourceTimestamp(self, id, type, created=None, updated=None):
Set the created or updated timestamps for a resource.
url = 'resource/%s/timestamp' % id
params = {
'type': type,
if created:
params['created'] = str(created)
if updated:
params['updated'] = str(updated)
return self.put(url, parameters=params)
[docs] def getFile(self, fileId):
Retrieves a file by its ID.
:param fileId: A string containing the ID of the file to retrieve from Girder.
return self.getResource('file', fileId)
[docs] def listFile(self, itemId, limit=None, offset=None):
This is a generator that will yield files under the given itemId.
:param itemId: the item's ID
:param limit: the result set size limit.
:param offset: the result offset.
return self.listResource('item/%s/files' % itemId, params={
'id': itemId,
}, limit=limit, offset=offset)
[docs] def createItem(self, parentFolderId, name, description='', reuseExisting=False,
Creates and returns an item.
:param parentFolderId: the folder this item should be created in.
:param name: the item name.
:param description: a description of the item.
:param reuseExisting: whether to return an existing item if one with
same name already exists.
:param metadata: JSON metadata to set on item.
if metadata is not None and not isinstance(metadata, str):
metadata = json.dumps(metadata)
params = {
'folderId': parentFolderId,
'name': name,
'description': description,
'reuseExisting': reuseExisting,
'metadata': metadata
return self.createResource('item', params)
[docs] def getItem(self, itemId):
Retrieves a item by its ID.
:param itemId: A string containing the ID of the item to retrieve from Girder.
return self.getResource('item', itemId)
[docs] def listItem(self, folderId, text=None, name=None, limit=None, offset=None):
This is a generator that will yield all items under a given folder.
:param folderId: the parent folder's ID.
:param text: query for full text search of items.
:param name: query for exact name match of items.
:param limit: If requesting a specific slice, the length of the slice.
:param offset: Starting offset into the list.
params = {
'folderId': folderId
if text:
params['text'] = text
if name:
params['name'] = name
return self.listResource('item', params, limit=limit, offset=offset)
[docs] def listUser(self, limit=None, offset=None):
This is a generator that will yield all users in the system.
:param limit: If requesting a specific slice, the length of the slice.
:param offset: Starting offset into the list.
return self.listResource('user', limit=limit, offset=offset)
[docs] def getUser(self, userId):
Retrieves a user by its ID.
:param userId: A string containing the ID of the user to
retrieve from Girder.
return self.getResource('user', userId)
[docs] def createUser(self, login, email, firstName, lastName, password, admin=None):
Creates and returns a user.
params = {
'login': login,
'email': email,
'firstName': firstName,
'lastName': lastName,
'password': password
if admin is not None:
params['admin'] = admin
return self.createResource('user', params)
[docs] def listCollection(self, limit=None, offset=None):
This is a generator that will yield all collections in the system.
:param limit: If requesting a specific slice, the length of the slice.
:param offset: Starting offset into the list.
return self.listResource('collection', limit=limit, offset=offset)
[docs] def getCollection(self, collectionId):
Retrieves a collection by its ID.
:param collectionId: A string containing the ID of the collection to
retrieve from Girder.
return self.getResource('collection', collectionId)
[docs] def createCollection(self, name, description='', public=False):
Creates and returns a collection.
params = {
'name': name,
'description': description,
'public': public
return self.createResource('collection', params)
[docs] def createFolder(self, parentId, name, description='', parentType='folder',
public=None, reuseExisting=False, metadata=None):
Creates and returns a folder.
:param parentId: The id of the parent resource to create the folder in.
:param name: The name of the folder.
:param description: A description of the folder.
:param parentType: One of ('folder', 'user', 'collection')
:param public: Whether the folder should be marked a public.
:param reuseExisting: Whether to return an existing folder if one with
the same name exists.
:param metadata: JSON metadata to set on the folder.
if metadata is not None and not isinstance(metadata, str):
metadata = json.dumps(metadata)
params = {
'parentId': parentId,
'parentType': parentType,
'name': name,
'description': description,
'reuseExisting': reuseExisting,
'metadata': metadata
if public is not None:
params['public'] = public
return self.createResource('folder', params)
[docs] def getFolder(self, folderId):
Retrieves a folder by its ID.
:param folderId: A string containing the ID of the folder to retrieve from Girder.
return self.getResource('folder', folderId)
[docs] def listFolder(self, parentId, parentFolderType='folder', name=None,
limit=None, offset=None):
This is a generator that will yield a list of folders based on the filter parameters.
:param parentId: The parent's ID.
:param parentFolderType: One of ('folder', 'user', 'collection').
:param name: query for exact name match of items.
:param limit: If requesting a specific slice, the length of the slice.
:param offset: Starting offset into the list.
params = {
'parentId': parentId,
'parentType': parentFolderType
if name:
params['name'] = name
return self.listResource('folder', params, limit=limit, offset=offset)
[docs] def getFolderAccess(self, folderId):
Retrieves a folder's access by its ID.
:param folderId: A string containing the ID of the folder to retrieve
access for from Girder.
return self.getResource('folder', folderId, 'access')
[docs] def setFolderAccess(self, folderId, access, public):
Sets the passed in access control document along with the public value
to the target folder.
:param folderId: Id of the target folder.
:param access: JSON document specifying access control.
:param public: Boolean specifying the public value.
if access is not None and not isinstance(access, str):
access = json.dumps(access)
path = 'folder/' + folderId + '/access'
params = {
'access': access,
'public': public
return self.put(path, params)
[docs] def isFileCurrent(self, itemId, filename, filepath):
Tests whether the passed in filepath exists in the item with itemId,
with a name of filename, and with the same length. Returns a tuple
(file_id, current) where file_id = id of the file with that filename
under the item, or None if no such file exists under the item.
current = boolean if the file with that filename under the item
has the same size as the file at filepath.
:param itemId: ID of parent item for file.
:param filename: name of file to look for under the parent item.
:param filepath: path to file on disk.
itemFiles = self.listFile(itemId)
for itemFile in itemFiles:
if filename == itemFile['name']:
file_id = itemFile['_id']
size = os.path.getsize(filepath)
return (file_id, size == itemFile['size'])
# Some files may already be stored under a different name, we'll need
# to upload anyway in this case also.
return (None, False)
[docs] def uploadFileToItem(self, itemId, filepath, reference=None, mimeType=None, filename=None,
Uploads a file to an item, in chunks.
If ((the file already exists in the item with the same name and size)
or (if the file has 0 bytes), no uploading will be performed.
:param itemId: ID of parent item for file.
:param filepath: path to file on disk.
:param reference: optional reference to send along with the upload.
:type reference: str
:param mimeType: MIME type for the file. Will be guessed if not passed.
:type mimeType: str or None
:param filename: path with filename used in Girder. Defaults to basename of filepath.
:param progressCallback: If passed, will be called after each chunk
with progress information. It passes a single positional argument
to the callable which is a dict of information about progress.
:type progressCallback: callable
:returns: the file that was created.
if filename is None:
filename = filepath
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
filesize = os.path.getsize(filepath)
# Check if the file already exists by name and size in the file.
fileId, current = self.isFileCurrent(itemId, filename, filepath)
if fileId is not None and current:
print('File %s already exists in parent Item' % filename)
if fileId is not None and not current:
print('File %s exists in item, but with stale contents' % filename)
path = 'file/%s/contents' % fileId
params = {
'size': filesize
if reference:
params['reference'] = reference
obj = self.put(path, params)
if '_id' not in obj:
raise Exception(
'After creating an upload token for replacing file '
'contents, expected an object with an id. Got instead: ' + json.dumps(obj))
if mimeType is None:
# Attempt to guess MIME type if not passed explicitly
mimeType, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)
params = {
'parentType': 'item',
'parentId': itemId,
'name': filename,
'size': filesize,
'mimeType': mimeType
if reference:
params['reference'] = reference
obj ='file', params)
if '_id' not in obj:
raise Exception(
'After creating an upload token for a new file, expected '
'an object with an id. Got instead: ' + json.dumps(obj))
with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
return self._uploadContents(obj, f, filesize, progressCallback=progressCallback)
[docs] def uploadStreamToFolder(self, folderId, stream, filename, size, reference=None, mimeType=None,
Uploads a file-like object to a folder, creating a new item in the process. If
the file has 0 bytes, no uploading will be performed, and no item will
be created.
:param folderId: ID of parent folder for file.
:param stream: Readable stream object.
:param filename: Filename used for Girder only.
:param size: The length of the file. This must be exactly equal to the
total number of bytes that will be read from ``stream``, otherwise
the upload will fail.
:param reference: optional reference to send along with the upload.
:param mimeType: MIME type for the file.
:param progressCallback: If passed, will be called after each chunk
with progress information. It passes a single positional argument
to the callable which is a dict of information about progress.
params = {
'parentType': 'folder',
'parentId': folderId,
'name': filename,
'size': size,
'mimeType': mimeType
if reference:
params['reference'] = reference
if size <= self.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE and self.getServerVersion() >= ['2', '3']:
chunk =
if isinstance(chunk, str):
chunk = chunk.encode('utf8')
with self.progressReporterCls(label=filename, length=size) as reporter:
'file', params, data=_ProgressBytesIO(chunk, reporter=reporter))
obj ='file', params)
if '_id' not in obj:
raise Exception(
'After creating an upload token for a new file, expected '
'an object with an id. Got instead: ' + json.dumps(obj))
return self._uploadContents(obj, stream, size, progressCallback=progressCallback)
[docs] def uploadFileToFolder(self, folderId, filepath, reference=None, mimeType=None, filename=None,
Uploads a file to a folder, creating a new item in the process. If
the file has 0 bytes, no uploading will be performed, and no item will
be created.
:param folderId: ID of parent folder for file.
:param filepath: path to file on disk.
:param reference: optional reference to send along with the upload.
:type reference: str
:param mimeType: MIME type for the file. Will be guessed if not passed.
:type mimeType: str or None
:param filename: path with filename used in Girder. Defaults to basename of filepath.
:param progressCallback: If passed, will be called after each chunk
with progress information. It passes a single positional argument
to the callable which is a dict of information about progress.
:type progressCallback: callable
:returns: the file that was created.
if filename is None:
filename = filepath
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
filesize = os.path.getsize(filepath)
if mimeType is None:
# Attempt to guess MIME type if not passed explicitly
mimeType, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)
with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
return self.uploadStreamToFolder(folderId, f, filename, filesize, reference, mimeType,
def _uploadContents(self, uploadObj, stream, size, progressCallback=None):
Uploads contents of a file.
:param uploadObj: The upload object contain the upload id.
:type uploadObj: dict
:param stream: Readable stream object.
:type stream: file-like
:param size: The length of the file. This must be exactly equal to the
total number of bytes that will be read from ``stream``, otherwise
the upload will fail.
:type size: str
:param progressCallback: If passed, will be called after each chunk
with progress information. It passes a single positional argument
to the callable which is a dict of information about progress.
:type progressCallback: callable
offset = 0
uploadId = uploadObj['_id']
with self.progressReporterCls(label=uploadObj.get('name', ''), length=size) as reporter:
while True:
chunk =, (size - offset)))
if not chunk:
if isinstance(chunk, str):
chunk = chunk.encode('utf8')
uploadObj =
'file/chunk?offset=%d&uploadId=%s' % (offset, uploadId),
data=_ProgressBytesIO(chunk, reporter=reporter))
if '_id' not in uploadObj:
raise Exception(
'After uploading a file chunk, did not receive object with _id. '
'Got instead: ' + json.dumps(uploadObj))
offset += len(chunk)
if callable(progressCallback):
'current': offset,
'total': size
if offset != size:
self.delete('file/upload/' + uploadId)
raise IncorrectUploadLengthError(
'Expected upload to be %d bytes, but received %d.' % (size, offset),
return uploadObj
[docs] def uploadFile(self, parentId, stream, name, size, parentType='item',
progressCallback=None, reference=None, mimeType=None):
Uploads a file into an item or folder.
:param parentId: The ID of the folder or item to upload into.
:type parentId: str
:param stream: Readable stream object.
:type stream: file-like
:param name: The name of the file to create.
:type name: str
:param size: The length of the file. This must be exactly equal to the
total number of bytes that will be read from ``stream``, otherwise
the upload will fail.
:type size: str
:param parentType: 'item' or 'folder'.
:type parentType: str
:param progressCallback: If passed, will be called after each chunk
with progress information. It passes a single positional argument
to the callable which is a dict of information about progress.
:type progressCallback: callable
:param reference: optional reference to send along with the upload.
:type reference: str
:param mimeType: MIME type to set on the file. Attempts to guess if not
explicitly passed.
:type mimeType: str or None
:returns: The file that was created on the server.
params = {
'parentType': parentType,
'parentId': parentId,
'name': name,
'size': size,
'mimeType': mimeType or mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0]
if reference is not None:
params['reference'] = reference
obj ='file', params)
if '_id' not in obj:
raise Exception(
'After creating an upload token for a new file, expected '
'an object with an id. Got instead: ' + json.dumps(obj))
return self._uploadContents(obj, stream, size, progressCallback=progressCallback)
[docs] def uploadFileContents(self, fileId, stream, size, reference=None):
Uploads the contents of an existing file.
:param fileId: ID of file to update
:param stream: Readable stream object.
:type stream: file-like
:param size: The length of the file. This must be exactly equal to the
total number of bytes that will be read from ``stream``, otherwise
the upload will fail.
:type size: str
:param reference: optional reference to send along with the upload.
:type reference: str
path = 'file/%s/contents' % fileId
params = {
'size': size
if reference:
params['reference'] = reference
obj = self.put(path, params)
if '_id' not in obj:
raise Exception(
'After creating an upload token for replacing file '
'contents, expected an object with an id. Got instead: ' + json.dumps(obj))
return self._uploadContents(obj, stream, size)
def _copyFile(self, fp, path):
Copy the `fp` file-like object to `path` which may be a filename string
or another file-like object to write to.
if isinstance(path, str):
# Use "abspath" to cleanly get the parent of ".", without following symlinks otherwise
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)), exist_ok=True)
with open(path, 'wb') as dst:
shutil.copyfileobj(fp, dst)
# assume `path` is a file-like object
shutil.copyfileobj(fp, path)
def _streamingFileDownload(self, fileId):
Download a file streaming the contents
:param fileId: The ID of the Girder file to download.
:returns: The request
path = 'file/%s/download' % fileId
return self.sendRestRequest('get', path, stream=True, jsonResp=False)
[docs] def downloadFile(self, fileId, path, created=None):
Download a file to the given local path or file-like object.
:param fileId: The ID of the Girder file to download.
:param path: The path to write the file to, or a file-like object.
fileObj = self.getFile(fileId)
created = created or fileObj['created']
cacheKey = '\n'.join([self.urlBase, fileId, created])
# see if file is in local cache
if self.cache is not None:
fp = self.cache.get(cacheKey, read=True)
if fp:
with fp:
self._copyFile(fp, path)
# download to a tempfile
progressFileName = fileId
if isinstance(path, str):
progressFileName = os.path.basename(path)
req = self._streamingFileDownload(fileId)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp:
with self.progressReporterCls(
length=int(req.headers.get('content-length', 0))) as reporter:
for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=REQ_BUFFER_SIZE):
size = os.stat(
if size != fileObj['size']:
raise IncompleteResponseError('File %s download' % fileId, fileObj['size'], size)
# save file in cache
if self.cache is not None:
with open(, 'rb') as fp:
self.cache.set(cacheKey, fp, read=True)
if isinstance(path, str):
# we can just rename the tempfile
# Use "abspath" to cleanly get the parent of ".", without following symlinks otherwise
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)), exist_ok=True)
shutil.move(, path)
# write to file-like object
with open(, 'rb') as fp:
shutil.copyfileobj(fp, path)
# delete the temp file
[docs] def downloadFileAsIterator(self, fileId, chunkSize=REQ_BUFFER_SIZE):
Download a file streaming the contents as an iterator.
:param fileId: The ID of the Girder file to download.
:param chunkSize: The chunk size to download the contents in.
:returns: The request content iterator.
req = self._streamingFileDownload(fileId)
return req.iter_content(chunk_size=chunkSize)
[docs] def downloadItem(self, itemId, dest, name=None):
Download an item from Girder into a local folder. Each file in the
item will be placed into the directory specified by the dest parameter.
If the item contains multiple files or a single file with a different
name than the item, the item will be created as a directory under dest
and the files will become files within that directory.
:param itemId: The Id of the Girder item to download.
:param dest: The destination directory to write the item into.
:param name: If the item name is known in advance, you may pass it here
which will save a lookup to the server.
if name is None:
item = self.get('item/' + itemId)
name = item['name']
offset = 0
first = True
while True:
files = self.get('item/%s/files' % itemId, parameters={
'offset': offset
if first:
if len(files) == 1 and files[0]['name'] == name:
os.path.join(dest, self.transformFilename(name)),
dest = os.path.join(dest, self.transformFilename(name))
os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True)
for file in files:
os.path.join(dest, self.transformFilename(file['name'])),
first = False
offset += len(files)
if len(files) < DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT:
[docs] def downloadFolderRecursive(self, folderId, dest, sync=False):
Download a folder recursively from Girder into a local directory.
:param folderId: Id of the Girder folder or resource path to download.
:type folderId: ObjectId or Unix-style path to the resource in Girder.
:param dest: The local download destination.
:type dest: str
:param sync: If True, check if item exists in local metadata
cache and skip download provided that metadata is identical.
:type sync: bool
offset = 0
folderId = self._checkResourcePath(folderId)
while True:
folders = self.get('folder', parameters={
'offset': offset,
'parentType': 'folder',
'parentId': folderId
for folder in folders:
local = os.path.join(dest, self.transformFilename(folder['name']))
os.makedirs(local, exist_ok=True)
self.downloadFolderRecursive(folder['_id'], local, sync=sync)
offset += len(folders)
if len(folders) < DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT:
offset = 0
while True:
items = self.get('item', parameters={
'folderId': folderId,
'offset': offset
for item in items:
_id = item['_id']
self.incomingMetadata[_id] = item
if (sync and _id in self.localMetadata
and item['updated'] == self.localMetadata[_id]['updated']):
self.downloadItem(item['_id'], dest, name=item['name'])
offset += len(items)
if len(items) < DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT:
[docs] def downloadResource(self, resourceId, dest, resourceType='folder', sync=False):
Download a collection, user, or folder recursively from Girder into a local directory.
:param resourceId: ID or path of the resource to download.
:type resourceId: ObjectId or Unix-style path to the resource in Girder.
:param dest: The local download destination. Can be an absolute path or relative to
the current working directory.
:type dest: str
:param resourceType: The type of resource being downloaded: 'collection', 'user',
or 'folder'.
:type resourceType: str
:param sync: If True, check if items exist in local metadata
cache and skip download if the metadata is identical.
:type sync: bool
if resourceType == 'folder':
self.downloadFolderRecursive(resourceId, dest, sync)
elif resourceType in ('collection', 'user'):
offset = 0
resourceId = self._checkResourcePath(resourceId)
while True:
folders = self.get('folder', parameters={
'offset': offset,
'parentType': resourceType,
'parentId': resourceId
for folder in folders:
local = os.path.join(dest, self.transformFilename(folder['name']))
os.makedirs(local, exist_ok=True)
self.downloadFolderRecursive(folder['_id'], local, sync=sync)
offset += len(folders)
if len(folders) < DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT:
raise Exception('Invalid resource type: %s' % resourceType)
[docs] def inheritAccessControlRecursive(self, ancestorFolderId, access=None, public=None):
Take the access control and public value of a folder and recursively
copy that access control and public value to all folder descendants,
replacing any existing access control on the descendant folders with
that of the ancestor folder.
:param ancestorFolderId: Id of the Girder folder to copy access
control from, to all of its descendant folders.
:param access: Dictionary Access control target, if None, will take
existing access control of ancestor folder
:param public: Boolean public value target, if None, will take existing
public value of ancestor folder
offset = 0
if public is None:
public = self.getFolder(ancestorFolderId)['public']
if access is None:
access = self.getFolderAccess(ancestorFolderId)
while True:
self.setFolderAccess(ancestorFolderId, json.dumps(access), public)
folders = self.get('folder', parameters={
'offset': offset,
'parentType': 'folder',
'parentId': ancestorFolderId
for folder in folders:
self.inheritAccessControlRecursive(folder['_id'], access, public)
offset += len(folders)
if len(folders) < DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT:
[docs] def addFolderUploadCallback(self, callback):
"""Saves a passed in callback function that will be called after each
folder has completed. Multiple callback functions can be added, they
will be called in the order they were added by calling this function.
Callback functions will be called after a folder in Girder is created
and all subfolders and items for that folder have completed uploading.
Callback functions should take two parameters:
- the folder in Girder
- the full path to the local folder
:param callback: callback function to be called.
[docs] def addItemUploadCallback(self, callback):
"""Saves a passed in callback function that will be called after each
item has completed. Multiple callback functions can be added, they
will be called in the order they were added by calling this function.
Callback functions will be called after an item in Girder is created
and all files for that item have been uploaded. Callback functions
should take two parameters:
- the item in Girder
- the full path to the local folder or file comprising the item
:param callback: callback function to be called.
[docs] def loadOrCreateFolder(self, folderName, parentId, parentType, metadata=None):
"""Returns a folder in Girder with the given name under the given
parent. If none exists yet, it will create it and return it.
:param folderName: the name of the folder to look up.
:param parentId: id of parent in Girder
:param parentType: one of (collection, folder, user)
:param metadata: JSON metadata string to set on folder.
:returns: The folder that was found or created.
children = self.listFolder(parentId, parentType, name=folderName)
return next(children)
except StopIteration:
return self.createFolder(parentId, folderName, parentType=parentType,
def _hasOnlyFiles(self, localFolder):
"""Returns whether a folder has only files. This will be false if the
folder contains any subdirectories.
:param localFolder: full path to the local folder
return not any(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(localFolder, entry))
for entry in os.listdir(localFolder))
[docs] def loadOrCreateItem(self, name, parentFolderId, reuseExisting=True, metadata=None):
"""Create an item with the given name in the given parent folder.
:param name: The name of the item to load or create.
:param parentFolderId: id of parent folder in Girder
:param reuseExisting: boolean indicating whether to load an existing
item of the same name in the same location, or create a new one.
:param metadata: JSON metadata string to set on item.
item = None
if reuseExisting:
children = self.listItem(parentFolderId, name=name)
item = next(children)
except StopIteration:
if item is None:
item = self.createItem(parentFolderId, name, description='', metadata=metadata)
return item
def _uploadAsItem(self, localFile, parentFolderId, filePath, reuseExisting=False, dryRun=False,
"""Function for doing an upload of a file as an item.
:param localFile: name of local file to upload
:param parentFolderId: id of parent folder in Girder
:param filePath: full path to the file
:param reuseExisting: boolean indicating whether to accept an existing item
of the same name in the same location, or create a new one instead
:param reference: Option reference to send along with the upload.
if not self.progressReporterCls.reportProgress:
print('Uploading Item from %s' % localFile)
if not dryRun:
# If we are reusing existing items or have upload callbacks, then
# we need to know the item as part of the process. If this is a
# zero-length file, we create an item. Otherwise, we can just
# upload to the parent folder and never learn about the created
# item.
if reuseExisting or len(self._itemUploadCallbacks) or os.path.getsize(filePath) == 0:
currentItem = self.loadOrCreateItem(
os.path.basename(localFile), parentFolderId, reuseExisting)
currentItem['_id'], filePath, filename=localFile, reference=reference)
for callback in self._itemUploadCallbacks:
callback(currentItem, filePath)
parentFolderId, filePath, filename=localFile, reference=reference)
def _uploadFolderAsItem(self, localFolder, parentFolderId, reuseExisting=False, blacklist=None,
dryRun=False, reference=None):
Take a folder and use its base name as the name of a new item. Then,
upload its containing files into the new item as bitstreams.
:param localFolder: The path to the folder to be uploaded.
:param parentFolderId: Id of the destination folder for the new item.
:param reuseExisting: boolean indicating whether to accept an existing item
of the same name in the same location, or create a new one instead
:param reference: Option reference to send along with the upload.
blacklist = blacklist or []
print('Creating Item from folder %s' % localFolder)
if not dryRun:
item = self.loadOrCreateItem(
os.path.basename(localFolder), parentFolderId, reuseExisting)
subdircontents = sorted(os.listdir(localFolder))
# for each file in the subdir, add it to the item
filecount = len(subdircontents)
for (ind, currentFile) in enumerate(subdircontents):
filepath = os.path.join(localFolder, currentFile)
if currentFile in blacklist:
if dryRun:
print('Ignoring file %s as blacklisted' % currentFile)
print('Adding file %s, (%d of %d) to Item' % (currentFile, ind + 1, filecount))
if not dryRun:
self.uploadFileToItem(item['_id'], filepath, filename=currentFile)
if not dryRun:
for callback in self._itemUploadCallbacks:
callback(item, localFolder)
def _uploadFolderRecursive(self, localFolder, parentId, parentType, leafFoldersAsItems=False,
reuseExisting=False, blacklist=None, dryRun=False, reference=None):
Function to recursively upload a folder and all of its descendants.
:param localFolder: full path to local folder to be uploaded
:param parentId: id of parent in Girder, where new folder will be added
:param parentType: one of (collection, folder, user)
:param leafFoldersAsItems: whether leaf folders should have all
files uploaded as single items
:param reuseExisting: boolean indicating whether to accept an existing item
of the same name in the same location, or create a new one instead
:param reference: Option reference to send along with the upload.
blacklist = blacklist or []
if leafFoldersAsItems and self._hasOnlyFiles(localFolder):
if parentType != 'folder':
raise Exception(
('Attempting to upload a folder as an item under a %s. '
% parentType) + 'Items can only be added to folders.')
self._uploadFolderAsItem(localFolder, parentId, reuseExisting, dryRun=dryRun)
filename = os.path.basename(localFolder)
if filename in blacklist:
if dryRun:
print('Ignoring file %s as it is blacklisted' % filename)
print('Creating Folder from %s' % localFolder)
if dryRun:
# create a dry run placeholder
folder = {'_id': 'dryrun'}
folder = self.loadOrCreateFolder(
os.path.basename(localFolder), parentId, parentType)
for entry in sorted(os.listdir(localFolder)):
if entry in blacklist:
if dryRun:
print('Ignoring file %s as it is blacklisted' % entry)
fullEntry = os.path.join(localFolder, entry)
if os.path.islink(fullEntry):
# os.walk skips symlinks by default
print('Skipping file %s as it is a symlink' % entry)
elif os.path.isdir(fullEntry):
# At this point we should have an actual folder, so can
# pass that as the parent_type
fullEntry, folder['_id'], 'folder', leafFoldersAsItems, reuseExisting,
blacklist=blacklist, dryRun=dryRun, reference=reference)
entry, folder['_id'], fullEntry, reuseExisting, dryRun=dryRun,
if not dryRun:
for callback in self._folderUploadCallbacks:
callback(folder, localFolder)
[docs] def upload(self, filePattern, parentId, parentType='folder', leafFoldersAsItems=False,
reuseExisting=False, blacklist=None, dryRun=False, reference=None):
Upload a pattern of files.
This will recursively walk down every tree in the file pattern to
create a hierarchy on the server under the parentId.
:param filePattern: a glob pattern for files that will be uploaded,
recursively copying any file folder structures. If this is a list
or tuple each item in it will be used in turn.
:type filePattern: str
:param parentId: Id of the parent in Girder or resource path.
:type parentId: ObjectId or Unix-style path to the resource in Girder.
:param parentType: one of (collection,folder,user), default of folder.
:type parentType: str
:param leafFoldersAsItems: bool whether leaf folders should have all
files uploaded as single items.
:type leafFoldersAsItems: bool
:param reuseExisting: bool whether to accept an existing item of
the same name in the same location, or create a new one instead.
:type reuseExisting: bool
:param dryRun: Set this to True to print out what actions would be taken, but
do not actually communicate with the server.
:type dryRun: bool
:param reference: Option reference to send along with the upload.
:type reference: str
filePatternList = filePattern if isinstance(filePattern, (list, tuple)) else [filePattern]
blacklist = blacklist or []
empty = True
parentId = self._checkResourcePath(parentId)
for pattern in filePatternList:
for currentFile in glob.iglob(pattern):
empty = False
currentFile = os.path.normpath(currentFile)
filename = os.path.basename(currentFile)
if filename in blacklist:
if dryRun:
print('Ignoring file %s as it is blacklisted' % filename)
if os.path.isfile(currentFile):
if parentType != 'folder':
raise Exception(
'Attempting to upload an item under a %s. Items can only be added to '
'folders.' % parentType)
os.path.basename(currentFile), parentId, currentFile, reuseExisting,
dryRun=dryRun, reference=reference)
currentFile, parentId, parentType, leafFoldersAsItems, reuseExisting,
blacklist=blacklist, dryRun=dryRun, reference=reference)
if empty:
print('No matching files: ' + repr(filePattern))
def _checkResourcePath(self, objId):
if isinstance(objId, str) and objId.startswith('/'):
return self.resourceLookup(objId)['_id']
except requests.HTTPError:
return None
return objId