
This tutorial will deploy a production-ready Girder on Ubuntu 18.04, using the popular IT automation tool Ansible.


Before running this, you must provide:

  • A “server”: an (ideally fresh) Ubuntu 18.04 system, with:

    • A sudo-capable user.

    • Inbound access from the internet on TCP port 80 and 443.

    • Outbound access to the internet on UDP port 53. Many firewalls (e.g. the AWS EC2 default security group) do not allow this by default.

    • A DNS entry, so its public IP address is resolvable from the internet.

  • A “controller”: a machine with Ansible installed and SSH access to the server.

  • An “assetstore” for storing uploaded files on Girder. This may be either:

    • A location on the server’s filesystem (which may be mounted external storage).

    • An AWS S3 bucket.

  • Credentials for an outbound SMTP server, ideally with STARTTLS or TLS.

  • An email address for the administrator of the system.

Install with Ansible

Download Template Files

Download the following files to a fresh directory on the controller machine:

Make executable:

chmod +x ./

Setup Inventory

Edit hosts.yml, in accordance with the inline comments. This will configure Ansible to find and login to the server.

Setup the Playbook

Edit playbook.yml, in accordance with the inline comments. This will configure necessary details of the provisioning process.


Spoof nginx_registration_email at your own risk. The email address is only provided to Let’s Encrypt, to provide warnings in case HTTPS auto-renewal is failing. Under normal circumstances, no emails should ever be sent.


When specifying Girder plugins, PyPI package names of published Girder plugin packages should be used whenever possible. See Plugins for a list of official Girder plugins and associated PyPI package names.

Unpublished plugin packages may be specified in accordance with pip’s VCS support.

Run the Playbook

Run the script, which will download external role files and run the playbook:


If the server user requires a password to use sudo, you may be prompted for a “become” password. Enter the password of the server user at this point.

When the script completes, Girder should be fully installed! There is no need for additional setup via SSH.

Configure the Server

Create a Site Admin User

Visit the URL of the new Girder server in a web browser, click the Register link, and create a new user.

The first user to be created on a Girder instance is automatically given site admin permissions. As a site admin, you should see an Admin console link in the left-side navigation bar. If you do not see this link while logged in, then another user has already have created an account first.

Create an Assetstore

While logged in as a site admin, visit Admin console -> Assetstores. Here, create at least one new assetstore. See the Assetstores section for further details on assetstore types.

No users can upload files until an assetstore is created, since all files in Girder must reside within an assetstore.

Configure Email Sending

While logged in as a site admin, visit Admin console -> Server Configuration, then scroll down to the Email Delivery section. Here, enter the credentials for an outgoing SMTP server, then click Save at the bottom of the page.

Outgoing email support is essential to allowing reset of forgotten passwords and, if enabled, email address validation for new users.


To change settings for plugins, click the Admin console navigation link, then click Plugins. Here, you will see a list of installed plugins. If the plugin has settings, click on the associated gear icon to modify them.