Source code for girder.models.model_base

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  Copyright 2013 Kitware Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" );
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#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import pymongo

from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from girder import events
from girder.constants import AccessType, TerminalColor, TEXT_SCORE_SORT_MAX
from girder.utility.model_importer import ModelImporter
from girder.models import getDbConnection

[docs]class Model(ModelImporter): """ Model base class. Models are responsible for abstracting away the persistence layer. Each collection in the database should have its own model. Methods that deal with database interaction belong in the model layer. """ def __init__(self): = None self._indices = [] self._textIndex = None self._textLanguage = None self.initialize() db_connection = getDbConnection() self.database = db_connection.get_default_database() self.collection = self.database[] for index in self._indices: if isinstance(index, (list, tuple)): self.collection.ensure_index(index[0], **index[1]) else: self.collection.ensure_index(index) if type(self._textIndex) is dict: textIdx = [(k, 'text') for k in self._textIndex.keys()] try: self.collection.ensure_index( textIdx, weights=self._textIndex, default_language=self._textLanguage) except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: print( TerminalColor.warning('WARNING: Text search not enabled.'))
[docs] def ensureTextIndex(self, index, language='english'): """ Call this during initialize() of the subclass if you want your model to have a full-text searchable index. Each collection may have zero or one full-text index. :param language: The default_language value for the text index, which is used for stemming and stop words. If the text index should not use stemming and stop words, set this param to 'none'. :type language: str """ self._textIndex = index self._textLanguage = language
[docs] def ensureIndices(self, indices): """ Subclasses should call this with a list of strings representing fields that should be indexed in the database if there are any. Otherwise, it is not necessary to call this method. Elements of the list may also be a list or tuple, where the second element is a dictionary that will be passed as kwargs to the pymongo ensure_index call. """ self._indices.extend(indices)
[docs] def ensureIndex(self, index): """ Like ensureIndices, but declares just a single index rather than a list of them. """ self._indices.append(index)
[docs] def validate(self, doc): """ Models should implement this to validate the document before it enters the database. It must return the document with any necessary filters applied, or throw a ValidationException if validation of the document fails. :param doc: The document to validate before saving to the collection. :type doc: dict """ raise Exception('Must override validate() in %s model.' % self.__class__.__name__) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Subclasses should override this and set the name of the collection as Also, they should set any indexed fields that they require. """ raise Exception('Must override initialize() in %s model' % self.__class__.__name__) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def find(self, query=None, offset=0, limit=50, **kwargs): """ Search the collection by a set of parameters. Passes any kwargs through to the underlying pymongo.collection.find function. :param query: The search query (see general MongoDB docs for "find()") :type query: dict :param offset: The offset into the results :type offset: int :param limit: Maximum number of documents to return :type limit: int :param sort: The sort order. :type sort: List of (key, order) tuples. :param fields: A mask for filtering result documents by key. :type fields: List of strings :returns: A pymongo database cursor. """ if not query: query = {} return self.collection.find( spec=query, skip=offset, limit=limit, **kwargs)
[docs] def findOne(self, query=None, **kwargs): """ Search the collection by a set of parameters. Passes any kwargs through to the underlying pymongo.collection.find function. :param query: The search query (see general MongoDB docs for "find()") :type query: dict :param sort: The sort order. :type sort: List of (key, order) tuples. :param fields: A mask for filtering result documents by key. :type fields: List of strings :returns: the first object that was found, or None if none found. """ if not query: query = {} cursor = self.collection.find(spec=query, skip=0, limit=1, **kwargs) if cursor.count() == 0: return None return
[docs] def textSearch(self, query, offset=0, limit=50, sort=None, fields=None, filters=None): """ Perform a full-text search against the text index for this collection. :param query: The text query. Will be stemmed internally. :type query: str :param filters: Any additional query operators to apply. :type filters: dict :returns: A pymongo cursor. It is left to the caller to build the results from the cursor. """ if not filters: filters = {} if not fields: fields = {} fields['_textScore'] = {'$meta': 'textScore'} filters['$text'] = {'$search': query} cursor = self.find(filters, offset=offset, limit=limit, sort=sort, fields=fields) # Sort by meta text score, but only if result count is below a certain # threshold. The text score is not a real index, so we cannot always # sort by it if there is a high number of matching documents. if cursor.count() < TEXT_SCORE_SORT_MAX and sort is None: cursor.sort([('_textScore', {'$meta': 'textScore'})]) return cursor
[docs] def save(self, document, validate=True, triggerEvents=True): """ Create or update a document in the collection. This triggers two events; one prior to validation, and one prior to saving. Either of these events may have their default action prevented. :param document: The document to save. :type document: dict :param validate: Whether to call the model's validate() before saving. :type validate: bool :param triggerEvents: Whether to trigger events for validate and pre- and post-save hooks. """ if validate and triggerEvents: event = events.trigger('.'.join(('model',, 'validate')), document) if event.defaultPrevented: validate = False if validate: document = self.validate(document) if triggerEvents: event = events.trigger('model.{}.save'.format(, document) if event.defaultPrevented: return document document['_id'] = if triggerEvents: events.trigger('model.{}.save.after'.format(, document) return document
[docs] def update(self, query, update, multi=True): """ This method should be used for updating multiple documents in the collection. This is useful for things like removing all references in this collection to a document that is being deleted from another collection. This is a thin wrapper around pymongo db.collection.update(). For updating a single document, use the save() model method instead. :param query: The query for finding documents to update. It's the same format as would be passed to find(). :type query: dict :param update: The update specifier. :type update: dict """ self.collection.update(query, update, multi=multi)
[docs] def increment(self, query, field, amount, **kwargs): """ This is a specialization of the update method that atomically increments a field by a given amount. Additional kwargs are passed directly through to update. :param query: The query selector for documents to update. :type query: dict :param field: The name of the field in the document to increment. :type field: str :param amount: The amount to increment the field by. :type amount: int or float """ self.update(query=query, update={ '$inc': {field: amount} }, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove(self, document, **kwargs): """ Delete an object from the collection; must have its _id set. :param doc: the item to remove. """ assert '_id' in document event = events.trigger('.'.join(('model',, 'remove')), document) if not event.defaultPrevented: return self.collection.remove({'_id': document['_id']})
[docs] def removeWithQuery(self, query): """ Remove all documents matching a given query from the collection. For safety reasons, you may not pass an empty query. """ assert query return self.collection.remove(query)
[docs] def load(self, id, objectId=True, fields=None, exc=False): """ Fetch a single object from the database using its _id field. :param id: The value for searching the _id field. :type id: string or ObjectId :param objectId: Whether the id should be coerced to ObjectId type. :type objectId: bool :param fields: Fields list to include. Also can be a dict for exclusion. See pymongo docs for how to use this arg. :param exc: Whether to raise a ValidationException if there is no document with the given id. :type exc: bool :returns: The matching document, or None. """ if objectId and type(id) is not ObjectId: try: id = ObjectId(id) except: raise ValidationException('Invalid ObjectId: {}'.format(id), field='id') doc = self.collection.find_one({'_id': id}, fields=fields) if doc is None and exc is True: raise ValidationException('No such {}: {}'.format(, id), field='id') return doc
[docs] def filterDocument(self, doc, allow=None): """ This method will filter the given document to make it suitable to output to the user. :param doc: The document to filter. :type doc: dict :param allow: The whitelist of fields to allow in the output document. :type allow: List of strings """ if not allow: allow = [] if doc is None: return None out = {} for field in allow: if field in doc: out[field] = doc[field] if '_textScore' in doc: out['_textScore'] = doc['_textScore'] return out
[docs] def subtreeCount(self, doc): """ Return the size of the subtree rooted at the given document. In general, if this contains items or folders, it will be the count of the items and folders in all containers. If it does not, it will be 1. This returns the absolute size of the subtree, it does not filter by permissions. :param doc: The root of the subtree. :type doc: dict """ return 1
[docs]class AccessControlledModel(Model): """ Any model that has access control requirements should inherit from this class. It enforces permission checking in the load() method and provides convenient methods for testing and requiring user permissions. It also provides methods for setting access control policies on the resource. """ def _hasGroupAccess(self, perms, groupIds, level): """ Private helper method for checking group access. """ for groupAccess in perms: if groupAccess['id'] in groupIds and groupAccess['level'] >= level: return True def _hasUserAccess(self, perms, userId, level): """ Private helper method for checking user-specific access. """ for userAccess in perms: if userAccess['id'] == userId and userAccess['level'] >= level: return True return False def _setAccess(self, doc, id, entity, level, save): """ Private helper for setting access on a resource. """ assert entity == 'users' or entity == 'groups' if type(id) is not ObjectId: id = ObjectId(id) if 'access' not in doc: doc['access'] = {'groups': [], 'users': []} if entity not in doc['access']: doc['access'][entity] = [] # First remove any existing permission level for this entity. doc['access'][entity] = [perm for perm in doc['access'][entity] if perm['id'] != id] # Add in the new level for this entity unless we are removing access. if level is not None: doc['access'][entity].append({ 'id': id, 'level': level }) if save: doc =, validate=False) return doc
[docs] def setPublic(self, doc, public, save=False): """ Set the flag for public read access on the object. :param doc: The document to update permissions on. :type doc: dict :param public: Flag for public read access. :type public: bool :param save: Whether to save the object to the database afterward. Set this to False if you want to wait to save the document for performance reasons. :type save: bool :returns: The updated resource document. """ assert type(public) is bool doc['public'] = public if save: doc =, validate=False) return doc
[docs] def setAccessList(self, doc, access, save=False): """ Set the entire access control list to the given value. This also saves the resource in its new state to the database. :param doc: The resource to update. :type doc: dict :param access: The new access control list to set on the object. :type access: dict :param save: Whether to save after updating. :type save: boolean :returns: The updated resource. """ # First coerce the access list value into a valid form. acList = { 'users': [], 'groups': [] } for userAccess in access.get('users', []): if 'id' in userAccess and 'level' in userAccess: if not userAccess['level'] in (AccessType.READ, AccessType.WRITE, AccessType.ADMIN): raise ValidationException('Invalid access level', 'access') acList['users'].append({ 'id': ObjectId(userAccess['id']), 'level': userAccess['level'] }) else: raise ValidationException('Invalid access list', 'access') for groupAccess in access.get('groups', []): if 'id' in groupAccess and 'level' in groupAccess: if not groupAccess['level'] in (AccessType.READ, AccessType.WRITE, AccessType.ADMIN): raise ValidationException('Invalid access level', 'access') acList['groups'].append({ 'id': ObjectId(groupAccess['id']), 'level': groupAccess['level'] }) else: raise ValidationException('Invalid access list', 'access') doc['access'] = acList if save: doc =, validate=False) return doc
[docs] def setGroupAccess(self, doc, group, level, save=False): """ Set group-level access on the resource. :param doc: The resource document to set access on. :type doc: dict :param group: The group to grant or remove access to. :type group: dict :param level: What level of access the group should have. Set to None to remove all access for this group. :type level: AccessType or None :param save: Whether to save the object to the database afterward. Set this to False if you want to wait to save the document for performance reasons. :type save: bool :returns: The updated resource document. """ return self._setAccess(doc, group['_id'], 'groups', level, save)
[docs] def getAccessLevel(self, doc, user): """ Return the maximum access level for a given user on a given object. This can be useful for alerting the user which set of actions they are able to perform on the object in advance of trying to call them. :param doc: The object to check access on. :param user: The user to get the access level for. :returns: The max AccessType available for the user on the object. """ if user is None: if doc.get('public', False): return AccessType.READ else: return AccessType.NONE elif user.get('admin', False): return AccessType.ADMIN else: access = doc.get('access', {}) level = AccessType.NONE for group in access.get('groups', []): if group['id'] in user.get('groups', []): level = max(level, group['level']) if level == AccessType.ADMIN: return level for userAccess in access.get('users', []): if userAccess['id'] == user['_id']: level = max(level, userAccess['level']) if level == AccessType.ADMIN: return level return level
[docs] def getFullAccessList(self, doc): """ Return an object representing the full access list on this document. This simply includes the names of the users and groups with the access list. """ acList = { 'users': doc['access'].get('users', []), 'groups': doc['access'].get('groups', []) } for user in acList['users']: userDoc = self.model('user').load( user['id'], force=True, fields=['firstName', 'lastName', 'login']) user['login'] = userDoc['login'] user['name'] = '{} {}'.format( userDoc['firstName'], userDoc['lastName']) for grp in acList['groups']: grpDoc = self.model('group').load( grp['id'], force=True, fields=['name']) grp['name'] = grpDoc['name'] return acList
[docs] def setUserAccess(self, doc, user, level, save=False): """ Set user-level access on the resource. :param doc: The resource document to set access on. :type doc: dict :param user: The user to grant or remove access to. :type user: dict :param level: What level of access the user should have. Set to None to remove all access for this user. :type level: AccessType or None :param save: Whether to save the object to the database afterward. Set this to False if you want to wait to save the document for performance reasons. :type save: bool :returns: The modified resource document. """ return self._setAccess(doc, user['_id'], 'users', level, save)
[docs] def hasAccess(self, doc, user=None, level=AccessType.READ): """ This method looks through the object's permission set and determines whether the user has the given permission level on the object. :param doc: The document to check permission on. :type doc: dict :param user: The user to check against. :type user: dict :param level: The access level. :type level: AccessType :returns: Whether the access is granted. """ if user is None: # Short-circuit the case of anonymous users return level == AccessType.READ and doc.get('public', False) is True elif user.get('admin', False) is True: # Short-circuit the case of admins return True else: # Short-circuit the case of public resources if level == AccessType.READ and doc.get('public', False) is True: return True # If all that fails, descend into real permission checking. if 'access' in doc: perms = doc['access'] if self._hasGroupAccess(perms.get('groups', []), user.get('groups', []), level): return True elif self._hasUserAccess(perms.get('users', []), user['_id'], level): return True return False
[docs] def requireAccess(self, doc, user=None, level=AccessType.READ): """ This wrapper just provides a standard way of throwing an access denied exception if the access check fails. """ if not self.hasAccess(doc, user, level): if level == AccessType.READ: perm = 'Read' elif level == AccessType.WRITE: perm = 'Write' else: perm = 'Admin' raise AccessException("%s access denied for %s." % (perm,
[docs] def load(self, id, level=AccessType.ADMIN, user=None, objectId=True, force=False, fields=None, exc=False): """ We override Model.load to also do permission checking. :param id: The id of the resource. :type id: string or ObjectId :param user: The user to check access against. :type user: dict or None :param level: The required access type for the object. :type level: AccessType :param force: If you explicitly want to circumvent access checking on this resource, set this to True. :type force: bool """ doc = Model.load(self, id=id, objectId=objectId, fields=fields, exc=exc) if not force and doc is not None: self.requireAccess(doc, user, level) return doc
[docs] def copyAccessPolicies(self, src, dest, save=False): """ Copies the set of access control policies from one document to another. :param src: The source document to copy policies from. :type src: dict :param dest: The destination document to copy policies onto. :type dest: dict :param save: Whether to save the destination document after copying. :type save: bool :returns: The modified destination document. """ dest['public'] = src.get('public', False) if 'access' in src: dest['access'] = src['access'] if save: dest =, validate=False) return dest
[docs] def filterResultsByPermission(self, cursor, user, level, limit, offset, removeKeys=()): """ Given a database result cursor, this generator will yield only the results that the user has the given level of access on, respecting the limit and offset specified. :param cursor: The database cursor object from "find()". :param user: The user to check policies against. :param level: The access level. :type level: AccessType :param limit: The max size of the result set. :param offset: The offset into the result set. :param removeKeys: List of keys that should be removed from each matching document. :type removeKeys: list """ count = skipped = 0 for result in cursor: if self.hasAccess(result, user=user, level=level): if skipped < offset: skipped += 1 else: for key in removeKeys: del result[key] yield result count += 1 if count == limit: break
[docs] def textSearch(self, query, user=None, filters=None, limit=50, offset=0, sort=None, fields=None): """ Custom override of Model.textSearch to also force permission-based filtering. The parameters are the same as Model.textSearch, except: :param user: The user to apply permission filtering for. """ if not filters: filters = {} cursor = Model.textSearch( self, query=query, filters=filters, limit=0, sort=sort, fields=fields) return [r for r in self.filterResultsByPermission( cursor, user=user, level=AccessType.READ, limit=limit, offset=offset)]
[docs]class AccessException(Exception): """ Represents denial of access to a resource. """ pass
[docs]class ValidationException(Exception): """ Represents validation failure in the model layer. Raise this with a message and an optional field property. If one of these is thrown in the model during a REST request, it will respond as a 400 status. """ def __init__(self, message, field=None): self.field = field Exception.__init__(self, message)