Source code for girder.models.folder

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  Copyright 2013 Kitware Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" );
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import datetime
import json
import os

from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from .model_base import AccessControlledModel, ValidationException
from girder.constants import AccessType

[docs]class Folder(AccessControlledModel): """ Folders are used to store items and can also store other folders in a hierarchical way, like a directory on a filesystem. Every folder has its own set of access control policies, but by default the access control list is inherited from the folder's parent folder, if it has one. Top-level folders are ones whose parent is a user or a collection. """ def initialize(self): = 'folder' self.ensureIndices(['parentId', 'name', 'lowerName']) self.ensureTextIndex({ 'name': 10, 'description': 1 })
[docs] def filter(self, folder, user): """ Filter a folder document for display to the user. """ keys = ['_id', 'name', 'public', 'description', 'created', 'updated', 'size', 'meta', 'parentId', 'parentCollection', 'creatorId', 'baseParentType', 'baseParentId'] filtered = self.filterDocument(folder, allow=keys) filtered['_accessLevel'] = self.getAccessLevel( folder, user) return filtered
def validate(self, doc): doc['name'] = doc['name'].strip() doc['lowerName'] = doc['name'].lower() doc['description'] = doc['description'].strip() if not doc['name']: raise ValidationException('Folder name must not be empty.', 'name') if not doc['parentCollection'] in ('folder', 'user', 'collection'): # Internal error; this shouldn't happen raise Exception('Invalid folder parent type: %s.' % doc['parentCollection']) # Ensure unique name among sibling folders q = { 'parentId': doc['parentId'], 'name': doc['name'], 'parentCollection': doc['parentCollection'] } if '_id' in doc: q['_id'] = {'$ne': doc['_id']} duplicate = self.findOne(q, fields=['_id']) if duplicate is not None: raise ValidationException('A folder with that name already ' 'exists here.', 'name') # Ensure unique name among sibling items q = { 'folderId': doc['parentId'], 'name': doc['name'] } duplicate = self.model('item').findOne(q, fields=['_id']) if duplicate is not None: raise ValidationException('An item with that name already ' 'exists here.', 'name') return doc
[docs] def load(self, id, level=AccessType.ADMIN, user=None, objectId=True, force=False, fields=None, exc=False): """ We override load in order to ensure the folder has certain fields within it, and if not, we add them lazily at read time. :param id: The id of the resource. :type id: string or ObjectId :param user: The user to check access against. :type user: dict or None :param level: The required access type for the object. :type level: AccessType :param force: If you explicitly want to circumvent access checking on this resource, set this to True. :type force: bool """ doc = AccessControlledModel.load( self, id=id, objectId=objectId, level=level, fields=fields, exc=exc, force=force, user=user) if doc is not None and 'baseParentType' not in doc: pathFromRoot = self.parentsToRoot(doc, user=user, force=True) baseParent = pathFromRoot[0] doc['baseParentId'] = baseParent['object']['_id'] doc['baseParentType'] = baseParent['type'] if doc is not None and 'lowerName' not in doc: return doc
[docs] def getSizeRecursive(self, folder): """ Calculate the total size of the folder by recursing into all of its descendent folders. """ size = folder['size'] q = { 'parentId': folder['_id'], 'parentCollection': 'folder' } for child in self.find(q, limit=0): size += self.getSizeRecursive(child) return size
[docs] def setMetadata(self, folder, metadata): """ Set metadata on a folder. A rest exception is thrown in the cases where the metadata json object is badly formed, or if any of the metadata keys contains a period ('.'). :param folder: The folder to set the metadata on. :type folder: dict :param metadata: A dictionary containing key-value pairs to add to the folder's meta field :type metadata: dict :returns: the folder document """ if 'meta' not in folder: folder['meta'] = {} # Add new metadata to existing metadata folder['meta'].update(metadata.items()) # Remove metadata fields that were set to null (use items in py3) toDelete = [k for k, v in folder['meta'].iteritems() if v is None] for key in toDelete: del folder['meta'][key] folder['updated'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Validate and save the item return
def _updateDescendants(self, folderId, updateQuery): """ This helper is used to update all items and folders underneath a folder. This is expensive, so think carefully before using it. :param folderId: The _id of the folder at the root of the subtree. :param updateQuery: The mongo query to apply to all of the children of the folder. :type updateQuery: dict """ self.model('folder').update(query={ 'parentId': folderId, 'parentCollection': 'folder' }, update=updateQuery, multi=True) self.model('item').update(query={ 'folderId': folderId, }, update=updateQuery, multi=True) q = { 'parentId': folderId, 'parentCollection': 'folder' } for child in self.find(q, limit=0, timeout=False): self._updateDescendants( child['_id'], updateQuery) def _isAncestor(self, ancestor, descendant): """ Returns whether folder "ancestor" is an ancestor of folder "descendant", or if they are the same folder. :param ancestor: The folder to test as an ancestor. :type ancestor: folder :param descendant: The folder to test as a descendant. :type descendant: folder """ if ancestor['_id'] == descendant['_id']: return True if descendant['parentCollection'] != 'folder': return False descendant = self.load(descendant['parentId'], force=True) if descendant is None: return False return self._isAncestor(ancestor, descendant)
[docs] def move(self, folder, parent, parentType): """ Move the given folder from its current parent to another parent object. Raises an exception if folder is an ancestor of parent. :param folder: The folder to move. :type folder: dict :param parent: The new parent object. :param parentType: The type of the new parent object (user, collection, or folder). :type parentType: str """ if parentType == 'folder' and self._isAncestor(folder, parent): raise ValidationException( 'You may not move a folder underneath itself.') folder['parentId'] = parent['_id'] folder['parentCollection'] = parentType if parentType == 'folder': rootType, rootId = parent['baseParentType'], parent['baseParentId'] else: rootType, rootId = parentType, parent['_id'] if (folder['baseParentType'], folder['baseParentId']) !=\ (rootType, rootId): def propagateSizeChange(folder, inc): self.model(folder['baseParentType']).increment(query={ '_id': folder['baseParentId'] }, field='size', amount=inc, multi=False) totalSize = self.getSizeRecursive(folder) propagateSizeChange(folder, -totalSize) folder['baseParentType'] = rootType folder['baseParentId'] = rootId propagateSizeChange(folder, totalSize) self._updateDescendants(folder['_id'], { '$set': { 'baseParentType': rootType, 'baseParentId': rootId } }) return
[docs] def remove(self, folder, progress=None, **kwargs): """ Delete a folder recursively. :param folder: The folder document to delete. :type folder: dict :param progress: A progress context to record progress on. :type progress: girder.utility.progress.ProgressContext or None. """ # Delete all child items items = self.model('item').find({ 'folderId': folder['_id'] }, limit=0, timeout=False) for item in items: self.model('item').remove(item, progress=progress, **kwargs) if progress: progress.update(increment=1, message='Deleted item ' + item['name']) items.close() # Delete all child folders folders = self.find({ 'parentId': folder['_id'], 'parentCollection': 'folder' }, limit=0, timeout=False) for subfolder in folders: self.remove(subfolder, progress=progress, **kwargs) folders.close() # Delete pending uploads into this folder uploads = self.model('upload').find({ 'parentId': folder['_id'], 'parentType': 'folder' }, limit=0) for upload in uploads: self.model('upload').remove(upload, progress=progress, **kwargs) uploads.close() # Delete this folder AccessControlledModel.remove(self, folder) if progress: progress.update(increment=1, message='Deleted folder ' + folder['name'])
[docs] def childItems(self, folder, limit=50, offset=0, sort=None, filters=None, **kwargs): """ Generator function that yields child items in a folder. Passes any kwargs to the find function. :param folder: The parent folder. :param limit: Result limit. :param offset: Result offset. :param sort: The sort structure to pass to pymongo. :param filters: Additional query operators. """ if not filters: filters = {} q = { 'folderId': folder['_id'] } q.update(filters) cursor = self.model('item').find( q, limit=limit, offset=offset, sort=sort, **kwargs) for item in cursor: yield item
[docs] def childFolders(self, parent, parentType, user=None, limit=50, offset=0, sort=None, filters=None, **kwargs): """ This generator will yield child folders of a user, collection, or folder, with access policy filtering. Passes any kwargs to the find function. :param parent: The parent object. :type parentType: Type of the parent object. :param parentType: The parent type. :type parentType: 'user', 'folder', or 'collection' :param user: The user running the query. Only returns folders that this user can see. :param limit: Result limit. :param offset: Result offset. :param sort: The sort structure to pass to pymongo. :param filters: Additional query operators. """ if not filters: filters = {} parentType = parentType.lower() if parentType not in ('folder', 'user', 'collection'): raise ValidationException('The parentType must be folder, ' 'collection, or user.') q = { 'parentId': parent['_id'], 'parentCollection': parentType } q.update(filters) # Perform the find; we'll do access-based filtering of the result set # afterward. cursor = self.find(q, limit=0, sort=sort, **kwargs) for r in self.filterResultsByPermission(cursor=cursor, user=user, level=AccessType.READ, limit=limit, offset=offset): yield r
[docs] def createFolder(self, parent, name, description='', parentType='folder', public=None, creator=None): """ Create a new folder under the given parent. :param parent: The parent document. Should be a folder, user, or collection. :type parent: dict :param name: The name of the folder. :type name: str :param description: Description for the folder. :type description: str :param parentType: What type the parent is: ('folder' | 'user' | 'collection') :type parentType: str :param public: Public read access flag. :type public: bool or None to inherit from parent :param creator: User document representing the creator of this folder. :type creator: dict :returns: The folder document that was created. """ assert '_id' in parent assert public is None or type(public) is bool parentType = parentType.lower() if parentType not in ('folder', 'user', 'collection'): raise ValidationException('The parentType must be folder, ' 'collection, or user.') if parentType == 'folder': if 'baseParentId' not in parent: pathFromRoot = self.parentsToRoot( parent, user=creator, force=True) parent['baseParentId'] = pathFromRoot[0]['object']['_id'] parent['baseParentType'] = pathFromRoot[0]['type'] else: parent['baseParentId'] = parent['_id'] parent['baseParentType'] = parentType now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if creator is None: creatorId = None else: creatorId = creator.get('_id', None) folder = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'parentCollection': parentType, 'baseParentId': parent['baseParentId'], 'baseParentType': parent['baseParentType'], 'parentId': ObjectId(parent['_id']), 'creatorId': creatorId, 'created': now, 'updated': now, 'size': 0 } # If this is a subfolder, default permissions are inherited from the # parent folder. Otherwise, the creator is granted admin access. if parentType == 'folder': self.copyAccessPolicies(src=parent, dest=folder) elif creator is not None: self.setUserAccess(folder, user=creator, level=AccessType.ADMIN) # Allow explicit public flag override if it's set. if public is not None and type(public) is bool: self.setPublic(folder, public=public) # Now validate and save the folder. return
[docs] def updateFolder(self, folder): """ Updates a folder. :param folder: The folder document to update :type folder: dict :returns: The folder document that was edited. """ folder['updated'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Validate and save the folder return
[docs] def parentsToRoot(self, folder, curPath=None, user=None, force=False, level=AccessType.READ): """ Get the path to traverse to a root of the hierarchy. :param folder: The folder whose root to find :type folder: dict :returns: an ordered list of dictionaries from root to the current folder """ if not curPath: curPath = [] curParentId = folder['parentId'] curParentType = folder['parentCollection'] if curParentType == 'user' or curParentType == 'collection': curParentObject = self.model(curParentType).load( curParentId, user=user, level=level, force=force) parentFiltered = self.model(curParentType).filter(curParentObject, user) return [{'type': curParentType, 'object': parentFiltered}] + curPath else: curParentObject = self.load( curParentId, user=user, level=level, force=force) curPath = [{'type': curParentType, 'object': self.filter(curParentObject, user)}] + curPath return self.parentsToRoot(curParentObject, curPath, user=user, force=force)
[docs] def subtreeCount(self, folder): """ Return the size of the subtree rooted at the given folder. Includes the root folder in the count. Counts folders and items. This returns the absolute size of the subtree, it does not filter by permissions. :param folder: The root of the subtree. :type folder: dict """ count = 1 items = self.model('item').find({ 'folderId': folder['_id'] }, fields=(), limit=0) count += items.count() items.close() folders = self.find({ 'parentId': folder['_id'], 'parentCollection': 'folder' }, fields=(), limit=0, timeout=False) for subfolder in folders: count += self.subtreeCount(subfolder) folders.close() return count
[docs] def fileList(self, doc, user=None, path='', includeMetadata=False, subpath=True): """ Generate a list of files within this folder. :param doc: the folder to list. :param user: the user used for access. :param path: a path prefix to add to the results. :param includeMetadata: if True and there is any metadata, include a result which is the json string of the metadata. This is given a name of metadata[-(number).json that is distinct from any file within the folder. :param subpath: if True, add the folder's name to the path. """ if subpath: path = os.path.join(path, doc['name']) metadataFile = "girder-folder-metadata.json" for sub in self.childFolders(parentType='folder', parent=doc, user=user, limit=0, timeout=False): if sub['name'] == metadataFile: metadataFile = None for (filepath, file) in self.fileList( sub, user, path, includeMetadata, subpath=True): yield (filepath, file) for item in self.childItems(folder=doc, limit=0, timeout=False): if item['name'] == metadataFile: metadataFile = None for (filepath, file) in self.model('item').fileList( item, user, path, includeMetadata): yield (filepath, file) if includeMetadata and metadataFile and len(doc.get('meta', {})): def stream(): yield json.dumps(doc['meta']) yield (os.path.join(path, metadataFile), stream)