Source code for girder.models.setting

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  Copyright Kitware Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" );
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from ..constants import SettingDefault
from .model_base import Model, ValidationException
from girder.utility import camelcase, plugin_utilities

[docs]class Setting(Model): """ This model represents server-wide configuration settings as key/value pairs. """ def initialize(self): = 'setting' self.ensureIndices(['key'])
[docs] def validate(self, doc): """ This method is in charge of validating that the setting key is a valid key, and that for that key, the provided value is valid. It first allows plugins to validate the setting, but if none of them can, it assumes it is a core setting and does the validation here. """ key = doc['key'] funcName = 'validate'+camelcase(key) if callable(getattr(self, funcName, None)): getattr(self, funcName)(doc) else: raise ValidationException( 'Invalid setting key "{}".'.format(key), 'key') return doc
[docs] def validateCorePluginsEnabled(self, doc): """ Ensures that the set of plugins passed in is a list of valid plugin names. Removes any invalid plugin names, removes duplicates, and adds all transitive dependencies to the enabled list. """ if not type(doc['value']) is list: raise ValidationException( 'Plugins enabled setting must be a list.', 'value') allPlugins = plugin_utilities.findAllPlugins() doc['value'] = set(doc['value']) def addDeps(plugin): for dep in allPlugins[plugin]['dependencies']: if dep not in doc['value']: doc['value'].add(dep) addDeps(dep) for enabled in list(doc['value']): if enabled in allPlugins: addDeps(enabled) else: doc['value'].remove(enabled) doc['value'] = list(doc['value'])
def validateCoreCookieLifetime(self, doc): try: doc['value'] = int(doc['value']) if doc['value'] > 0: return except ValueError: pass # We want to raise the ValidationException raise ValidationException( 'Cookie lifetime must be an integer > 0.', 'value') def validateCoreEmailFromAddress(self, doc): if not doc['value']: raise ValidationException( 'Email from address must not be blank.', 'value') def validateCoreRegistrationPolicy(self, doc): doc['value'] = doc['value'].lower() if doc['value'] not in ('open', 'closed'): raise ValidationException( 'Registration policy must be either "open" or "closed".', 'value') def validateCoreSmtpHost(self, doc): if not doc['value']: raise ValidationException( 'SMTP host must not be blank.', 'value') def validateCoreUploadMinimumChunkSize(self, doc): try: doc['value'] = int(doc['value']) if doc['value'] >= 0: return except ValueError: pass # We want to raise the ValidationException raise ValidationException( 'Upload minimum chunk size must be an integer >= 0.', 'value')
[docs] def get(self, key, default='__default__'): """ Retrieve a setting by its key. :param key: The key identifying the setting. :type key: str :param default: If no such setting exists, returns this value instead. :returns: The value, or the default value if the key is not found. """ setting = self.findOne({'key': key}) if setting is None: if default is '__default__': default = self.getDefault(key) return default else: return setting['value']
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """ Save a setting. If a setting for this key already exists, this will replace the existing value. :param key: The key identifying the setting. :type key: str :param value: The object to store for this setting. :returns: The document representing the saved Setting. """ setting = self.findOne({'key': key}) if setting is None: setting = { 'key': key, 'value': value } else: setting['value'] = value return
[docs] def unset(self, key): """ Remove the setting for this key. If no such setting exists, this is a no-op. :param key: The key identifying the setting to be removed. :type key: str """ for setting in self.find({'key': key}): self.remove(setting)
[docs] def getDefault(self, key): """ Retreive the system default for a value. :param key: The key identifying the setting. :type key: str :returns: The default value if the key is present in both SettingKey and referenced in SettingDefault; otherwise None. """ default = SettingDefault.defaults.get(key, None) return default