Python Client and Girder CLI

In addition to the web clients, Girder comes with a python client library and a CLI to allow for programmatic interaction with a Girder server, and also to workaround limitations of the web client. For example, the python CLI makes it much easier to upload a large, nested hierarchy of data from a local directory to Girder, and also makes it much easier to download a large, nested hierarchy of data from Girder to a local directory.


If you have the source directory of Girder, you can find the girder_client package within the clients/python directory. If you do not have the source directory of Girder, you can install the client via pip:

pip install girder-client

The Command Line Interface

The girder_client package ships with a command-line utility that wraps some of its common functionality to make it easy to invoke operations without having to write any custom python scripts. If you have installed girder_client via pip, you can use the special girder-cli executable:

girder-cli <arguments>

Otherwise you can equivalently just invoke the module directly:

python -m girder_client <arguments>

Specifying the Girder Instance

The default host for the girder_client is localhost. To specify the host with cli usage

python --host

To specify a host using SSL (https)

python --host --scheme https --port 443

Upload a local file hierarchy

The girder_client can upload to an S3 Assetstore when uploading to a Girder server that is version 1.3.0 or later.

The upload command, -c upload, is the default, so the following two forms are equivalent

python -c upload

To upload a folder hierarchy rooted at test_folder to the Girder Folder with id 54b6d41a8926486c0cbca367

python 54b6d41a8926486c0cbca367 test_folder

When using the upload command, the default --parent-type, meaning the type of resource the local folder will be created under in Girder, is Folder, so the following are equivalent

python 54b6d41a8926486c0cbca367 test_folder
python 54b6d41a8926486c0cbca367 test_folder --parent-type folder

To upload that same local folder to a Collection or User, specify the parent type as follows

python 54b6d41a8926486c0cbca459 test_folder --parent-type user

To see what local folders and files on disk would be uploaded without actually uploading anything, add the --dryrun flag

python 54b6d41a8926486c0cbca367 test_folder --dryrun

To have leaf folders (those folders with no subfolders, only containing files) be uploaded to Girder as single Items with multiple Files, i.e. those leaf folders will be created as Items and all files within the leaf folders will be Files within those Items, add the --leaf-folders-as-items flag

python 54b6d41a8926486c0cbca367 test_folder --leaf-folders-as-items

If you already have an existing Folder hierarchy in Girder which you have a superset of on your local disk (e.g. you previously uploaded a hierarchy to Girder and then added more folders and files to the hierarchy on disk), you can reuse the existing hierarchy in Girder, which will not create new Folders and Items for those that match folders and files on disk, by using the --reuse flag.

python 54b6d41a8926486c0cbca367 test_folder --reuse

To include a blacklist of filepatterns that will not be uploaded, pass a comma separated list to the --blacklist arg

python 54b6d41a8926486c0cbca367 test_folder --blacklist .DS_Store

Download a Folder hierarchy into a local folder

To download a Girder Folder hierarchy rooted at Folder id 54b6d40b8926486c0cbca364 under the local folder download_folder

python -c download 54b6d40b8926486c0cbca364 download_folder

Downloading is only supported from a parent type of Folder.

The Python Client Library

For those wishing to write their own python scripts that interact with Girder, we recommend using the Girder python client library, documented below.

Recursively inherit access control to a Folder’s descendants

This will take the access control and public value in the Girder Folder with id 54b43e9b8926486c0c06cb4f and copy those to all of the descendant Folders

import girder_client
gc = girder_client.GirderClient()
gc.authenticate('username', 'password')

Set callbacks for Folder and Item uploads

If you have a function you would like called upon the completion of an Item or Folder upload, you would do the following.

N.B. The Item callbacks are called after the Item is created and all Files are uploaded to the Item. The Folder callbacks are called after the Folder is created and all child Folders and Items are uploaded to the Folder.

import girder_client
gc = girder_client.GirderClient()

def folder_callback(folder, filepath):
    # assume we have a folder_metadata dict that has
    # filepath: metadata_dict_for_folder
    gc.addMetadataToFolder(folder['_id'], folder_metadata[filepath])

def item_callback(item, filepath):
    # assume we have an item_metadata dict that has
    # filepath: metadata_dict_for_item
    gc.addMetadataToItem(item['_id'], item_metadata[filepath])

gc.authenticate('username', 'password')
gc.upload(local_folder, parent_id)

Further Examples and Function Level Documentation