Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  Copyright 2013 Kitware Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" );
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#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import datetime

from .model_base import AccessControlledModel, ValidationException
from girder import events
from girder.constants import AccessType, CoreEventHandler

[docs]class Group(AccessControlledModel): """ Groups are simply groups of users. The primary use of grouping users is to simplify access control for resources in the system, but they can be used for other purposes that require groupings of users as well. Group membership is stored in the database on the user document only; there is no "users" field in this model. This is to optimize for the most common use case for querying membership, which involves checking access control policies, which is always done relative to a specific user. The task of querying all members within a group is much less common and typically only performed on a single group at a time, so doing a find on the indexed group list in the user collection is sufficiently fast. Users with READ access on the group can see the group and its members. Users with WRITE access on the group can add and remove members and change the name or description. Users with ADMIN access can promote group members to grant them WRITE or ADMIN access, and can also delete the entire group. This model uses a custom implementation of the access control methods, because it uses only a subset of its capabilities and provides a more optimized implementation for that subset. Specifically: read access is implied by membership in the group or having an invitation to join the group, so we don't store read access in the access document as normal. Another constraint is that write and admin access on the group can only be granted to members of the group. Also, group permissions are not allowed on groups for the sake of simplicity. """ def initialize(self): = 'group' self.ensureIndices(['lowerName']) self.ensureTextIndex({ 'name': 10, 'description': 1 }) self.exposeFields(level=AccessType.READ, fields=( '_id', 'name', 'public', 'description', 'created', 'updated', 'addAllowed', '_addToGroupPolicy')) events.bind('', CoreEventHandler.GROUP_CREATOR_ACCESS, self._grantCreatorAccess)
[docs] def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Preserved override for kwarg backwards compatibility. Prior to the refactor for centralizing model filtering, this method's first formal parameter was called "group", whereas the centralized version's first parameter is called "doc". This override simply detects someone using the old kwarg and converts it to the new form. The old method for this model took two boolean kwargs, ``accessList`` and ``requests``. These options are now deprecated, but are still supported for backward compatibility. """ if 'group' in kwargs: args = [kwargs.pop('group')] + list(args) acl = kwargs.pop('accessList') if 'accessList' in kwargs else False reqs = kwargs.pop('requests') if 'requests' in kwargs else False group = super(Group, self).filter(*args, **kwargs) if acl and 'access' not in group: group['access'] = self.getFullAccessList(args[0]) if reqs and 'requests' not in group: group['requests'] = list(self.getFullRequestList(args[0])) return group
def validate(self, doc): doc['name'] = doc['name'].strip() doc['lowerName'] = doc['name'].lower() doc['description'] = doc['description'].strip() if not doc['name']: raise ValidationException('Group name must not be empty.', 'name') q = { 'lowerName': doc['lowerName'], } if '_id' in doc: q['_id'] = {'$ne': doc['_id']} duplicate = self.findOne(q, fields=['_id']) if duplicate is not None: raise ValidationException('A group with that name already exists.', field='name') return doc
[docs] def listMembers(self, group, offset=0, limit=0, sort=None): """ List members of the group. """ return self.model('user').find({ 'groups': group['_id'] }, limit=limit, offset=offset, sort=sort)
[docs] def remove(self, group, **kwargs): """ Delete a group, and all references to it in the database. :param group: The group document to delete. :type group: dict """ # Remove references to this group from user group membership lists self.model('user').update({ 'groups': group['_id'] }, { '$pull': {'groups': group['_id']} }) # Finally, delete the document itself AccessControlledModel.remove(self, group)
[docs] def getMembers(self, group, offset=0, limit=0, sort=None): """ Return the list of all users who belong to this group. :param group: The group to list members on. :param offset: Offset into the result set of users. :param limit: Result set size limit. :param sort: Sort parameter for the find query. :returns: List of user documents. """ return self.model('user').find( {'groups': group['_id']}, offset=offset, limit=limit, sort=sort)
[docs] def addUser(self, group, user, level=AccessType.READ): """ Add the user to the group. Records membership in the group in the user document, and also grants the specified access level on the group itself to the user. Any group member has at least read access on the group. If the user already belongs to the group, this method can be used to change their access level within it. """ if 'groups' not in user: user['groups'] = [] if not group['_id'] in user['groups']: user['groups'].append(group['_id']) # saved again in setUserAccess... self.model('user').save(user, validate=False) # Delete outstanding request if one exists self._deleteRequest(group, user) self.setUserAccess(group, user, level, save=True) return group
def _deleteRequest(self, group, user): """ Helper method to delete a request for the given user. """ if user['_id'] in group.get('requests', []): group['requests'].remove(user['_id']), validate=False)
[docs] def joinGroup(self, group, user): """ This method either accepts an invitation to join a group, or if the given user has not been invited to the group, this will create an invitation request that moderators and admins may grant or deny later. """ if 'groupInvites' not in user: user['groupInvites'] = [] for invite in user['groupInvites']: if invite['groupId'] == group['_id']: self.addUser(group, user, level=invite['level']) user['groupInvites'].remove(invite) self.model('user').save(user, validate=False) break else: if 'requests' not in group: group['requests'] = [] if not user['_id'] in group['requests']: group['requests'].append(user['_id']), validate=False) return group
[docs] def inviteUser(self, group, user, level=AccessType.READ): """ Invite a user to join the group. Inviting them automatically grants the user read access to the group so that they can see it. Once they accept the invitation, they will be given the specified level of access. If the user has requested an invitation to this group, calling this will accept their request and add them to the group at the access level specified. """ if group['_id'] in user.get('groups', []): raise ValidationException('User is already in this group.') # If there is an outstanding request to join from this user, we # just add them to the group instead of invite them. if user['_id'] in group.get('requests', []): return self.addUser(group, user, level) if 'groupInvites' not in user: user['groupInvites'] = [] for invite in user['groupInvites']: if invite['groupId'] == group['_id']: invite['level'] = level break else: user['groupInvites'].append({ 'groupId': group['_id'], 'level': level }) return self.model('user').save(user, validate=False)
[docs] def getInvites(self, group, limit=0, offset=0, sort=None): """ Return a page of outstanding invitations to a group. This is simply a list of users invited to the group currently. :param group: The group to find invitations for. :param limit: Result set size limit. :param offset: Offset into the results. :param sort: The sort field. """ return self.model('user').find( {'groupInvites.groupId': group['_id']}, limit=limit, offset=offset, sort=sort)
[docs] def removeUser(self, group, user): """ Remove the user from the group. If the user is not in the group but has an outstanding invitation to the group, the invitation will be revoked. If the user has requested an invitation, calling this will deny that request, thereby deleting it. """ # Remove group membership for this user. if 'groups' in user and group['_id'] in user['groups']: user['groups'].remove(group['_id']) # Remove outstanding requests from this user self._deleteRequest(group, user) # Remove any outstanding invitations for this group user['groupInvites'] = list(filter( lambda inv: not inv['groupId'] == group['_id'], user.get('groupInvites', []))) self.model('user').save(user, validate=False) # Remove all group access for this user on this group. self.setUserAccess(group, user, level=None, save=True) return group
[docs] def createGroup(self, name, creator, description='', public=True): """ Create a new group. The creator will be given admin access to it. :param name: The name of the folder. :type name: str :param description: Description for the folder. :type description: str :param public: Whether the group is publicly visible. :type public: bool :param creator: User document representing the creator of the group. :type creator: dict :returns: The group document that was created. """ assert isinstance(public, bool) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() group = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'creatorId': creator['_id'], 'created': now, 'updated': now, 'requests': [] } self.setPublic(group, public, save=False) return
def _grantCreatorAccess(self, event): """ This callback makes the group creator an administrator member of the group. This generally should not be called or overridden directly, but it may be unregistered from the `` event. """ group = creator = self.model('user').load(group['creatorId'], force=True, exc=True) self.addUser(group, creator, level=AccessType.ADMIN)
[docs] def updateGroup(self, group): """ Updates a group. :param group: The group document to update :type group: dict :returns: The group document that was edited. """ group['updated'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Validate and save the group return
[docs] def getFullRequestList(self, group): """ Return the set of all outstanding requests, filled in with the login and full names of the corresponding users. :param group: The group to get requests for. :type group: dict """ for userId in group.get('requests', []): user = self.model('user').load( userId, force=True, fields=['firstName', 'lastName', 'login']) yield { 'id': userId, 'login': user['login'], 'name': '%s %s' % (user['firstName'], user['lastName']) }
[docs] def hasAccess(self, doc, user=None, level=AccessType.READ): """ This overrides the default AccessControlledModel behavior for checking access to perform an optimized subset of the access control behavior. :param doc: The group to check permission on. :type doc: dict :param user: The user to check against. :type user: dict :param level: The access level. :type level: AccessType :returns: Whether the access is granted. """ if user is None: # Short-circuit the case of anonymous users return level == AccessType.READ and doc.get('public', False) is True elif user.get('admin', False) is True: # Short-circuit the case of admins return True elif level == AccessType.READ: # For read access, just check user document for membership or public return doc.get('public', False) is True or\ doc['_id'] in user.get('groups', []) or\ doc['_id'] in [i['groupId'] for i in user.get('groupInvites', [])] else: # Check the actual permissions document for >=WRITE access return self._hasUserAccess(doc.get('access', {}).get('users', []), user['_id'], level)
[docs] def getAccessLevel(self, doc, user): """ Return the maximum access level for a given user on the group. :param doc: The group to check access on. :param user: The user to get the access level for. :returns: The max AccessType available for the user on the object. """ if user is None: if doc.get('public', False): return AccessType.READ else: return AccessType.NONE elif user.get('admin', False): return AccessType.ADMIN else: access = doc.get('access', {}) level = AccessType.NONE if doc['_id'] in user.get('groups', []): level = AccessType.READ elif doc['_id'] in [i['groupId'] for i in user.get('groupInvites', [])]: return AccessType.READ for userAccess in access.get('users', []): if userAccess['id'] == user['_id']: level = max(level, userAccess['level']) if level == AccessType.ADMIN: return level return level
def setAccessList(self, doc, access, save=False): raise Exception('Not implemented.') # pragma: no cover def setGroupAccess(self, doc, group, level, save=False): raise Exception('Not implemented.') # pragma: no cover def copyAccessPolicies(self, src, dest, save=False): raise Exception('Not implemented.') # pragma: no cover
[docs] def setUserAccess(self, doc, user, level, save=False): """ This override is used because we only need to augment the access field in the case of WRITE access and above since READ access is implied by membership or invitation. """ # save parameter not used? if level is not None and level > AccessType.READ: doc = AccessControlledModel.setUserAccess( self, doc, user, level, save=True) else: doc = AccessControlledModel.setUserAccess( self, doc, user, level=None, save=True) return doc