Source code for girder.api.describe

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  Copyright Kitware Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" );
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import os
import six

from girder import constants
from girder.constants import TerminalColor
from girder.utility import config
from girder.utility.webroot import WebrootBase
from . import docs, access
from .rest import Resource, getApiUrl, getUrlParts

Whenever we add new return values or new options we should increment the
maintenance value. Whenever we add new endpoints, we should increment the minor
version. If we break backward compatibility in any way, we should increment the
major version.  This value is derived from the version number given in
the top level package.json.
API_VERSION = constants.VERSION['apiVersion']


[docs]class Description(object): """ This class provides convenient chainable semantics to allow api route handlers to describe themselves to the documentation. A route handler function can apply the :py:class:`girder.api.describe.describeRoute` decorator to itself (called with an instance of this class) in order to describe itself. """ # Data Type map from common name or type to (type, format) # See Data Type spec: # # 0122c22e7fb93b571740dd3c6e141c65563a18be/versions/ _dataTypeMap = { # Primitives 'integer': ('integer', 'int32'), 'long': ('integer', 'int64'), 'number': ('number', None), 'float': ('number', 'float'), 'double': ('number', 'double'), 'string': ('string', None), 'byte': ('string', 'byte'), 'binary': ('string', 'binary'), 'boolean': ('boolean', None), 'date': ('string', 'date'), 'dateTime': ('string', 'date-time'), 'password': ('string', 'password'), 'file': ('file', None) } def __init__(self, summary): self._summary = summary self._params = [] self._responses = {} self._consumes = [] self._responseClass = None self._responseClassArray = False self._notes = None
[docs] def asDict(self): """ Returns this description object as an appropriately formatted dict """ # Responses Object spec: # The Responses Object MUST contain at least one response code, and it # SHOULD be the response for a successful operation call. if '200' not in self._responses: self._responses['200'] = { 'description': 'Success' } if self._responseClass is not None: schema = { '$ref': '#/definitions/%s' % self._responseClass } if self._responseClassArray: schema = { 'type': 'array', 'items': schema } self._responses['200']['schema'] = schema resp = { 'summary': self._summary, 'responses': self._responses } if self._params: resp['parameters'] = self._params if self._notes is not None: resp['description'] = self._notes if self._consumes: resp['consumes'] = self._consumes return resp
def responseClass(self, obj, array=False): self._responseClass = obj self._responseClassArray = array return self
[docs] def param(self, name, description, paramType='query', dataType='string', required=True, enum=None, default=None): """ This helper will build a parameter declaration for you. It has the most common options as defaults, so you won't have to repeat yourself as much when declaring the APIs. Note that we could expose more parameters from the Parameter Object spec, for example: format, allowEmptyValue, minimum, maximum, pattern, uniqueItems. :param name: name of the parameter used in the REST query. :param description: explanation of the parameter. :param paramType: how is the parameter sent. One of 'query', 'path', 'body', 'header', or 'formData'. :param dataType: the data type expected in the parameter. This is one of 'integer', 'long', 'float', 'double', 'string', 'byte', 'binary', 'boolean', 'date', 'dateTime', 'password', or 'file'. :param required: True if the request will fail if this parameter is not present, False if the parameter is optional. :param enum: a fixed list of possible values for the field. """ # Legacy data type conversions if dataType == 'int': dataType = 'integer' elif dataType == 'File': print(TerminalColor.warning( "WARNING: dataType 'File' should be updated to 'file'")) dataType = 'file' # Get type and format from common name dataTypeFormat = None if dataType in self._dataTypeMap: (dataType, dataTypeFormat) = self._dataTypeMap[dataType] # If we are dealing with the body then the dataType might be defined # by a schema added using addModel(...), we don't know for sure as we # don't know the resource name here to look it up. elif paramType != 'body': print(TerminalColor.warning( "WARNING: Invalid dataType '%s' specified for parameter " "named '%s'" % (dataType, name))) # Parameter Object spec: # Since the parameter is not located at the request body, it is limited # to simple types (that is, not an object). if paramType != 'body': if dataType not in ('string', 'number', 'integer', 'boolean', 'array', 'file'): print(TerminalColor.warning( "WARNING: Invalid dataType '%s' specified for parameter " "named '%s'" % (dataType, name))) if paramType == 'form': print(TerminalColor.warning( "WARNING: paramType 'form' should be updated to 'formData'")) paramType = 'formData' # Parameter Object spec: # If type is "file", then consumes MUST be either # "multipart/form-data", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or both # and the parameter MUST be in "formData". if dataType == 'file': if paramType != 'formData': print(TerminalColor.warning( "WARNING: Invalid paramType '%s' specified for dataType " "'file' in parameter named '%s'" % (paramType, name))) paramType = 'formData' param = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'in': paramType, 'required': required } if paramType == 'body': param['schema'] = { '$ref': '#/definitions/%s' % dataType } else: param['type'] = dataType if dataTypeFormat is not None: param['format'] = dataTypeFormat if enum: param['enum'] = enum if default is not None: param['default'] = default self._params.append(param) return self
[docs] def pagingParams(self, defaultSort, defaultSortDir=1, defaultLimit=50): """ Adds the limit, offset, sort, and sortdir parameter documentation to this route handler. :param defaultSort: The default field used to sort the result set. :type defaultSort: str :param defaultSortDir: Sort order: -1 or 1 (desc or asc) :type defaultSortDir: int :param defaultLimit: The default page size. :type defaultLimit: int """ self.param('limit', 'Result set size limit.', default=defaultLimit, required=False, dataType='int') self.param('offset', 'Offset into result set.', default=0, required=False, dataType='int') if defaultSort is not None: self.param('sort', 'Field to sort the result set by.', default=defaultSort, required=False) self.param( 'sortdir', 'Sort order: 1 for ascending, -1 for descending.', required=False, dataType='int', enum=(1, -1), default=defaultSortDir) return self
def consumes(self, value): self._consumes.append(value) return self def notes(self, notes): self._notes = notes return self
[docs] def errorResponse(self, reason='A parameter was invalid.', code=400): """ This helper will build an errorResponse declaration for you. Many endpoints will be able to use the default parameter values for one of their responses. :param reason: The reason or list of reasons why the error occurred. :type reason: str, list, or tuple :param code: HTTP status code. :type code: int """ code = str(code) # Combine list of reasons into a single string. # swagger-ui renders the description using Markdown. if not isinstance(reason, six.string_types): reason = '\n\n'.join(reason) if code in self._responses: self._responses[code]['description'] += '\n\n' + reason else: self._responses[code] = { 'description': reason } return self
[docs]class ApiDocs(WebrootBase): """ This serves up the Swagger page. """ def __init__(self, templatePath=None): if not templatePath: templatePath = os.path.join(constants.PACKAGE_DIR, 'api', 'api_docs.mako') super(ApiDocs, self).__init__(templatePath) curConfig = config.getConfig() mode = curConfig['server'].get('mode', '') self.vars = { 'apiRoot': '', 'staticRoot': '', 'title': 'Girder - REST API Documentation', 'mode': mode }
class Describe(Resource): def __init__(self): super(Describe, self).__init__() self.route('GET', (), self.listResources, nodoc=True) @access.public def listResources(self, params): # Paths Object paths = {} # Definitions Object definitions = dict(**docs.models[None]) # List of Tag Objects tags = [] for resource in sorted(six.viewkeys(docs.routes)): # Update Definitions Object if resource in docs.models: for name, model in six.viewitems(docs.models[resource]): definitions[name] = model # Tag Object tags.append({ 'name': resource }) for route, methods in six.viewitems(docs.routes[resource]): # Path Item Object pathItem = {} for method, operation in six.viewitems(methods): # Operation Object pathItem[method.lower()] = operation paths[route] = pathItem apiUrl = getApiUrl() urlParts = getUrlParts(apiUrl) host = urlParts.netloc basePath = urlParts.path return { 'swagger': SWAGGER_VERSION, 'info': { 'title': 'Girder REST API', 'version': API_VERSION }, 'host': host, 'basePath': basePath, 'tags': tags, 'paths': paths, 'definitions': definitions } class describeRoute(object): # noqa: class name def __init__(self, description): """ This returns a decorator to set the API documentation on a route handler. Pass the Description object (or None) that you want to use to describe this route. It should be used like the following example: @describeRoute( Description('Do something') .param('foo', 'Some parameter', ...) ) def routeHandler(...) :param description: The description for the route. :type description: :py:class:`girder.api.describe.Description` or None """ self.description = description def __call__(self, fun): fun.description = self.description return fun