Source code for girder.models.notification

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import time

from .model_base import Model

[docs]class ProgressState: """ Enum of possible progress states for progress records. """ QUEUED = 'queued' ACTIVE = 'active' SUCCESS = 'success' ERROR = 'error' @classmethod def isComplete(cls, state): return state == cls.SUCCESS or state == cls.ERROR
[docs]class Notification(Model): """ This model is used to represent a notification that should be streamed to a specific user in some way. Each notification contains a type field indicating what kind of notification it is, a userId field indicating which user the notification should be sent to, a data field representing the payload of the notification, a time field indicating the time at which the event happened, and an optional expires field indicating at what time the notification should be deleted from the database. """
[docs] def initialize(self): = 'notification' self.ensureIndices(('userId', 'time', 'updated', 'tokenId')) self.ensureIndex(('expires', {'expireAfterSeconds': 0}))
[docs] def validate(self, doc): return doc
[docs] def createNotification(self, type, data, user, expires=None, token=None): """ Create a generic notification. :param type: The notification type. :type type: str :param data: The notification payload. :param user: User to send the notification to. :type user: dict :param expires: Expiration date (for transient notifications). :type expires: datetime.datetime :param token: Set this if the notification should correspond to a token instead of a user. :type token: dict """ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() currentTime = time.time() doc = { 'type': type, 'data': data, 'time': now, 'updated': now, 'startTime': currentTime, 'updatedTime': currentTime } if user: doc['userId'] = user['_id'] elif token: doc['tokenId'] = token['_id'] if expires is not None: doc['expires'] = expires return
[docs] def initProgress(self, user, title, total=0, state=ProgressState.ACTIVE, current=0, message='', token=None, estimateTime=True, resource=None, resourceName=None): """ Create a "progress" type notification that can be updated anytime there is progress on some task. Progress records that are not updated for more than one hour will be deleted. The "time" field of a progress record indicates the time the task was started. :param user: the user associated with this notification. If this is None, a session token must be specified. :param title: The title of the task. This should not change over the course of the task. (e.g. 'Deleting folder "foo"') :type title: str :param total: Some numeric value representing the total task length. By convention, setting this <= 0 means progress on this task is indeterminate. :type total: int, long, or float :param state: Represents the state of the underlying task execution. :type state: ProgressState enum value. :param current: Some numeric value representing the current progress of the task (relative to total). :type current: int, long, or float :param message: Message corresponding to the current state of the task. :type message: str :param token: if the user is None, associate this notification with the specified session token. :param estimateTime: if True, generate an estimate of the total time the task will take, if possible. If False, never generate a time estimate. :param resource: a partial or complete resource that the notification is associated with. This must at a minimum include the id of the resource. :param resourceName: the type of resource the notification is associated with. """ data = { 'title': title, 'total': total, 'current': current, 'state': state, 'message': message, 'estimateTime': estimateTime, 'resource': resource, 'resourceName': resourceName } expires = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) return self.createNotification('progress', data, user, expires, token=token)
[docs] def updateProgress(self, record, save=True, **kwargs): """ Update an existing progress record. :param record: The existing progress record to update. :type record: dict :param total: Some numeric value representing the total task length. By convention, setting this <= 0 means progress on this task is indeterminate. Generally this shouldn't change except in cases where progress on a task switches between indeterminate and determinate state. :type total: int, long, or float :param state: Represents the state of the underlying task execution. :type state: ProgressState enum value. :param current: Some numeric value representing the current progress of the task (relative to total). :type current: int, long, or float :param increment: Amount to increment the progress by. Don't pass both current and increment together, as that behavior is undefined. :type increment: int, long, or float :param message: Message corresponding to the current state of the task. :type message: str :param expires: Set a custom (UTC) expiration time on the record. Default is one hour from the current time. :type expires: datetime :param save: Whether to save the record to the database. :type save: bool """ if 'increment' in kwargs: record['data']['current'] += kwargs['increment'] for field, value in kwargs.items(): if field in ('total', 'current', 'state', 'message'): record['data'][field] = value now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if 'expires' in kwargs: expires = kwargs['expires'] else: expires = now + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) record['updated'] = now record['expires'] = expires record['updatedTime'] = time.time() if save: # Only update the time estimate if we are also saving if (record['updatedTime'] > record['startTime'] and record['data']['estimateTime']): if 'estimatedTotalTime' in record: del record['estimatedTotalTime'] try: total = float(record['data']['total']) current = float(record['data']['current']) if total >= current and total > 0 and current > 0: record['estimatedTotalTime'] = \ total * (record['updatedTime'] - record['startTime']) / current except ValueError: pass return else: return record
[docs] def get(self, user, since=None, token=None, sort=None): """ Get outstanding notifications for the given user. :param user: The user requesting updates. None to use the token instead. :param since: Limit results to entities that have been updated since a certain timestamp. :type since: datetime :param token: if the user is None, the token requesting updated. :param sort: Sort field for the database query. """ q = {} if user: q['userId'] = user['_id'] else: q['tokenId'] = token['_id'] if since is not None: q['updated'] = {'$gt': since} return self.find(q, sort=sort)