import datetime
from girder.constants import AccessType, TokenScope
from girder.exceptions import AccessException
from girder.settings import SettingKey
from girder.utility import genToken
from .model_base import AccessControlledModel
[docs]class Token(AccessControlledModel):
This model stores session tokens for user authentication.
[docs] def initialize(self): = 'token'
self.ensureIndex(('expires', {'expireAfterSeconds': 0}))
[docs] def validate(self, doc):
# Remove any duplicate scopes
doc['scope'] = list(set(doc['scope']))
return doc
[docs] def createToken(self, user=None, days=None, scope=None, apiKey=None):
Creates a new token. You can create an anonymous token
(such as for CSRF mitigation) by passing "None" for the user argument.
:param user: The user to create the session for.
:type user: dict
:param days: The lifespan of the session in days. If not passed, uses
the database setting for cookie lifetime.
:type days: float or int
:param scope: Scope or list of scopes this token applies to. By default,
will create a user authentication token.
:type scope: str or list of str
:param apiKey: If this token is being created via an API key, pass it
so that we can record the provenance for cleanup and auditing.
:type apiKey: dict
:returns: The token document that was created.
from .setting import Setting
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
days = days or Setting().get(SettingKey.COOKIE_LIFETIME)
if scope is None:
scope = (TokenScope.USER_AUTH,)
elif isinstance(scope, str):
scope = (scope,)
token = {
'_id': genToken(),
'created': now,
'expires': now + datetime.timedelta(days=float(days)),
'scope': scope
if user is None:
# Since these tokens don't correspond to a user, we want to be
# able to load them by their value without passing a user or
# force=True, so we set it to public access. This is OK since tokens
# are not exposed externally for listing, and the _id is the secure
# token value.
self.setPublic(token, True, save=False)
token['userId'] = user['_id']
self.setUserAccess(token, user=user, level=AccessType.ADMIN,
if apiKey is not None:
token['apiKeyId'] = apiKey['_id']
[docs] def addScope(self, token, scope):
Add a scope to this token. If the token already has the scope, this is
a no-op.
if 'scope' not in token:
token['scope'] = []
if scope not in token['scope']:
token =
return token
[docs] def getAllowedScopes(self, token):
Return the list of allowed scopes for a given token.
return token.get('scope', (TokenScope.USER_AUTH,))
[docs] def hasScope(self, token, scope):
Test whether the given token has the given set of scopes. Use this
rather than comparing manually, since this method is backward
compatible with tokens that do not contain a scope field.
:param token: The token object.
:type token: dict
:param scope: A scope or set of scopes that will be tested as a subset
of the given token's allowed scopes.
:type scope: str or list of str
if token is None:
return False
if scope is None:
return True
if isinstance(scope, str):
scope = (scope,)
return set(scope).issubset(set(self.getAllowedScopes(token)))
[docs] def requireScope(self, token, scope):
Raise an error if given set of scopes are not included.
:param token: The token object.
:type token: dict
:param scope: A scope or set of scopes that will be tested as a subset
of the given token's allowed scopes.
:type scope: str or list of str
if not self.hasScope(token, scope):
raise AccessException('Invalid token scope, required: %s.' % (scope))
[docs] def clearForApiKey(self, apiKey):
Delete all tokens corresponding to an API key.
for token in self.find({'apiKeyId': apiKey['_id']}):